Amazing that it’s always some extension of the flu. And that’s the bottom line. It’s the effen FLU !!!

They’re starting to make these strain names look like the weekly addition to LGBTQWXY57624LMNOP and sometimes Y

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That's the way I'm seeing it, brother!✌🏻

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The bird flu won't kill a human. If the food animal is sick and you heat the food over 180 degrees, you'll kill the virus. They just wanna sell some more clotshots. They want to cause food shortages and raise the prices on commodities and food.

Greed is driving this, as is the thought of more authoritarian controls.

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So glad I happened to be wearing my I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit t-shirt while reading about the bird flu. It is one shirt that gets a lot of wear these days 😂

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That particular form of natural immunity seems to be lacking these days - lots of folks embracing the bullshit 🤣

Although the synergy of wearing that shirt, during this article? Quite impressive 😉

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Another excellent book I recommend is mRNA Vaccine Toxicity by Michael Palmer, Sucharit Bhakdi (Doctors for Covid Ethics). A link can be found on Solari.com. I received my copy hot off the press in June of 2023. Since an effort to double down on bogus science is in play, I highly recommend it to everyone. Until this jab nonsense is banned, I will be wearing every non-compliant shirt I own…which is quite a lot. I used to determine the overhead rate for sponsored research and have encountered far too much FrankenScience.

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The odds of me wearing some form of non-compliant shirt these days is always quite good, actually, on any given day. I traded in my Brooks Brothers wardrobe for everything non-compliant.

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The story of Chicken Little seems quite appropriate here.

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Indeed it does, Gwyneth... 🤔

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I’m flabbergasted at the collective stupidity of the Merican people. They’re buying this horseshit again, hook line and sinker. Don’t get defensive about this, because we’re all adversely affected by the colossal monumental fear-based stupidity of the flutards. Or the coronaphobes. Good braincells are destroyed every time you have to suffer another story about this farce.

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You're not wrong, Charles, that DOES appear to be the case. Although, to be fair, more Americans pushed back during the COVID psyop than did in Australia, or even much of Europe.

As such, I wonder if Americans en mass will truly buy into to this bird-flu propaganda. I have hope they will not, so being they are made aware of what is happening.

Which is why I do my small part here 😁 Appreciate your thoughts, as always 🫡

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You do great. My don’t get defensive snipe was aimed at the so called normies that might think that being wise to the propaganda will isolate them from the continual germ scare degradation of our collective intelligence. Being wise to the con means we need to fight it harder every day. You are doing that Stone.

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Working in a grocery store, I find it interesting that the first eggs to get inflated prices were the cheap, $1.99 (factory-farmed I’m sure) eggs. These jumped from $1.99 to $7+ within a few days, yet the free-range, cage-free, pasture-raised eggs from fancy fru-fru chickens remained their normal $3.50-$5 prices (and still remain there now while we can’t even get the cheap factory farm eggs at all). Bird flu prevalent at the big factory farms and notsomuch at the smaller “more humane” farms? Seems plausible. But a vaccine to fix all of it? Of course, that’s the real answer! 🤔

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You're fortunate, Suzanne - our 'natural' eggs here have gone up here as well, although you are right about the percentages; those normally-cheap eggs are now 200%-300% more expensive, where as the price-hike of natural brown eggs is only 20%-40%. Still expensive, but not nearly like the white-shelled variety.

As for the 'vaccine?' Yeah, we know the only thing that is going to 'fix' is their drive to get us all micro'd; once (if?) they are able to mass 'vaccinate' our birds, prices will magically come down... because the current inflation is artificially generated in the first place. 😠

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Yeah, egg prices are high, but more than that, they are very weird. The killing of millions and millions of chickens over a flu was an idiotic response to a disease, but seemed to explain the meteoric rise of egg prices.

Few days ago, I mentioned $8 eggs at a local gas station, and the clerk told me they were $14 a dozen there. Then I went to Walmart and bought their brand of Organic Pastured eggs for less than $7 a dozen--about the same price I paid for that brand in Denver five years ago.

Hopefully, the better eggs will sell themselves to more American customers, putting in place one little piece of MAHA.

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Shriek! Wail! is not really an argument. I can see this bird-flu nonsense being laughed into oblivion.

