Saving Natural Cycles
Congress is pushing to make 'Daylight Saving Time' permanent; why the opposite should occur
Note: A post from last year.
In November of last year I dropped an Instagram reveling in the annual tradition of returning to ‘Standard Time’… and it was the first video ever in which I actually busted a move; no seriously, I busted it - as in broke it - and while my gyrations were never going to fire up an Internet dance-craze, it was a fun way to celebrate something about which I am passionate.
I did not know when I made that video it might be the last chance to do so.
A group of 12 senators have recently introduced a bill which will make Daylight Saving Time [DST] permanent. They provided the usual litany of excuses, from reducing seasonal depression (completely unfounded by reputable researchers) to helping businesses such as ‘golf courses’ (which is - of course - a priority for elites) due to the extra evening hour.
This is all a smoke-screen, however; in fact, we should be eliminating Daylight Saving Time entirely… and many people have no idea why.
The Dangers We Know
My favorite journalist - the always-intrepid Sharyl Attkisson - shared an excerpt from a Medpage Today, which discusses this very assertion.
From the article…
[…] Standard Time is "the biologically correct time," argued Anna Yap, MD, speaking on behalf of the Resident and Fellow Section (RFS) and explaining the section's resolution asking the AMA to support eliminating Daylight Saving Time.
Year-round Standard Time allows for more light in the morning and less light at night. And Standard Time is better suited to humans' circadian rhythm than permanent Daylight Saving Time, explained Jessica Cho, MD, a sleep medicine and internal medicine physician, speaking on her own behalf.
And in case you are unfamiliar with the phrase ‘circadian rhythm?’ From the Sleep Foundation…
Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock, running in the background to carry out essential functions and processes. One of the most important and well-known circadian rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle.
When properly aligned, a circadian rhythm can promote consistent and restorative sleep. But when this circadian rhythm is thrown off, it can create significant sleeping problems, including insomnia. Research is also revealing that circadian rhythms play an integral role in diverse aspects of physical and mental health.
In other words… natural cycles.
I know there are those amongst you who genuinely believe that DST is actually better for you; people have oft argued with me by using the sarcastic phrase “I would love less daylight in the evening… said no one EVER!” While this is understandable on a surface level, I do not think those who believe that have considered how this will effect them in the winter months.
Starting your work day off (literally) in the dark? Not natural.
An extra hour of light in the evening when your body is preparing itself to shut down for warmth and comfort? Not natural.
Spikes in crime, depression, and accidents attributable to our manipulated circadian rhythms? Not natural… nor desired, at least not by rational people.
And how do you think kids are going to respond to heading off to school in the dark? By switching permanently to DST we are crippling our children’s natural development almost immediately.
The italicized examples above are all documented short-term results; we really have no idea what the long-term ramifications would be of a year-round DST. Like with the recent COVID ‘virus’ and resulting ‘vaccines,’ we simply cannot ascertain what outcomes to expect from this legislation in the future.
Well, we have no idea… but I would argue there are those who do; I firmly believe there is a much darker agenda afoot.
The Dangers We Know Not
Something that I have had difficulty wrapping my mind around was just how insidious those who are amongst the elite class really are; while I have known for decades what their goals were, it was only recently where I began to fully understand the how, and how many of the core roots surreptitiously grow into our daily routines.
One of the primary goals? To utterly separate us from nature.
And what is a powerful method for doing that? Separate us from our natural selves, our biological norms and cycles… because individuals who are ‘living natural’ are unflinchingly living free.
And they simply cannot have that.
If you think about our history in this context - with an active mind - you begin to see the pattern unfold. From adhering to calendars which do not follow the natural seasons to trying to corral us into densely-populated cities, from (allegedly) DNA-altering vaccines to our 24-hour economy to the usury banking system (yes, even that plays a part)? All of it serves to fragment each of us from within, and - as Natural Law dictates - that fragmentation will find a way to manifest outwardly.
[No wonder people are going crazy; thank goodness Pfizer is there to save the day with completely natural, not-at-all-addictive pharma-rot, eh?]
Even how we measure daily time is unnatural. As mentioned above our biological systems work on a 24-hour schedule, yet we divide each day into two separate, 12 hour cycles. When our bodies are telling us we are going into the ‘strength’ part of our day, the clock is telling us it is time for a restart. Yes, this effect is subconscious and psychological, but what happens in the brain most definitely translates into outcomes - for good or bane - to our physical and emotional states.
Oh, do you think I am chasing phantoms? Ask yourself why the military really uses 24-hour clocks? Sure, the acknowledged reasons given provide enough justification on their own, but could it also be because soldiers being in peak biological condition is vital for a successful fighting force? If that is true - and I believe it is - then what is good enough for them should be more than good enough for us.
Now, however - thanks to this proposed change to full-time DST - they want to take and further skewer ‘time’ once again… and this time, permanently. Despite the warnings researchers have issued regarding how dire the results of this will be… they are moving forward anyhow.
Maybe you should ask yourself, ‘Why?’
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Cern just made this announcement recently... they hate people, dont they 😭
I despise DST. Until now I just assumed it was because I was becoming a crotchety old man. But the older I get the more I appreciate older ways and look askance at all modernity. Noon is when the sun is straight up in the sky and I’ll stand by that truth until I die! 😂