This is an obvious attack on our health. It is also an attack on our food supply, because they are hoping to force us to eat crickets and lab-grown "meats." The hysteria about bird flu is way, way overblown, just as COVID was. But killing millions of chickens is not the most effective way to handle a contagion, not even a real one. You isolate the sick birds until they're better, and clean and disinfect the cages and water, and check the feed and water. We need to insist on this. Even big farms are being abused. I don't approve of CAFOs, including battery chickens, but right now the owners are under assault and this time we should come to their defense.

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Well stated, Esther, especially the 'attack on our food supply' observation; agreed 100%!

Thanks so much! 💯

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I think we all need to post as many photos of happy chickens and happy people eating eggs as possible in an internet takeover of their agenda....it will be hard because cats are in first place, but it must be done. In the meantime I'll be enjoying my coffee with a fresh raw yolk from my beautiful hens, deep gratitude for them....the egg is the most symbolic and spiritually significant thing they can attack after the "breath of life" now they target the spark of creation......does each element get a part in demonizing the natural world....it seems like it.

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Oh, and also? I am ALL for flooding the Webs with happy chickens! 😂😂

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ha ha

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I actually thought about you and your birds whilst writing this one... 😉

I also considered including a segment on the metaphysical elements of the egg, and their spiritual connections, but for the sake of brevity I stuck with the Temporal aspects. Happy you noted them here, however... 🥰

Wonderful comment as always, Angela - thank you! ☺️

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Jun 24Liked by Stone Bryson

They will have to pry my chickens and eggs from my cold dead hands.

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LOL I love it! "Don't tread on me... or my chickens!" ;-)

Happy to have you here, Amanita - thank you!

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You know, I didn't like eggs for about thirty years. I used to love them as a kid in all forms. Then, as the agenda kicked in, all of a sudden my body craves them, like never before. I am gonna do this syntropic revolving fertilizer/mulch machine with chickens on the orchard over the next year (thats my goal). The eggs we get are just across the road from us now :)

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I so understand this, Jerome. While I considered eggs an afterthought for literally decades, over the last couple-three years I have had this almost visceral need for them LOL Sounds like you have a solid future plan, and an excellent current situation *salute

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Jun 24Liked by Stone Bryson

All those Satanist pricks can eat bugs and shit. I’m not going to.

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I too, shall remain bug-free... *salute

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Jun 23Liked by Stone Bryson

I moved from one of the 4 largest cities in the USA to a tiny mountain town of 2500, 7 years ago and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.

I had no idea that eggs had a taste or could be a beautifully rich shade of orange since all I ever eaten were eggs from Tyson and the like. Farm fresh eggs are amazing, taste delicious, and look so appealing! Just remember to not refrigerate them because it will kill the taste and they can last on a counter for 2-3 weeks if stored in a cool, dry space.

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Jun 23Liked by Stone Bryson

Collectivism is the objective. It’s not the egg it’s our independence.

Energy consolidation to all electric, CBDC, vaccine passports, and of course the consolidation of food to a few major suppliers.

Coupled with staggering personal debt the average American must go along to get along preventing a peaceful mass non compliance event.

I pondered all this eating my breakfast of six fried eggs from our chickens, jowl and bacon from our pig…


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Indeed, William, and as I have written about every one of those topics here on The Stone Age? Sound like you and I are kindred minds :-) Happy to have you here, brother! *salute

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Jun 23Liked by Stone Bryson

I’ve raised chickens and ducks and sold eggs (and meat) to folks. It always blows their minds when you let them know that they last longer unwashed and, when unwashed, they can just sit on the counter. It’s so weird how God made things prior to refrigeration and how happy animals doing their thing, like a chicken sprinting across the front yard after a butterfly, yield healthy food to eat. Chickens are better than pigs at turning organic waste into a great protein source. And, when they have access to your whole yard, irradiating ticks and nuisance bugs. Their is also something illuminating to the human consciousness in the slight return to an agrarian past in the daily routine with livestock - the light and the air is different every day, the relationship to an animal you feed and who feeds you. Like virgin night skies, it’s something more people need to experience - life without pixels.

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This is so beautifully put! I obviously agree 100% ☺️

Thank you, for sharing it... 🫡

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Jun 23Liked by Stone Bryson

Doubled the size of my garden this year. Still so hard to grow enough to feed the family. Trying to get better at it.

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Doubling is good! Much respect to you for making the effort - many cannot be bothered 🫡

Thanks for the comment!

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Jun 23Liked by Stone Bryson

I used to think egg production was rather high in energy consumption and thus this was part of the War On Energy; however, this appears not to be the case. In Europe, somewhere between 5...15 Wh/egg are spent on lighting and ventilation, which is a pretty minuscule number.

source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Energy-consumption-values-distinguished-by-use-in-laying-hen-production_tbl5_311978083

This however doesn't include energy spent on heating (which often runs on natgas, not electricity), feed preparation, etc., etc.

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An intriguing consideration, Rat. It would not at all surprise me to learn that has been a justification for targeting eggs, nor would I be shocked to discover they knew in advance the energy used was actually quite low. Not something I have researched, but it tracks.

Thanks so much for the astute comment! 🫡

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maaaaannnn i saw a picture of a guy at walmart with a (live) chicken in a baby carrier (the kind that you wear on your chest like a koala in reverse, not even a stroller) i gotta find it for this purpose only. that aside, all this mess with the chickens and the grabbing at all of our resources and life sources, it appears nothing new under the sun moon OR stars, however, excellent reminder for the likes of me to get situated where i can have my own birds. until then... one of the greatest forms of security i've found is truly getting to know the local farming network around me. ya neva know.

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100% agree, Tesstamona - I have been learning how vital it is to get locally connected, especially when it comes to food sources. With the crazy tilting that is going on regarding national / international concerns, those local aspects may end up critical 🫡

Thanks for the great response, and... THANK YOU! 💙

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Egg-ceptional work, Stone.

There may be nothing more threatening to the globalists mass manipulation. The more isolated we become from one another, our food, our planet— the more inept and dependent we become. I gave a somewhat awkward presentation on the idea about a decade ago if you’re interested.


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