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Bull shit

More shit

Piled high and deep

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😂😂😂 That's purfect, Jon! 😁 Well played, brother... 🫡

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Every time I see that manipulative line of «whether to join the ranks of other nations».... I wonder how on earth do they convince the first nation.

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You're 100% spot on.

Just how COVID-19 was never about a virus -- it was always about the response and getting everyone "vaccinated." Because if you weren't vaccinated, you would be marked, because it was all really about instating a vaccine/health passport system--which they are still working on by the way.


Bird Flu is just another tool for global control. And they've been using the media to plant seeds all along. A little Bird Flu here and there. Some guy that [supposedly] found a way to make Bird Flu more transmissible -- just because.


None of this is organic, and viruses didn't suddenly get mad a humans. This is all a ruse to gain more control. Which leads to the bigger question, "What exactly is in whatever they're going to inject our livestock with?"

As the saying goes, "I Don't trust the people who claim the world is over-populated -- with my health care."

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We’ve been hearing about bird flu since 2005. Fuck them and the chicken they rode in on.

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All of this 💩 is just way out of control! Those of us who have caught on to their game understand whats going on behind the scenes, but of course, there is those who freak out and will cause more damage, like injecting the birds we eat to poison us because they were unsuccessful the last time around with Convid! The funny thing is, when Convid happened I had been put and about and never got sick? So WTF! it’s all a psyop people, nothing to see here but to destroy our food supply so they are successful in killing us off! The greedy Ba**ards!

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Never got a Covid or flu shot. No illness. Will not even think of fake bird flu.

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Well MSM news doesn’t tell you arrested was USDA inspector Phyllis Fong a 22 year old deep state operative, is one of the key players behind the artificial inflation of poultry and egg prices in the United States. She ordered the culling of millions of healthy birds using the fake excuse of mutating bird flu. But here’s the truth there was no pandemic.

Fong personally ordered mass bird extermination in 2024, targeting farms in Colorado, Ohio, Arizona, Louisiana, and Nebraska. One case in Louisiana set the stage: a man who did not work on a poultry farm was allegedly diagnosed with H5N1 after finding dead birds in his yard. The CDC then invented a panic story claiming 66 ( nice number) people were infected. Sources say that number is entirely fabricated.

Before the media even blasted this fake outbreak, Fong and Bidens corrupt FDA sent teams of inspectors in full hazmat suits to Nebraska, ordering the instant killing of 600,000 birds. The farm owner who recently tested his flock and found zero signs of bird flu refused. But it didn’t matter Fong had already signed off on the order, threatening him with $4 billion in fines and prison time if he didn’t comply.

She thought she was untouchable. When Trump began cleansing the deep state in January she refused to leave, publicly claiming Trump had no authority over federal watchdogs.

The next day karma struck security forced her out delivering her straight to JAG investigators

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Whoa - I had not heard about that, Charlotte! I knew she had to be removed from the building after being terminated, but the rest is new information - will have to dig deeper into it!

Thanks so much for the tip - appreciate ya!

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Of course, I hope they’re deep evil plan falls apart. Karma she is in jail.

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Thank you.

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Huh? I am eating chicken and eggs with no concern whatsoever for fake birdy flew.

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As always, a well-written article. As you know, Stone, you are my Go-to for unadorned news.

This is nothing more than fear mongering, and since fear (in general) creates a state of high entropy in people’s minds, they become easier to control.

Create the ‘problem’, ensure to use the scariest possible ways to describe what it does, and then push/mandate the (Billy-goat) designed ‘solution’.

In Europe cigarettes are sold with the most scary pictures of horrible diseases to disencourage smoking while raising the prices.

Now that infamous organisation that likes to trade in plandemics advises european states to do the same with alcohol. Because it’s all bad for your health. Yeah, sure 🙄

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The 'nanny state' run amok Joyce. It's crazy to me, how a little fear sprinkled on some authoritarianism can drive individuals to surrender their sense of selves... their sense of Liberty. But people all over the western world proved during the COVID Operation they will do whatever told... and will turn on those who do not.


Thanks for the kind comment, happy you enjoyed it... ☺️

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Amazing....Bird Flu....A G A I N.....What comes next on there Agenda, can you remember....the demons do Circle Back. They want to scare the peasants.....and raise the cost...as far as "google" goes they use it because it is owned by demons itself!

Great article, Stone!

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