As the march towards a potentially-grim future moves relentlessly forward, the first official ‘15 minute city’ - also known as a ‘sustainable city’ - has been launched. Of course they are not actually calling it either of those terms, because marketing and whatnot, but we know the score.
So no, they are not calling it ‘15 minute’ - instead, it will be woven…
World’s First “City of the Future” Welcomes First Residents who’ll live there rent-free… but there’s a catch
Daily Mail [UK]
Welcome to the future; may Providence save us from ourselves…
The world's first 'city of the future' is nearly ready to welcome its first residents.
Developed by car maker Toyota, 'Woven City' sits at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan and features at least 11 'smart' homes powered by hydrogen, AI and other technologies.
Oh, and these new residents will be known as ‘Weavers.’ Because ‘Woven?’ Get it?
Cleaver and charming, I know.
Referring to the project as a ‘living laboratory’ (yes, they really used that specific phrase), the first batch of voluntary rats test-subjects will number 100, and consist entirely (apparently, THIS is the aforementioned ‘catch’) of Toyota employees; in other words, in order for one to take part in a Toyota-financed venture, they must be working for… Toyota.
Not really sure how that is a ‘catch,’ but okay.
And Woven City will be modern. High-tech modern, with robot personal assistants and robot pets and robot cars which drive themselves and robot drones to follow you home when walking at night; yep, there will be robots.
And no, I am not sitting here allowing every robot-based dystopian movie / anime I have ever seen to cause me concern. I would never EVER do that, because that would be all paranoid and crazy and stuff.
[I hope the sarcasm there was obvious.]
Of course, this entire thing - no matter what they call it - resembles the fevered dreams of tightly-controlled ‘sustainable cites’ far too closely for my taste. The concept, under a myriad of names, has been a feature in virtually every Globalist ‘Agenda’ for decades now, and it looks like it is finally coming to fruition.
Remember: A ‘tightly-controlled city’ means a ‘tightly-controlled population.’ Which is exactly what they want.
And Japan is the perfect place to test the concept. Being an island nation with over 123 million people crammed into a space roughly the size of California, they are accustomed to living like sardines in a can. As such, living in an ultra-compact geographical area with little freedom of movement bothers them in no manner whatsoever.
For free-range Americans, however? It would be a fate worse than death.
As a whole the Japanese have also firmly embraced technological ‘advancement,’ while also being much more nationalistic about their accomplishments. They also tend to trust their institutions to a greater degree than most, which means a majority of them do not view government or corporate entities with suspicion (unlike here in the West, where a growing number of us trust none of them).
Factor these into the strong sense of personal and cultural honor the Japanese people possess? It becomes much easier for them to ‘be transitioned’ - voluntarily or otherwise - into something which is masquerading as a Utopian dream. This is especially true if said-dream is sold as something for the betterment of their own people, and of humanity as a whole.
Please understand, the blueprint I laid out above is not in any way an indictment of the Japanese people, nor their culture; in many aspects, I am actually envious of what they have. It is, however, another glaring example of how the self-appointed Elites in Davos are more than willing to exploit the virtues of the Japanese people to reach their nefarious ends.
Like they did to us, when we still had cultural virtues… before they systematically destroyed said-virtues? Yep, like that.
To be fair, this is the mere launch of the project; it is in its earliest stages, and they still have miles to go before viability becomes an issue. We also still have enough of us here in America who are firmly committed to that free-range vibe, so while there are many who would embrace the proverbial sardine-can life? They could not implement such a scheme on our soil without major - possibly violent - pushback.
And therein lies the problem. Through their various little psychological ploys and subconscious manipulations, they have been slowly programming us - along with our children - toward lifestyles such as what I described above. They have been doing it through a variety of propaganda apparatuses (including academic text-books), all with the goal of taming us unruly commoners into compliance.
Therefore it is vital for us to understand what they are planning, and how they go about these games they play, that we never end up at this doorstep. This means turning off televisions and casting aside dogmas which are antithetical to Liberty. It means questioning and unlearning everything they have ‘taught’ us (and I do mean everything) and spending time with the young ones, that we untangle every web of indoctrination into which they been captured.
We have to disentangle our own minds from these webs as well… and I believe we will do just that. Call it blind optimism, but we have overcome greater adversaries than these - once we know there is a battle, we tend to fight.
And, since I have a few Japanese readers here on The Stone Age, a message for you: Don’t make the same mistakes we made in the past. Do not allow these shifty Globalists to destroy you from within, nor allow them to chip away at your cultural, national, and spiritual foundations; ever remember, they are relentless, they are insidious… and they are surreptitiously targeting you, your way of life, and everything you hold dear.
Resist now, from a position of strength, that you retain all that makes you… you. Meanwhile, we’ll be cleaning up our own mess here.
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The saddest part of so much of this stuff is that human beings volunteer.
I have a 1983 land cruiser and a 2005 toyota 4runner. And i love these old contraptions because they perform with precision despite their age and no new technology... Thats what I loved about Japanese design... Why are they succumbing?