I must admit to having watched maybe five minutes of Jerry Springer in my whole life so my impression might be wrong but... wasn't it just a variation of WWE with a slightly more developed plot?

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Similar, except unlike professional wrestling the participants were not in on the joke; real lives were destroyed due to his shenanigans (one murder even occurred in relation to them), and - as Kerry pointed out - far too many viewers believed the illusion was very real.

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Even if it was, there were people that watched it and believed it.

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This was epic. I stopped watching television years ago because I could not stand how depraved it had become. I felt the same way when the O.J. Simpson trial was televised. Tragedy was turned into entertainment, a spectator event. Great essay. Thanks.

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Good point, Elizabeth - the O.J. thing was definitely a harbinger of things to come. They sold it as 'history' - what we got was a real-life circus, where the stakes were very high.

Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it. :-)

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Jerry started his career as a newscaster in Cincinnati, he became mayor in the mid 70’s and had to resign when a brothel in N. Ky. was raided . They found a check he wrote to a prostitute.

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agree, modern day coliseum & so many examples since those ancient stories.

i watched it begin with geraldo, phil donahue and that is when i pretty much quit watching tv.

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I don't blame you one bit, Anne. Donahue was actually a decent show early on; he jumped the proverbial shark when he put on a dress for ratings, however, and never recovered. Rivera was always a sensationalistic loon, even in his 'journalism’ days 😉

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lol not sure when the dress happened.

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Okay Anne, this is absolutely bizarre. I did a search for the incident on multiple search engines, and it was not mentioned anywhere. No pics on Image search, no stories, not even a blurb on his Wiki page. It’s like the entire thing is either being purged from the Internet or - at minimum - heavily suppressed.

Anyhow, I was finally able to find one stray video on YouTube; it happened in 1988. You only need the first three minutes or so to get the gist :-)


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ty, ty, for searching that out! i did see that one. i embraced "don't judge a book by it's cover" very young due to secrets behind closed doors being very visible to me. I also have a great love of theater, burlesque, drag & illusion. what one sees is not always what you get.

men who wear suits vs men who wear slacks vs nen who wear jeans, slacks not to mention speedos.....

my one biggest objection in life is lies. deliberate deceit, lies, 2 faced. my 2nd is psychological manipulation of our biological makeup and our senses.

i was an esthetician & i despise "cookie cutter" eyebrows & same hairstyles & didnt do them on ppl. the 60's & 70's message i personally got was we dont have to all dress, act, want & look the same as you to be respectable or "good".

i loved that show and the points being tried to be made.

my mom still to this day is first & foremost an "if it looks good it must be good" which had her sendng me ads for buy here pay here car lots and i would have to show her the details in the ad. i know this about her so it no longer frustrates me & appreciate her willingness to help.

i simply love the artistry of life

and those living it.

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Springer’s show was taped in Chicago at the local NBC studio. In 1997 when MSM news was still watchable and somewhat ethical and responsible, management at the local NBC station had the “brilliant” idea to have Springer do nightly commentary. Local top anchors Carol Marin (19 years) and Ron Magers, (17 years) long time newscasters at the station publicly blasted the hire. Marin followed by Magers shortly after both quit the station with the Springer fiasco being the main reason. Looking back, Springer lasted but 2 commentaries. Management at WMAQ justified losing the duo by the old excuse of dumping two extremely large salaries. Both in their day were top notch (real) newspeople. It was quite the shitshow.


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I had heard the chaos in the Chicagoland media was almost as crazy as one of his shows; appreciate these tidbits of info, looks like it was true. 🤦🏻

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I never watched the show and only vaguely recall his name.

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You missed nothing of value, Gwyneth 🫡

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This may be a bit prudish, but here goes: I think the actual beginnings of this grotesquerie began with the God awful The Newlywed Game.... my 2 cents...

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There’s a reason our grandparent’s generation called TV “the devil”.

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100% true, brother - and they were NOT wrong! *salute

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Yes I agree it’s not a legacy to be proud of….also I think it’s no longer an option to keep quiet when we see something that is just wrong. As the saying goes “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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I agree, GeorgeAnn - at some point, civility must give way to boldness. What Springer did, in my opinion, certainly qualifies for that threshold.

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That show was disgusting! Could have been filmed in a laundromat or Wal mart on payday! I’d put the “View” up there with it also…..brainless nit-wits!

