At the very minimum, an audit should be performed on the both sides of the Atlantic Ocean simultaneously. There have been some suspicious shipments lately.
I see the deposits at Fort Knox, if it is indeed empty, as a tangible way to show voters, including those that do not follow politics closely, something physical that is missing. I think that could be a powerful message to normal voters.
That is one potential benefit, Cindy - perhaps they are using a 'Doge' (for lack of better word) technique on Fort Knox, to further awaken the masses; I had not considered that.
Yep, you just might be on to something here... :-) Thank you!
I too have the question “why now”. But then again why not now? The Trump Administration is conducting a high colonic of every nook and cranny of our government entities and Fort Knox is one. I await the results with great interest.
I don’t know why I’m mentioning this because I cannot produce the source but I read somewhere in the last decade, there was a large stockpile of gold stored somewhere. I do not believe it was Fort Knox. The absconding of the gold occurred either just prior to 9/11 or just after.
There’s also the missing billions that Dick Cheney was supposed to announce but the story was conveniently ignored because of 9/11.
This is going to bug me no end. Of course, by now the source of my information has likely been scrubbed and the Wayback Machine got, again conveniently, hacked.
Unless we know the exact history of the amounts of gold this country has maintained over the last 200 years, whatever they find in Fort Know is meaningless. There could be other hiding places that no one knows about as we all know how governments love to keep everything a secret.
These clowns might have a stash in some UFO that crashed into the ocean. Who knows? Who will ever know?
I'm not financially literate,after all I did go to school,and they teach you nothing like that but since COVID I've noticed there has been a focus on buying gold. I know in UK our citizens of Indian ethnic origin have always preferred to have a significant amount of wealth in gold rather than in the bank (very sensible of em). I've also noticed that it's known that Russia + China have been buying Gold ( before it became a thing) and have got substantial reserves. I'm thinking Trumpie and his bessie Elon have seen that R + C having pots of Gold while it's common knowledge that Fort Knox is empty,we Brits knew that,in fact the USA at one time were proud + boastful about having got rid of that medieval style thinking. But it's not a " good look" so no doubt they'll report the cellar is packed with gold,just a bit more than R+C have got.
Who owns the Federal Reserve? Is it a government agency or a corporation? Supposedly large portion of our debt belongs to China. How is their economy doing? If China goes after Taiwan what happens? Majority of our navy is rust. Who owns our debt? What would happen if we cancelled the debt? Who would be bankrupt?
I’ve actually been hearing about this for years. That gold from Fort Knox is missing and replaced with tungsten looking like gold. Conspiracy? I guess we will find out soon enough.
With all this talk of discovering whether the gold is still in there, I can’t help but be reminded of Geraldo Rivera and the televised opening of Al Capone’s vault.
As for DOGE, I wonder, will there be (is there already?) a new slang… “you’ve been DOGE’d!” 😂
I believe that the gold does matter. If you go back to the constitution it is the only thing that is money. yes Nixon on August 15th 1971 did shut the gold window which meant the quote unquote gold standard was truly dead. The bretton woods allowed us to have this expansive post war economy. When Johnson took the silver out of the coinage in 1965 was also the opening salvo. However, the BRICS nations have been formulating a potential currency that is going to be back gold up to a percentage. Since 2014 many Central banks have been getting their gold sent home! There is talk of a reevaluation of the gold in the market place to 12k. If the gold is in Fort Knox that would be allegedly enough to cancel the debt that quite frankly was never gong to be paid back. the Federal Reserve act of 1913 was about that. The American people are the collateral hence the income the same year of 1913. The two are connected.
Total misinformation. It's not Fort Knox. It's Fort Sox. And it's where all the missing socks from dryers end up. Please keep up...
Smoke and mirrors. Look at this while I do that.
At the very minimum, an audit should be performed on the both sides of the Atlantic Ocean simultaneously. There have been some suspicious shipments lately.
I see the deposits at Fort Knox, if it is indeed empty, as a tangible way to show voters, including those that do not follow politics closely, something physical that is missing. I think that could be a powerful message to normal voters.
That is one potential benefit, Cindy - perhaps they are using a 'Doge' (for lack of better word) technique on Fort Knox, to further awaken the masses; I had not considered that.
Yep, you just might be on to something here... :-) Thank you!
I too have the question “why now”. But then again why not now? The Trump Administration is conducting a high colonic of every nook and cranny of our government entities and Fort Knox is one. I await the results with great interest.
I don’t know why I’m mentioning this because I cannot produce the source but I read somewhere in the last decade, there was a large stockpile of gold stored somewhere. I do not believe it was Fort Knox. The absconding of the gold occurred either just prior to 9/11 or just after.
There’s also the missing billions that Dick Cheney was supposed to announce but the story was conveniently ignored because of 9/11.
This is going to bug me no end. Of course, by now the source of my information has likely been scrubbed and the Wayback Machine got, again conveniently, hacked.
The Great Reset + The Great Taking = The NWO
Unless we know the exact history of the amounts of gold this country has maintained over the last 200 years, whatever they find in Fort Know is meaningless. There could be other hiding places that no one knows about as we all know how governments love to keep everything a secret.
These clowns might have a stash in some UFO that crashed into the ocean. Who knows? Who will ever know?
I'm not financially literate,after all I did go to school,and they teach you nothing like that but since COVID I've noticed there has been a focus on buying gold. I know in UK our citizens of Indian ethnic origin have always preferred to have a significant amount of wealth in gold rather than in the bank (very sensible of em). I've also noticed that it's known that Russia + China have been buying Gold ( before it became a thing) and have got substantial reserves. I'm thinking Trumpie and his bessie Elon have seen that R + C having pots of Gold while it's common knowledge that Fort Knox is empty,we Brits knew that,in fact the USA at one time were proud + boastful about having got rid of that medieval style thinking. But it's not a " good look" so no doubt they'll report the cellar is packed with gold,just a bit more than R+C have got.
Who owns the Federal Reserve? Is it a government agency or a corporation? Supposedly large portion of our debt belongs to China. How is their economy doing? If China goes after Taiwan what happens? Majority of our navy is rust. Who owns our debt? What would happen if we cancelled the debt? Who would be bankrupt?
All good questions, Jeffrey...
The poor people as usual.
I’ve actually been hearing about this for years. That gold from Fort Knox is missing and replaced with tungsten looking like gold. Conspiracy? I guess we will find out soon enough.
With all this talk of discovering whether the gold is still in there, I can’t help but be reminded of Geraldo Rivera and the televised opening of Al Capone’s vault.
As for DOGE, I wonder, will there be (is there already?) a new slang… “you’ve been DOGE’d!” 😂
I believe that the gold does matter. If you go back to the constitution it is the only thing that is money. yes Nixon on August 15th 1971 did shut the gold window which meant the quote unquote gold standard was truly dead. The bretton woods allowed us to have this expansive post war economy. When Johnson took the silver out of the coinage in 1965 was also the opening salvo. However, the BRICS nations have been formulating a potential currency that is going to be back gold up to a percentage. Since 2014 many Central banks have been getting their gold sent home! There is talk of a reevaluation of the gold in the market place to 12k. If the gold is in Fort Knox that would be allegedly enough to cancel the debt that quite frankly was never gong to be paid back. the Federal Reserve act of 1913 was about that. The American people are the collateral hence the income the same year of 1913. The two are connected.
I'm so out of the loop I had no idea, but whatever the trick is I bet there is gold colored paint involved and CGI.