A couple of days ago Bloomberg - you know, the business news outlet - featured a pretty grim headline as the opening of an opinion piece, one that was apparently intended to warn people of impending doom (and thus to sway public opinion).
Well, I have to say ‘apparently,’ because in this case I am unable to actually read the article-in-question… because (of course) it is tucked safely away behind a paywall.
Which, with an article of such allegedly-vital importance, made me suspicious…
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Bird Flu Is a Big Threat. The US Needs to Start Acting Like It.
Oh, the admonition! Such finger-wagging! And doing so safely from the protective layer of a paywall, no less!
This is a tactic oft used by propaganda orgs. They know a too-large majority of readers do not explore beyond the first blurb anyhow, so they drop a doomsaying headline on a nuanced story to frighten the tender-minded folks. Hiding it behind a paywall just adds to the fear-factor, because people are unable to ascertain the degree of spin which has been inserted.
So yesterday I decided to do a little research. I fired up the ol’ Google machine (as it is the premiere search-engine for Globalist propaganda), and typed in the words “The bird flu.” After mashing the ‘News’ tab, these are the results that came back.
Oh, and in case you were curious? These were on just the first page of results…
CDC finds evidence that bird flu spread silently to veterinarians, suggesting undercount of cases
2 cats in Oregon’s largest county contract bird flu; authorities issue pet food warning
Oregon Live
Milk from Maricopa County dairy cows tested positive for bird flu
ABC 15
Bald eagle killed after testing positive for bird flu in Massachusetts
Bird flu fears have backyard chicken coop owners on edge for what's next
Washington Post [Paywalled]
Trump disrupting US bird flu response as outbreak worsens
The Guardian [UK]
New Nebraska case of highly contagious bird flu reported in Saunders County
Nebraska Examiner
Experts sound the alarm as Ohio farmworker’s bird flu sparks fear it’s the next pandemic
My goodness gracious, that's a whole lotta bird-flu’n right there.
Notice the diversity of subjects and locales. Veterinarians and farmworkers. Cats, cows, chickens, even a bald eagle! Dairy, eggs, and pet-food. Oregon and Nevada… Ohio and Massachusetts and Nebraska… and still more.
Want to hear an even-more bizarre aspect of this? Ever single one of those stories was posted within a thirty-six hour window from the time of my search. And what does that tell me?
This is a coordinated psyop, pure and simple; a propaganda campaign, to gin up as much fear as possible.
So what is the end-game? Sure, Robert F Kennedy Jr being confirmed as Health and Human Services secretary is a possibility; the Globalists peddling their lab-grown meats and insect repasts see him as a dangerous individual - an enemy, even - with all his ‘eat natural food’ talk, so destroying his ideas with a little chicken-cold-fear would make sense.
It is also possible that it is a preemptive strike against President Donald Trump himself (one of the links above DID target him by name, after all). There is no doubt they absolutely detest many of his initial steps as POTUS, and since the COVID-19 operation nearly decimated his first term? Perhaps they believe it would work again.
There are other potential reasons for this latest push, ones I seriously considered exploring here. But THEN, I saw this.
And suddenly, it all made sense…
U.S. conditionally approves vaccine to protect poultry from avian flu
Here we go again… again…
With egg prices in the United States soaring because of the spread of H5N1 influenza virus among poultry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) yesterday conditionally approved a vaccine to protect the birds. President Donald Trump’s administration may therefore soon face a fraught decision on whether to join the ranks of other nations… that vaccinate poultry against H5N1.
Seems like a strong reason for jacking-up a bird-flu scare, yes?
After all, due to the COVID-19 debacle they know we are highly suspicious of any product which has the word ‘vaccine’ attached, and justifiably so. They know we are on edge (again, justifiably) about any injectable solutions, and that we will push back fiercely against any effort to jab their micro-agents into our bodies.
So the next step is to get us to covertly consume said-agents in our favorite - and otherwise natural - foods. I mean, we have no idea what is really in these vials of ‘prevention’ (the range and scope of mind-and-body altering ‘medicines’ which could be encoded into these ‘vaccines’ is terrifying), and since there is no way we can ever trust them again?
Nope. I don’t want their ‘sciences’ in my chicken. Or in my steak. Or in my body.
Or really? In my anything at all…
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-- To be fair, it IS theoretically possible that there really is a bird-flu pandemic occurring; when one considers how frequently they have gaslit us, however, and this odd sequence of fear-mongering stories as they have been released? A measure of skepticism is warranted.
-- For the record I am not against paywalls; businesses and writers must take care of their paying customers - I get that, and occasionally use them here. However, on stories which allegedly threaten public health, safety, or prosperity? Paywalling suggests either reckless irresponsibility, unbridled greed… or deliberate manipulation.
-- I originally intended this to be a short, Web-Only Drop, as I prefer to not send emailed articles too close together. However, as it got longer and more detailed… well, here you go. With that noted, I DID wait until later in the evening to send, so there is that.
-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were generated by the author, using NightCafe, Grok, or Substack’s AI Image Tool, with digital alterations when desired or needed.
Amazing that it’s always some extension of the flu. And that’s the bottom line. It’s the effen FLU !!!
They’re starting to make these strain names look like the weekly addition to LGBTQWXY57624LMNOP and sometimes Y
The bird flu won't kill a human. If the food animal is sick and you heat the food over 180 degrees, you'll kill the virus. They just wanna sell some more clotshots. They want to cause food shortages and raise the prices on commodities and food.
Greed is driving this, as is the thought of more authoritarian controls.