TDT: 'FLiRT' Variants Enter Propaganda Cycle
Also: Gates and Saudi Arabia, fast foods losing appeal, Uniparty shenanigans, plus more!
Members of the second largest religion on Earth… individuals who are required by their faith to visit a specific city, will be forced to take whatever ‘vaccine’ Gates and the Saudi government deem necessary… just to enter said-city.
Nutshell? If you want to be a good Muslim, and fulfill a sacred commandment? Get jabbed.
Welcome to this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet [TDT], the weekly news-digest of The Stone Age.
Here I seek out the headlines others may not be covering (or not covering well), and - with healthy doses of passion and brevity, common sense and occasional humor - discuss them with raw, unfiltered commentary.
Let's get to it…
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Three-Dot Tablet | V. 02.18 | May 12, 2024
Prime Cut

There's a New Set of COVID Variants Called FLiRT: What You Need to Know
US News and World Report
The latest variants are on the loose, good and gracious people, with a fresh collection of saucy mutations arriving just in time for the summer campaign season.
And they have a spicy new designation…
The virus behind COVID has mutated again, this time producing variants nicknamed FLiRT, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported.
So who didn't see this coming? Not the ‘FLiRT’ nonsense - that was unexpected - but I am sure many of us anticipated the ‘rise’ of new summer variants, even if there were not any real ones.
[FYI: Separate reports (which I am completely fabricating for this article) suggest the ‘FLiRT’ acronym, which they claim is based on ‘technical’ names associated with the variants, may actually stand for “Friggin’ Lies in Real Time.” I have been unable to confirm this fictional fact, however.]
Of course, the actual report comes with all manner of warnings; a summer of COVID-spreading (just in time to demand universal mail-in ballots for November’s election, natch), mask-mandates to soon be proclaimed… etc.
Their biggest narrative, however, is that these mutations are an indication that people just aren’t getting vaxxed and jacked, at least not like good little automatons are conditioned to get.
In other words… they fear they are losing control of us commoners. Oops.
This comes on the heels - conveniently, no doubt - of Astra-Zeneca pulling its ‘vaccine’ Vaxzevria from the global market place, citing low demand along with cases of blood-clots and low blood-platelet counts.
But don’t you worry folks, Vaxzevria was never approved by the FDA or IRS or CIA and hardly anyone used it and besides - those cases were rare! In every article where this is discussed, they point out that ‘rareness’… ad nauseum.
The other ‘vaccines’ are super-duper though, so run right out and get your juice and boost before summer… k?
Oddly, a story that has remained largely buried in all of this was that billionaire ghoul Bill Gates - you know, the computer guy who couldn’t protect his own computers from ‘viruses’ - is expanding his purely altruistic efforts to depopulate save the masses! Indeed, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is about to open its first regional office in… Riyadh.
Yes, that would be Saudi Arabia.
The stated goal here is to inoculate those who travel to Mecca for the Haj - a sacred pilgrimage every Muslim is required to make at least once in their lives - with the polio ‘vaccine.’ Or, at least that is the public line, anyhow - this is Gates, after all; as such, what those vials will actually contain is anyone’s guess.
Just so we have this straight:. Members of the second largest religion on Earth (with an estimated 1.9 billion adherents, 24% of the total population), individuals who are required by their faith to visit a specific city, will be forced to take whatever ‘vaccine’ Gates and the Saudi government deem necessary… just to enter said-city.
Nutshell? If you want to be a good Muslim, and fulfill a sacred commandment? Get jabbed.
That… is diabolical.
Oh, and in case you think I am being paranoid about Gates’ intentions, or if you believe he is just ‘saving the world’ from polio? There is this, a second story about his involvement with the Middle Eastern nation…
The Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Bill Gates, stated that the foundation would work with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to develop capacities for creating new vaccines to prevent future pandemics.
Working with an oppressive regime - one which hates Western ideals nearly as much as Gates does - on future ‘pandemics?”
Just imagine the possibilities…
Two Bits
Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense"
CBS News
So are people being forced to break their addictions to Frankenfoods… by the very companies peddling them?
Many consumers are expressing frustration at the surge in fast-food prices, which are starting to scare off budget-conscious customers. A January poll by consulting firm Revenue Management Solutions found that about 25% of people who make under $50,000 were cutting back on fast food, pointing to cost as a concern.
The irony of this, of course, is that the people who are no longer able to afford these oft-poisonous vittles are the very people who normally frequent such establishments.
Rich people, after all, seldom visit McNasty’s.
So it would seem us commoners are starting to purchase more foods from grocery stores and - in a twist they did NOT see coming - cooking at home with more frequency.
However, as we discussed in a previous TDT, even the foods purchased at said-stores are getting pricey, with little relief in sight. Furthermore, a recent study highlights something many of us already knew - the ultra-processed foods which pollute those store-shelves are deadly all on their own.
All of this may drive people to start seeking out healthier and less-expensive options… such as Farmer’s Markets. This could very well have a cascade effect, with folks spending more time at home cooking, which translates into more time with their families and communities, which can lead to more time living… ‘natural.’
