What an utterly baffling year it has been. Indeed, if the 12 months now behind us had a phrase which encapsulated it more than any other, it would be the one I saw most frequently online: “(Insert event) was NOT on my 2024 bingo card!”
The second phrase would undoubtedly be a three-letter initialism: “WTF?” In fact, I think I personally uttered that combination of letters more in 2024 than in any year previous. One occurrence after another astonished me, forcing those letters from my lips… while making me question whether Providence was really REALLY irritated with us.
With that noted, I have noticed a change over the past few days. I am not 100% confident I can properly put it into words, but as a writer I feel compelled to try. And if this comes across as rambling or self-indulgent? My apologies, but I just have to get this out.
I have felt unsettled for much of the last month or so, the kind of ‘unsettled’ that scrapes at the psyche like a cat at a closed bathroom door; persistent, even mildly irritating, but largely harmless. It was a sense that the very ether which permeates each of us was shifting, and for the first time in many moons I could not gauge in what direction; I mentioned this in the most-recent edition of Written In Stone…
I am not promoting the ‘dire’ here, nor even suggesting what I am seeing is either positive on negative (as if I possess the wisdom needed to ascribe such nuanced definitions). I only wish to acknowledge that I am sensing shifts in the esoteric tides, and to wonder aloud if I am the only one so sensing.
Still, I wanted to know more. Is it ‘me?’ Am I sensing this change in my immediate sphere? Is it something ‘bigger?’
I have never been one who has claimed to have special ‘gifts’ - I do not see myself as ‘empathic,’ nor any sort of etheric guru. However, I have become fairly adept at reading energies, both the vibes of individuals and of larger environments, so in those times when I am unable to get a read on something in that realm?
Yep. Unsettling.
Then the events of last week popped off, and - like a fog lifting on a dank autumn morning - I finally had some clarity. No absolute answers (because in the ethereal realm, ‘absolutes’ are oft misleading and even self-delusional), but at least I could see a general beginning of the path ahead.
It was ‘me’… and a change in my immediate sphere… AND something ‘bigger.’
These events caused me to reflect on my Internet behaviors. I admit I do have a degree of ‘reserve’ when dealing with others online; I tend to ignore obvious rage-bait (“don’t feed the trolls,” as they say), and oft keep silent if it is not an issue or topic of greater import.
I have always chalked this up to a desire to pick battles wisely while working to reclaim a degree of civility, which I believe is sorely lacking in our (deliberately?) corrupted culture. So while I have always done my best to speak my mind when I thought it mattered, and to speak it candidly, I have oft kept things to myself if the battle did not seem to be one worth fighting.
Last week, however, made me reexamine my perception of what actually matters. I saw events unfold which drove me past my normal levels of comfort; the energy shifted… and I responded.
This came out of nowhere, rising on the one platform where I genuinely do not give a crap what anyone thinks: X. Here was this self-appointed monarch, Elon Musk, ripping off his mask of gentility while openly insulting and degrading my fellow commoners, with some of the most vile names imaginable. While I have long-suspected Musk was hiding behind a twisted ‘man-of-the-people’ facade, he was finally laying it open for all to see.
This self-righteous prick was openly attacking folks like me, while (again, openly) admitting to algo-rigging his ‘free-speech platform’ to favor his sycophantic boot-lickers… and it straight-up pissed me off.
And my reserve evaporated. And I began speaking with far less filter than maybe ever, more directly than I have in years. And… it felt good.
And I noticed I was not the only one. Others were also cutting loose, people I have never seen be so passionate. They cut loose on manufactured expectations, and the Globalist Agenda constantly chipping away at our Natural rights from ALL sides. They cut loose on the sniveling, grifting ‘influencers, along with the entire unnatural vibration that has been attacking us relentlessly for over 2700 years.
People are not just waking up… many of them are already awake, standing up and speaking out, no longer concerned about the consequences. While I have noticed this slowly unfolding over the past year or so, last week it felt like a universal dam broke. I don’t know if many of them even know exactly what they have woken to… but at least they are now awake.
And with that, the aforementioned feeling of uncertainty over the changes I have been sensing evaporated as well; there is a shift manifesting, being unleashed as we live and breathe. Demi of
has been alluding to it for a while now, as have others, and while I too have sensed it I finally saw the evidence of it this last week.Furthermore, last night we headed into 2025 with storms ravaging two Globalist strongholds - New York City and the District of Columbia. Usually that would not be noteworthy, except there were four instances of violent lightning strikes - one each hit the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center Tower, while the other two blistered the US Capitol and the Washington Monument; ‘strongholds’ within the strongholds.
While I am normally hesitant to ascribe Providential intent to mundane events… four strikes, on a significant night, on those buildings? Call me crazy, but it sure seems like more than a mere coincidence to me.
To be candid, I do not know exactly where this energy shift is going to take us; after all, I can only see the beginning of the path, not the destination. I also know not with any veracity from where it comes, nor what exactly cracked open that aforementioned dam… and I really do not think it matters.
What I do know is that the ‘shift’ is here… and it is real… and it’s going to be one helluva ride. Happy New Year.
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From the ‘Pages’…
Bestow love on the adored and loyalty on the trusted, that those in your immediate sphere shall hold you as devoted; be respectful to those deserving and civil to those unfamiliar, that the masses shall view you as resolute; project irrelevance at the grievous and courage at the sinister, that they of virtue shall judge you as integrious; have warmth for the kind and compassion for the vulnerable, that the All shall embrace you as noble.
-- Page of the Prime Ethic
-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were generated by the author, using Grok 2 [on X] or Substack’s AI Image Tool, with digital alterations when desired or needed.
"Winds in the east,
There's a mist comin' in.
Like somethin' is brewin',
And 'bout to begin.
Can't put me finger on what lies in store.
But I feel,
What's to 'appen,
All 'appened before."
I missed Elon’s message? Bu I’ve never trusted that smirk! 😏 Remember at the start of CV how they promoted that slogan— “We are all in this together” We’ll, here we are in this together. Happy New Year!