Whenever the opportunity arises, I enjoy tuning you in to potential sources of information, enlightenment, and entertainment. Like you my time is valuable, thus I am picky about how I choose to spend it.
As such, when I discover an individual who meets those criteria and inspires me to invest my time in their efforts? It would be selfish of me to hold back and not share them with you.
Here… is one of those individuals.
Tammy Cuthbert Garcia [TCG] is a multi-talented radio and podcast host. Her daily show, Naturally Inspired Radio (Monday-Thursday, 3:00 PM Mountain Time), is broadcast live on the AM dial and the web [1360 KHNC]. It is also posted on the station’s website, through various podcast hosting-services, and is made available on the Substack page dedicated exclusively to the show.
From the main show-page on the KHNC website…
Naturally Inspired Radio Show Features The Latest In Health News, Articles And Tips For Healthy Living. Promoting Natural Health Solutions And Strategies For A Healthy Lifestyle.
While I tend to focus more on the esoteric elements of living ‘Natural’ here on The Stone Age, TCG primarily provides practical guidance for so doing. Covering everything from the foods and beverages we consume, to genuinely-healthy supplements… from preventative and curative choices outside of the pharma-rot peddled by Globalists, to Authoritarian attacks on medical Liberty? She lays it all out, with acute expertise.
Her program also has one other clear benefit: It is actually enjoyable. Anyone who has taken even a moment to browse Internet audio-casts knows how rare a gift that is these days.
This is indeed a vital element, because no matter how factual or intelligent a presentation may be? If the quality of said-presentation is subpar, you are not going to want to listen to it. Too many shows either have so much polish they come across as formulaic and insincere, OR are such train-wrecks nothing helpful can be gleaned from them.
Neither of these is an issue with TCG.
Naturally Inspired Radio is both engaging and entertaining, professional yet organic. Furthermore, since the content you find there is NOT mainstream propaganda (and thank goodness for that), TCG always triple-sources her information. Due to this diligence you can be confident that what you are hearing is substantive, and thus can be trusted.
There is one other thing which separates TCG from many of the others offering such programming: Genuine positivity. Even though she frequently deals with darker subject matter she chooses to confront it with light, avoiding dour predictions and bombastic declarations.
She instead focuses on positive solutions, giving listeners the tools needed to overcome the challenges we face. This makes her program steps above many of the audio (and, quite frankly, visual) offerings available.
Whether you are an occasional consumer of radio shows and podcasts, or spend hours researching alternative sources of information? I strongly recommend you explore Naturally Inspired Radio, along with all the offerings from its intrepid host.
It is a choice I am confident you will be glad you made.
Note: While this article focuses exclusively on her radio show, as I mentioned above Ms. Cuthbert Garcia has other presentations to consider. They include (but are not limited to) a sharp and insightful X feed AND a personal Substack page, which I also really enjoy.
Directly below is a partial list of the ventures of hers with which I have engaged…
- Main Webpage (Show): https://naturallyinspiredradio.com/
- KHNC page (Show): https://1360khnc.com/naturally-inspired-radio-2
- X / Twitter: https://x.com/TammyCuthbertG
- Gab: https://gab.com/NaturallyInspiredPodcast
And… her personal Substack…
Have fun exploring!
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