The Fact Check
Twice-baked and served piping hot, undeniable assertions for the modern world
For your consideration; facts that have been fact-checked by a fact-checker who is just as credible as those others checking facts.
Meaning… me.
So prepare to dazzle your friends and baffle your enemies, with these insanely awesome tidbits of truth. Trigger warning: I provide no trigger-warnings.
Thoughts are welcome…
- America is not a democracy; it is a Constitutional Republic. I have been saying this for decades, long before Globalist Elites started hating Trump (they used to love him, you know), so don’t feed me the whole, “That’s just another MAGA conspiracy,” nonsense. It has been actual fact since 1789…
- President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a complex plot - we still do not have all the pieces. However, if I had to point a finger? Research Executive Orders 6102 and 11110, the 1946 Bretton Woods Agreement, then look at 1913’s Federal [REDACTED] Act…
- Former Attorney General William Barr is a vile man, and must answer for many crimes, including the massacre at Ruby Ridge. Also: ‘Vile’ and ‘Evil’ are anagrams of each other - but I am sure that is just a coincidence…
- Climate change is real; it is a natural process, one over which we have no control. Climate Change™ however, is a Globalist psyop, a tool of repression, manipulation, and domination…
- Not every cataclysmic weather event is a government-created tragedy induced by a climate-modification device; while such events do occur, sometimes weather just has to… weather…
- Any individual (teacher or parent, clergy or ‘influencer,’ or really anything) who uses their position of power to violate the innocence of child - in any manner whatsoever - should receive the most brutal sentence imaginable…
- In a completely unrelated observation, woodchippers are exquisite, multi-purpose pieces of equipment, and should receive much appreciation from the law-abiding public…
- It has been 901 days since Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted on sex trafficking-related counts. In that time, not one of her (nor Jeffrey Epstein’s) clients has faced arrest, prosecution, or even the burden of being mildly inconvenienced…
- Journalists and historians are cut from the same cloth; both professions are propagandist in nature, and neither can be trusted. When I say, ‘Question everything,’ I do mean everything… including the stuff you are not supposed to question. Trust me - we have all been lied to, and repeatedly…
- Any scientist who utters the phrase, “The science is settled,” understands not how to ‘science’ and thus abdicates any claim to actually being a scientist…
- Only when Cannabis is fully decriminalized on the federal level can we start to chip away at the vile stranglehold Big-Pharma (and ‘Big-Textile’ - they have a hand in this, too) has on DC…
- Speaking of… Big-Pharma is evil. Sometimes stating the obvious is good for the soul…
- ‘Typhoid Mary’ was framed, because she dared to say ‘no’ to the Powers-That-Were. She should be considered a trailblazing hero and not a villain, at least by certain segments of the population - segments to which I proudly belong…
- Until we have eradicated homelessness, resolved our mental-health crisis, and secured our own borders, I do not want to hear about one more penny being paid out to overseas concerns. We need to clean up our own yard before buying our neighbors their lawn mowers - much less paying for their Saturday barbeques…
- America first… Americans first. Just in case I wasn’t clear…
- I think ‘Nickelback’ is a good band, which had good - even great - songs. Ridicule me to your heart’s content…
- The NRA has become a shell of its former self, and no longer truly defends the second amendment. Only Gun Owners of America can now be trusted to legitimately defend our Natural rights to ‘keep and bear,’ along with fighting for the amendment which was written to protect said-rights from government…
- If you are standing next to me at a public urinal… silence. There is not a single man in existence with whom I wish to have witty conversation whilst performing this task; all biological appliances must be secured before vocalizations, and even then? Wait until we are at the sink, then employ brevity.
- Hand-washing is still the best ‘vaccine’ you can use for the myriad of ‘viruses.’ It also just makes good sense.
- Pineapple pizza is undoubtedly a communist plot, designed to condition us into compliance through a degradation of culinary excellence. Okay, I may have made that one up, but this unholy food-combination is still an assault on the taste buds, and very likely a violation of the Geneva Convention…
- If the words, “We’re having kumquat with supper,” comes with a dinner invite, plan on an empty chair at your table. I’ve never actually eaten that whatever-it-is, I just cannot consume a food the name of which sounds like something that may require antibiotics…
- Air-fryers may well go down as the greatest human invention since breathable underbritches; they are like analog microwave ovens - all the benefits, none of the soggy reheats or eradiated side-effects. 10/10, would recommend…
That is all. Now go forth, good and gracious readers - go forth, and be epic.
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-- This article was originally written on June 7 of last year; I have decided to repost it, heavily rewritten and updated. I may do these from time to time in the future, depending on the response to this entry.
-- Yes, I know the word ‘live’ is also an anagram of ‘evil’ and ‘vile’… but it did not fit the narrative I wished to convey; hey, if Globalists can spin them, why can’t we commoners?
-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were created by the author, using Substack’s AI Image Generator.
Nothing divides the masses like pineapple pizza. lol! However being a Canadian and since Canada invented it and we have so few things to be proud of I’m sticking up for the pineapple pizza!
Mic Drop with a very slow back away from the microphone while wearing a long grey trench coat with up turned collar and the awareness of every pair of eyes in the room...the coat slips open as you back away to reveal beneath a rebel tee that yells "Justice for Mary" ...but only for those with eyes to see beneath the veil of London Fog, wisdom, and wit...he was stoned, but not in the way one might assume....