If there is an unintended silver-lining to be found in this hyper-manipulated food-economy? I think I just discovered it…
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Off the Trey
Biden Calls Japan And India ‘Xenophobic’: ‘They Don’t Want Immigrants’
One America News
While attempting to draw comparisons between four countries and the United States on immigration, President Joe Biden labeled India and Japan, in addition to China and Russia, as “xenophobic” nations that do not welcome immigrants.
Yes… they are. And no… they do not. And that is as it should be.
For my fellow Westerners, who may find such a statement perplexing? This is what it looks like when a government places the welfare of its own people first, which - in regards to Japan - I discussed in the TDT two weeks prior. Why would Biden and the entire Uniparty cabal consider this such a radical notion?
Oh, wait - maybe THIS will help explain ‘why’…
President Biden is pondering a move to allow Palestinians into the U.S. through the refugee program, according to a news report.
By the way - and not at all surprising to anyone paying attention - this move could help fast-track those refugees straight into US citizenship.
Folks, these are people of whom their fellow Muslims want no part. Seriously, there is not a single Arab-majority nation in the region who is taking in new Palestinian refugees; not one. In fact, a vast majority absolutely refuse to allow any Palestinians to even enter their countries.
Maybe - just maybe - you should ask yourself, ‘Why?’…

Mike Johnson: Hakeem Jeffries and I ‘Have a Lot More in Common’ than Most Think
Your occasional reminder that we are being played…
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) praised House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) in an interview with Politico, saying that he and the Democrat leader have “more in common than people might think.”
If you still believe there is really any difference between the two parties… well, you want to ‘believe.’ It truly is a ‘Uniparty’ at this point, and they serve their own interests first. None of them give even one care about us, in either party.
None of them.
One thing this does do is enhance what I have been saying for years now: Ignore the bread-and-circuses being peddled by DC, for they have abandoned us. Focus instead on your local issues, your local elections; sure, pull the level for national figures while you are in the booth come November, but remember why you are really there: For your families, for your neighbors… for yourself.
That is the Natural way to live. Local…
And Finally…
Board game 'renaissance' rolls dice for industry giant
Fox Business
Speaking of ‘Natural’ (as I am apt to do on this site), here’s an unexpected development…
A post-COVID industry-wide "renaissance" has forced board game makers to adapt to new trends and innovate beyond classic games.
Of course they invoke ‘COVID,’ because that is the excuse they give for everythi-- you know, now that I think about it? That might actually be accurate, at least in this case.
After all, going through (depending on one’s location) massive lockdowns caused people to reexamine what they do with their time. Parents were forced to spend hours with their children in literally closed-quarters, and they realized watching them playing video games or endlessly scrolling TikTok wasn’t really all that much fun.
Besides that? They - and many of those children - were undoubtedly feeling isolated and lonely.
Playing analog games (board or otherwise) has always been a great bonding activity. Such games demand each participant’s attention, spurring them to be present in-the-moment and to (horror of horrors!) genuinely communicate with one another.
They were oft utilized during ‘family time’ (back when such a concept existed) for decades before the digital era, and were tools for building close connections through that time-honored practice called - wait for it - having fun.
[Many of those games also exercise the mind, so again… another bonus.]
In the article linked-above, a board game ‘influencer’ (ugh, that word!) named Alex Hart made a salient point about the fact these games have continued their renaissance even after the lock-downs ended…
He believes the increasing favorability of board games among younger players is due to a "longing for connection."
“Longing for connection?” You mean ignoring those around you whilst playing video-games online (even if with other people in cyberspace) is not the best way to build healthy, interpersonal connections?
Well, I’ll be - isn’t that something…
And that is all for this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet. Have a great week ahead, and as always… stay frosty!
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Although it is news that BG is setting up shop in SA, I’m not really surprised. He must be having a world map to keep track of where he has not yet stuck his vax-pins.
Some European countries are preparing for the 8th (sic) jab this Fall.
Good that people are home cooking more, now hoping they’ll leave those mega-processed bug-stuffed foods on the shelves and go back to base, simple and plain food cooked and prepared by themselves.
Another great news recap, Stone. Always my go-to 🙂
So much to comment upon in this installment!
"In other words… they fear they are losing control of us commoners. Oops."
YES. The Pareto Tipping Point™ is approaching, and the Overton Window will be smashed.
"Just so we have this straight:. Members of the second largest religion on Earth (with an estimated 1.9 billion adherents, 24% of the total population), individuals who are required by their faith to visit a specific city, will be forced to take whatever ‘vaccine’ Gates and the Saudi government deem necessary"
This is directly contradictory to the 'Devolution' thesis that MBS is one of the good guys behind the Abraham Accords. Hmmmm.
"So are people being forced to break their addictions to Frankenfoods…by the very companies peddling them? Fascinating…the ultra-processed foods which pollute those store-shelves are deadly all on their own"
However, this is supportive of the 'Devolution' thesis. My colleague @TECI has coined the tag #InstitutionalSelfHarm to describe what we are witnessing: good guys forcing institutional corruption into the limelight, against the wishes of the psychopaths who have wrested control.
Outstanding and inspirational, as always. TYVM Stone.