‘Faith’ is the key, for it is only through Faith that we grow and evolve. Faith, that no matter what transpires you are never alone. Faith, that no matter what others may say or do your perceptions of [Providence] are right for you. Faith, that no matter how great the obstacles Natural Law is absolute. Faith, that no matter how electric or tranquil or grim the air may be… all will unfold as it should.
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[From The Book of Pages]
The Faith Paradigm
The notion of ‘Faith’ is nearly universal; in fact, I know not of a single spiritual or philosophical discipline which has not, at least to a nominal degree, given thought to it. Those thoughts cross the spectrum from reverence, to ridicule, to everything in between.
But really… what is Faith?
That is difficult to answer, due to cultural perceptions. Based on our upbringings, we oft filter spiritual tenets through the colanders of our own pre-established beliefs; while this is understandable it is also unfortunate, because once we are able to step away from those limiting conceptions? An incredible world of possibilities opens up for us.
As for my part, Faith is a primary cornerstone of Temporal existence (more on that below); in fact, I think it is written into our very fabric of existence, a vital and necessary component for one to survive and thrive. Throughout our history, the evidence - that it is only by Faith that we are able to evolve, both as individuals and as collectives - is glaringly clear.
This, of course, begs a bigger question: “Faith in what?”
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A majority of individuals would respond to that with, “Faith in [insert personal beliefs here], of course!” and that assertion would be 100% correct… for the person responding. This article, however, is a more universal - more nuanced - exploration of Faith, so bear with me while we take a different tract.
In that vein, let us review what Merriam-Webster’s has regarding Faith, in the context by which we are discussing it here…
faith [ˈfāt͟h]
*as in confidence: firm belief in the integrity, ability, effectiveness, or genuineness of someone or something
“Someone or something”…
This can easily be translated into “Faith in ‘anyone or anything,’” which is the key to the vitality of it. Indeed, the ‘who’ or ‘what’ is of secondary importance: Providence (however you may view It), spiritual and mystical practices, scientific theorems… literally, any-thing. Any-one.
So, to revisit the question, “Faith in what?” For me, the answer is simple.
Faith in… Faith.
Trust Yourself
On the surface I know that statement resembles - at best - circular logic (or, at worst, manufactured profundity), but that is not at all the intent. As mentioned above, each individual is going to translate the concept of Faith through their own understandings; the only constant across all of those, of course, is ‘Faith’ itself.
As such, if your belief system demands that you have Faith in a Divine figure, that you cannot exist without Their benevolence and worshiping Them is the only way to achieve salvation and redemption - who can say that it is ‘false?’ As such, adhere to that Faith with all of your being, for as long as mind and Koa (soul) compel you to do so.
If your practice encourages you to trust that the energies found in stones and metals and crystals can affect your efforts for health and healing, then trust them; we have no real understanding of how energy works, nor if those found in natural objects can facilitate legitimate changes. So, as long as it works for you? Embrace it, to the degree that your essence moves you.
If you believe that arranging your furniture a certain way will cause the flow of energy to create harmony in your space, or that through reading texts ancient to modern you connect with Providence, or that ‘knocking on wood’ negates ‘tempting fate’ It is not my business to judge that in which you put your Faith; if you remain faithful to it, and it works for you… you do you.
“But Stone, I am an Atheist - all this ‘Faith’ nonsense has nothing to do with me!”
Oh really? How about we pursue that for a moment…
One of the great mysteries of medical ‘science’ is the inexplicable power of the placebo effect…
Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. The idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing — the so-called placebo effect — and thus stimulate healing has been around for millennia. Now science has found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.
That quote did not come from a New Age site, either - that came directly from Harvard Medical School, not exactly a bastion of esoteric / metaphysical thought. In fact, one could say they are quite ‘Atheistic’ in their approach to such matters.
These are STILL ‘modern’ scientists we are taking about, however, which means they must make every effort to drain the ‘mystery’ out of… well, everything. Even though they have been wrong in their assertions time after time and again, they still cannot accept that some things are simply not yet absolutely explainable.
As such they continue to explain, and with absolutist authority. And they keep getting things wrong.
So let us strip this down to its base elements. An individual takes a medicine which has no real ‘medicine’ in it, yet their conditions improve exactly as the medicine was designed to improve them. The individual had ‘Faith’ that said-medicine was going to make them better, and it did… despite the complete absence of actual ‘medicine.’
It does not matter if those improvements were due to the brain healing the body through a physiological effect, or a shift in the subject’s energy-field causing positive results, or if the sheer power-of-will made the person better on the quantum level… it just worked. And that process started with - wait for it - Faith.
Faith in Providence or faith in self… faith in prayer or meditation, in biology or medicine; it doesn’t really matter which, it is still ‘Faith.’ And even if the person benefitting from said-Faith fails to recognize it as such? It is still - again - Faith.
Even for an Atheist.
Rediscovering What Has Been Veiled
We have all heard stories of ‘miraculous’ occurrences. Unexplainable healings of untreatable diseases, impossible feats-of-strength when a loved-one is in peril, unthinkable accomplishments by those who should never be able to perform them. We - especially our ‘I-must-know-it-all’ scientists - attempt to rationalize them away, with theorems ranging from plausible to absurd.
If not for their insufferable arrogances, one could almost pity those scientists. After all, most of them are victims of the same indoctrination to which we have all been subjected - a vile, millennia-old doctrine created to sever us from our natural connections… to Providence and each other, to ourselves and our innate abilities.
Through this covert conditioning we have all been programmed into a slavish mindset… because that is where they want us. There IS a truth which can make us free, however, simple and pure: These ‘miracles’ are not supernatural occurrences - instead, they are natural.
And while the ability to manifest them is currently veiled and suppressed? It still exists - naturally - within each of us, waiting for the moment to be unlocked. And what is the key to that lock?
You guessed it - Faith.
And now you know why I said, “Faith is a primary cornerstone of Temporal existence.” It matters not in what or who you have it as long as you have it, because I strongly believe that without Faith… in something?
We are merely inert shells, wasting away.
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My exploration of ‘Providence’…
-- IMPORTANT FOLLOW-UP: For those who believe that ‘miracles’ only come directly from Providence: Just because a blessing is ‘Natural’ does not mean it is not a blessing bestowed by Providence; as Providence (no matter what name or form It is given) is Itself ‘Natural,’ then it would make sense that Its blessings would also be ‘Natural.’
-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were created by the author, using Substack’s AI Image Generator.
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Lovely exploration of something that everyone has—faith. Atheists often argue that faith is religion. It is not. When they focus their atheism on that false principle they cannot understand that they themselves have faith—albeit in other things. Religions might be based on faith but they are not faith. They are structured doctrines that hope to teach history and practices and traditions to help people cope with life’s mysteries. Faith is indeed natural and it contains hope. Without both—we are as you so aptly describe it—empty vessels.
Last year I was almost a goner. A team of incredibly smart and intelligent medical professionals, doctors and nurses gave me renewed faith that I could breathe again. I had faith that once on the donor list they would find me a set of lungs. On June 3, 2023 I was given a gift so powerful that it renewed my faith in the advancement of medicine. What a joy waking up days later and being able to breathe with no supplemental oxygen. I owe my life to Dr. Lawrence and the faith he gave me when I needed it the most. Great article Stone, let’s have a cup of coffee.