Apr 13Liked by Stone Bryson

I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It's still my symbol of rebellion -- against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others' ideas.”

― Johnny Cash

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This was, in essence, HIS essence.

Not sure we'll ever see another like him.

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I was one of those teens listening to transistor radio AM stations. Back then, we were exposed to many genres of music on radio from country to easy listening to pop to rock - you name it, unlike today where radio stations specialize in one category of music. So our generation was exposed to it all. Riding the school bus allowed me to listen to music more often. I’d hear Engelbert Humperdinck followed by some favorite Johnny songs (Cash) and little Charlie Feathers, then The Beatles and Janis Joplin and finally Herb Albert and not to leave out some great Mo-town! It was quit a cornucopia of sound. An eclectic mix of everything. But it was great, because that’s how you learned music appreciation. Here where I live in rural mostly Mexican American part of California I even learned to appreciate a little nortiño and corrido sounds. At home my parents played Glenn Miller and classical music and my grandparents polka music. Lol. Our generation had it good when it came to music. It left a strong impression on me and that’s why I love artists like Johnny Cash and listen to his songs today. I’m not sure I’d listen to him today had it not been from my early AM music foundation, because my parents didn’t listen to country western. May he continue to Rest In Peace. 🙏💜🎶✨🤗

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Ah, what a wonderful trip down memory lane :-) I know as every generation gets a little more seasoned they think they had it better than "today's youth," but in our case... we actually DID have it better.

I am grateful for that, and grateful for reminders of it. Thank you... <3

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Our unique experience allowed us to widen our love for many genres of music, movies, authors etc 🥰

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Johnny Cash had reach. I grew up in Montreal. Our family watched the Johnny Cash Show weekly for a couple of years before it was cancelled. That was 50-odd years ago. I was 12 or 13.

How I loved my red transistor radio Made in Japan with the single earphone and the wide variety of music played on AM radio. At night I could pick up the U.S. border stations. That was always an adventure.

Sure, Cash was a contradiction, but his music was true. This is why we loved him.

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Well said!

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And the way he sang “Long Black Veil” ❤️💪🏻

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Haunting, isn't it? His ability to interpret songs - especially ballads - is unmatched to this day.

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