And then, for no reason whatsoever, everyone in the media (legacy, independent, and social) as well as DC was all-at-once very interested in ‘the gold.’
Um… okay.
Folks, I am genuinely perplexed by this trend, and why people are all worked up over it. Even President Donald Trump is getting in on the action, although for the life of me I do not understand why…
Trump vows to 'make sure' gold is at Fort Knox. Treasury Secretary says it's accounted for
USA Today
Maybe it is just me, but due to the circles in which I have run for decades? It has been pretty much an open-secret that there is no gold in Fort Knox - not a single ounce - and that there hasn’t been for years. In fact, we figured that if any soldiers were on-sight they were basically guarding empty pallets to keep up appearances.
So I must ask the question, “Why now?”
President Donald Trump promised to investigate Fort Knox in Kentucky after Elon Musk made calls to audit gold at the military base.
"We're going to go to Fort Knox, the fabled Fort Knox, to make sure the gold is there. If the gold isn't there, we're going to be very upset," Trump said, per a C-SPAN recording.
It is disconcerting that this is suddenly front-page news, at least from where I sit.
And now it might be a good time to don your stylish-yet-functional tin-foil-hat, because this whole thing has a foul, conspiratorial stench about it.
If you are wondering why I (a Natural-money advocate) seem nonchalant about whether or not the gold exists, it is for a very simple reason: Our worth, on the global stage, is not in any way tied to our gold reserves; in the grand scheme of things, it means nothing.
In fact, it means less than nothing, and has for over a half-century.
The prequel to this truth came in 1913 with the passage of the “Federal Reserve Act,” but the main program premiered in 1933, after The Dictator assumed power (no, not that 1933 dictator - the OTHER one) and signed Executive Order [EO] 6102. In it, ‘President’ Franklin D. Roosevelt banned the private ownership of gold, essentially ending the Gold Standard in the US.
[Oh, we play-acted an international gold standard for nearly three-decades after the Bretton Woods soirée in 1944, but that was a ‘gold standard’ in name only. For all intents and purposes, it was FDR and his EO which killed it in ‘33.]
As such, our nation (like most of the rest on Earth) is driven by a quasi-Keynesian economic model, and the yellow metal does not have a place in that. Indeed, the founder of said-model - John Maynard Keynes - referred to the gold standard as a “barbarous relic.”
Due to all of this? From a practical perspective the only thing that national gold ownership is really good for these days is as a material to mint bullion-coins for the markets, and as a… well, a global flex, like some silly ‘influencer’ on TikTok or X. But since our current system is entirely based on a ‘Central Bank’-controlled, usury-based fiat currency?
Gold means nothing, at least as far as the transnational economy is concerned.
Which again brings me back to the ‘why now?’ What psyop is being played out by revealing to the world the status of our gold reserves? Is there a covert ‘end-game’ in the cards? Who stands to benefit? And for what are they preparing?
When something which was nearly-worthless to a government yesterday suddenly becomes highly-prized today? They are either planning to create an event… or are expecting one to unfold; as neither of these scenarios have historically benefitted us commoners in the past, my warning bells are ringing off-the-hook.
To avoid misunderstanding, I am not saying gold isn’t important; in the proper economic and political environments, it is critical to the overall health of a nation. However, at this moment we do not exist in such an environment, and have not for many moons… hence my speculative concern.
I know, my suspicious nature is in full overdrive. As I did warn you all in advance to grab your tin-foil-hats… I apologize for nothing.
I guess we will have to see where this all goes, and how the propaganda outlets spin it once the truth (whatever that ‘truth’ may be) is ‘revealed.’ As for me, the only shock I will experience will be if, after a legitimately transparent audit, we find out the gold actually IS still secured away in that vault in Kentucky.
Yep, that would blow me away. Any other result, however, and my reaction will undoubtedly be along the lines of, “Well, yeah… I kind of figured.”
No matter the outcome, the question that will be weighing on me is the one I asked earlier: “Why now?” A bigger question, however, is lurking just off the periphery, waiting to rear its ugly-yet-inquisitive head when the time is right.
“What now?”
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Total misinformation. It's not Fort Knox. It's Fort Sox. And it's where all the missing socks from dryers end up. Please keep up...
Smoke and mirrors. Look at this while I do that.