Globalism's Achilles Heel
Populist Nationalism becoming a strong aspect of many youth movements
An incident occurred last week in Indonesia that was underreported, but it is an incident I think is important to note.
Before we do, however, a query: Did you know that Populist protests are not relegated to western countries, with us ever-so-evil white people acting all ‘racist’ toward those poor, helpless ‘brown people?’
You did not? Well, it is true.

The Rohingya Situation
In fact, a strong core of Nationalism has been spreading across the globe, inspiring those possessing a variety of racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds… and it is the youth who are oft driving it. The propagandist media does not report on it as such, of course, but the truth is out there, buried under their ledes.
A large crowd of Indonesian students stormed a convention centre housing hundreds of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in the city of Banda Aceh on Wednesday, demanding they be deported
Now, do not misunderstand: The plight of the Rohingyas is indeed a tragic one, if the media reports can be trusted. Being a Muslim minority in predominantly-Buddhist Myanmar (formerly Burma), they have been subjected to (again, according to reports) horrific treatment in that country.
Various human-rights groups have categorized their treatment as ‘genocide,’ and they have essentially been relegated to ‘refugee’ status since the early 1980s. Due to this, the Rohingya have been forced to escape to various nations in the region.
At least that is the story we get from the globalist media, anyhow; the Myanmar people may have a different perspective, but you know… narratives.
No matter what the truth may be, the young people of Indonesia are fed up with this ‘immigration’ issue. They are boldly saying ‘no’ to it, and so doing with fervor…
Wariza Anis Munandar, a 23-year-old student in Banda Aceh speaking at an earlier protest rally in the city on Wednesday called for the deportation of the Rohingya while another student, 20-year-old Della Masrida, said "they came here uninvited, they feel like it is their country."
Uninvited… feeling entitled. Sound familiar?
Youth Gone Wild?
Here’s the odd thing about all of this: Indonesia is itself a Muslim-majority country. Therefore you would think they would en mass welcome the Rohingya as fellow Muslims escaping the alleged hammer of ‘authoritarian Buddhism’ (whatever THAT looks like), and do so with open arms and charity for all.
That is not the case, and the reason it is not? Because these young people are done seeing their national and cultural identity being threatened. It wouldn’t matter if it were Rohingyas or Palestinians, Somalians or Chinese or Americans… they want to protect their unique way-of-life, and they see ‘immigration’ by refugees as a destabilizing influence to said-lifestyle. And really, knowing what we know from our own experiences - who can blame them?
Even former media-darling, Nobel Peace Prize recipient (is there a more useless ‘honor’ these days?), and former Myanmar President Aung San Suu Kyi has not escaped criticism. She has been accused of being complicit in the ‘genocide’ of the Rohingya as well, due to her inaction while the recent troubles were unfolding.
So both sides are being blamed… and none of them are Caucasian. See? I told you it wasn’t just us white folks.
And the fact that the same ‘racist’ allegations continue to manifest is very telling. The United Nations Refugee Agency [UNRA] - part of the cabal pushing for an international-yet-secular religion while using ‘open borders’ policies to assist in crushing local cultures and spiritualities - is issuing near-identical accusations toward the Indonesian students as they oft deploy against western protesters.
[The UNRA] added the attack was the result of a coordinated online campaign of misinformation and hate speech.
Misinformation and hate speech. This has become a litany for them, something they insufferably proclaim without thought or care… or apparently, evidence.
At some point, and hopefully some point soon, this anemic accusation must die.

So… So What?
You may be asking, “So what does this have to do with us, living in the West?”
When it comes to the microcosm? It means nothing at all; what happens in an Islamic nation on the other side of the globe has no direct bearing on our day-to-day lives, in any manner whatsoever.
When viewed through the macrocosm, however? It means everything.
It tells you that, even in a strict Muslim country like Indonesia, there are those who are willing to stand up for the Nationalist principles in which they believe. It says that there are Indonesians who want Indonesia for Indonesians, that people are worn out by unnatural integrations and forced ‘multi-culturalism,’ even if they happen to share a common religion with the perceived interlopers.
Let me take a moment to be completely candid: I do not personally care about Indonesian culture at all… because I am not Indonesian. I am an American, which means I care very much about American culture (and yes, we do have a culture, despite Globalist efforts to eradicate it).
With that noted, when it comes to Indonesians what I do care about is their right to protect and preserve their own way of life. I do this so that they - and we - do not devolve into a planet ruled by self-elevated Elites residing in hidden towers of ivory and blood.
The Times, They Are A Changin’
The Powers-That-Be do not want us to know, but this strain of populism has been spreading throughout the 21st century faster than a bioengineered virus. From the Tea Party protests and Trump’s election in America, to the prominence of figures like Modi and Meloni (though what a bait-and-switch she turned out to be), Wilders and Le Pen? From the Trucker’s Convoy in Canada to the Farm Protests in India and Germany and The Netherlands?
‘The People’ are rising.
We have had recent ‘immigration’ protests in Ireland and (now) Indonesia, human-rights protests in Iran and Hong Kong (areas where such protests are can be deadly), and then there are the French, who… well, they will protest just about anything (and bless them for so doing). No matter the issue the tide is most indeed shifting, and WEF-types do not know how to address it.
And THIS is why the recent Indonesian protests should matter to us. Despite the efforts to divide us by race and ethnicity, by creed and region, the world is quite organically partitioning itself off into two groups; those who wish to rule (and to be ruled) by an international cabal, and those who wish to live more local… more national… more natural.

A Time To Choose
This divergence is becoming clearer with each passing day. One side wishes to chase usury-based mammon and all of its hollow, soul-corrupting ambrosias, while the other seeks that which is simple… honest…. true.
The first of those pursue the synthetic tranquility found in the thralldom of conformity, while the second group values self-determination for themselves and their neighbors. Perhaps you are familiar with the latter - we also call them those who just want to be left alone.
So what side do you choose? If you are a regular reader of The Stone Age I have a pretty good idea which, and you probably already know where I stand.
In case there is any doubt, however: If I am forced to choose between allegedly ‘misinformed racist’ Muslim students trying to protect their way of life on the other side of the world, or (again, alleged) Americans like Chuck Schumer and Lindsay Graham, Gavin Newsom or Nikki Haley… I mean really, with whom do you think I would side?
Globalism v. Populism. Chosen v. Commoner. International v. National. Artificial v. Natural. This is the storm. It is already upon us. Right now.
So much can change in the next few years. We may well be on the cusp of seeing a transformation the likes of which not witnessed by humanity in 3500 years… or, we could end up taking those final steps into the abyss of eternal slavery.
Ultimately, it is up to us which direction we go. All we need is the vigilance - and the fortitude - to see it through.
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All great points. I haven't looked at it from the world religion side of things.
Anyone who believes that the elites will leave them alone has not been paying attention.
Those people need to go buy into some more timeshares. Timeshares are one of my tests for self-awareness. Anyone who would purchase a timeshare shouldn't be allowed to make any decisions concerning my life -- in any way.
Those who can be conned into buying a timeshare would also believe that, if they just do what they're told, things will work out for them. They probably think that 15-minute cities sound like a great idea, and that they'll be happier when they own nothing, and have no privacy.
If there's anything that people need to take from the last 3-4 years, it's that the government is NEVER here to help you. The more "help" you take, the more freedom you lose. Rinse and repeat.
It’s a well planned worldwide effort to bring the world to a one-religion singularity. Prophets in the Bible warn about this happening. Here we are!