I remember them! They were exceptional together. Are used to be so impressed with Davos and all the workd’s movers and shakers. I especially became aware of it all when I spent much time back-and-forth between Europe and the United States. I imagined myself part of some bigger force by being aware of Davos 🙈 😂

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Weren't they great? So informative, yet so entertaining too! They don't have those kind of dynamics with on-air talent much anymore, everything is so scripted and stale :-|

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The movie Network comes to my mind. 🤔

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Whew, that speech from Howard Beale STILL resonates, decades later...

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That was a great movie, but also it can be seen as a type of predictive programming.

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Ahhhh... you know, you might be onto something there. I like it, must mull further... ;-)

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Feb 24Liked by Stone Bryson

I remember graveyard shifts….how I hated them.

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I actually used to love them... until I didn't LOL I definitely think I am better off being up while the sun is, too ;-)

Great to see you, brother...

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Great read, Stone. I can only add 2 things:

1) if you like where you are now, you can't have any regrets - because where you are now is a result of all the stupid, thoughtless things you've ever said and done. If you could go back and undo any little thing, you would change your trajectory such that you would not be here now.

2) One of the clearest signs of our culture's psychological deterioration is what I refer to as Malattention Disorder, which makes it very difficult for some people to live in-the-moment. This will cause these folks to have memory problems in the future, which will become a huge factor impacting the smooth operation of society. God help us all.

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Thanks, Doc, appreciate ya.

Great comment, too. Love the notion of "Malattention Disorder' - I think you nailed something 'real' with that concept, especially with how it plays into 'living in the moment.'

Kudos, good sir!

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Cheers. As to the cause of Malattention Disorder, apparently "doctors are baffled" over what causes autusm, too. I suspect it's all downstream of toxic overload and early childhood trauma...also Micromanager Disorder, which infests every bureaucracy everywhere. Prolly Gender Dysphoria toooo......

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