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Oh my, Annette - comparing 'Springer' with 'The View?'

You know what? I like it! Agree wholeheartedly! :-D

And yeah, the laundromat backdrop would have been spot-on... ;-)

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The first thing that comes to mind about Jerry Springer is when I was in my very early 20s and an ex-boyfriend drunk called me suggesting that I, the girl he cheated on me with, and I suppose some other girls, all go on Jerry Springer to talk about him (the ex) and his harem.

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Good Lord! You dodged a bullet - several bullets - getting that guy gone 😳

Of course, sadly that WAS the Springer-fanbase mindset… 🤦🏻

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Yeah, I laughed pretty hard that he thought I'd go along with it.

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Wonderful, another junky Netflix piece of garbage.

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Is he any different than Ellen Musk etc inciting hate and violence and being amused by it? This show is the US gov't as a parody.

(it's actually preserved in the internet archives just fyi 🙄)

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Interesting point, Carina. I think in some ways Springer was worse; covert, subconscious programming of the unsuspecting masses, where as with Musk most people pretty much know what they are going to get when they go into it.

HOWEVER... the opposite is also true. At least people were not being manipulated into watching Springer's program; one could feel COMPELLED to watch it, sure, but ultimately they could shut it off if they wished. Musk's attempts to build an one-place-for-everything app - essentially attempting the replace the existing economy - where he and his parasites determine who gets to take part and who does not?

Far more dangerous in a tangible sense, because one man controls who gets to exist in this emerging world and who is left out in the cold. One surreptitiously attacked the spirit, one openly attacks the mind; both at anti-Natural, which from my perspective is what really matters.

Appreciate this comment, really got my brain pumping first thing this morning :-)

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Most welcome Stone, thank you for this post. It has opened many questions for myself as well. Everything about the US it seems is for an agenda and it trickles down to all their vassal states. Our little mini Mussolini was just meeting with Trump the other day. God only knows what they are really talking about and it is terrifying. Musk is currently trying to overthrow the UK gov't from his platform and install the most vile creature for a US agenda (as if the UK wasn't bad enough already).

As for Musk I believe he is a testing ground for the US's (and collective West's) idea for a "social credit" society. In the future if you do not parrot the narrative you will be shut out and your finances frozen so you can not function. I can not tolerate that man but I have no other way to reach some of my international contacts other than Twitter.

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Agreed across the board, Carina. We here in the US are being crippled by 'the Agenda,' run into the ground by a bizarre neo-Sanhedrin (with ties to DC, London, Tel Aviv, and Davos... and even Riyad) which is directing everything in the West. At least people here are starting to wake up and push back, which is helping reign it in somewhat.

Somewhat. But not yet enough.

And I very MUCH share you concerns about Musk's plans for X. VERY much...

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I think the purpose of television is to socially engineer, inciting hate, fear and violence. It’s really not informative. Oh, and to get scores of people to inject poisons and lock themselves indoors, giving up their rights….let’s not forget that function.

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Which is about the same purpose of the US gov’t wouldn’t you say?

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As a former US government subcontractor, I’d say that is exactly correct.

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Just trying to catch up on missed articles, I happened to find this one. That ‘show’ was also on TV in Europe. The adagium ‘do not speak ill of the dead,’ has never felt right: a highly unpleasant person does not become a nice person simply because he’s dead.

And neither does this ‘show host’. You are absolutely right, Stone.

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Decency never really existed in america. . . just ask the natives who's land was stolen to build this fraud of a nation.

Or the slaves who literally carried the cotton industry on their backs.

Or the victims of the Tuskegee experiments.

Or the "chinks", "wetbacks".

Or the Hawaiians who's islands are ruined by americas greed and tourism.

Lmfao wake up people

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Tbh I had fond memories lol my grandma loved watching it too😂back then I only had like five channels so either way a talk show was going to be on, so I went with the wildest one lol. Once I got cable I found better stuff to watch.

I need to ask my mother in law next time I see her to find out more info, but she actually knows someone who went on the show. I haven’t a clue what the topic was about that but I’ve always been curious. Tbf though, I grew up knowing so many people who could have been guests ..occasionally my life was like having front row seats anyway thanks to the craziness that went on with family and their friends.

Sidenote, called the Rickie Lake show once as a child and then hung up quickly …LOL🤪

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