Jun 9Liked by Stone Bryson

To sum up my feelings: I can’t wait till that book is out! Brilliant as ever, Stone 💙🙏💫

There is a synchronicity between what you wrote and what is happening right now.

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As I mentioned to Dee, I had been patient about posting this particular 'Page' - hasn't felt right, until tonight. I guess, based on a few comments and messages I have seen, it was the right time ☺️

Thanks as always, my friend 😌

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Clever idea, using a unique name for god/the universe/everything to avoid readers projecting their own preconceived notions onto what you're saying.

I know you purposefully avoided 'preaching' here, but I think that you're absolutely spot-on in the way you conceptualize *P. I can't wait until this book comes out!

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Thanks so much, Melissa. This is one realm where I try to maintain a degree of balance; I recall how written words in the past have made me feel 'unwelcome' whilst pursuing knowledge, and I do NOT want to carelessly put that energy out there (even inadvertently). Hence, my drive to use the 'right' words :-)

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“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Gospel of Thomas (70).

It could apply to anything- anger, grief, frustration. It could also apply to faith, truth, or a state of consciousness.

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It is not so easy, to write on the topic of "that which there are no words for" -- only experience, and at best, poetry. Yet you have done an incredible job here. Very clear, very... yeah I think CLEAR is the right word -- which is extremely challenging to do when tackling the largest "topic" there is since... time immemorial i suppose. Well done friend.

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I appreciate these words so much, Tesstamona - even more than you may realize.

Thank you... <3

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You always project good things, thanx

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Very gracious of you - thanks so much! 🙂

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I am just recently learning about Pages since starting two new categories. I only found it because of your note this morning linking to this article. Is this a regular feature? Thank you, I love it Stone!

As far as God , I believe in the God of Abraham. That is my choice. His biggest gift I believe to mankind is freedom of choice. Freedom to choose. It was Him who gave Jesus free choice, otherwise he would have been a robot. Providence from God (the provider) guides and supports us in our choices without coercing us.

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Jun 12Liked by Stone Bryson

Thank you. I think Providence is a great word!!!

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Thank YOU, Holly - I appreciate it!

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Jun 10Liked by Stone Bryson

To quote the Bard (or was that the Earl of Oxford?),

‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy; 
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
 What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
 Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
 Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
 By any other name would smell as sweet;
 So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
 Retain that dear perfection which he owes
 Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
 And for that name which is no part of thee
 Take all myself.

P. S. Is that "Pi" pronounced with a short or a long vowel sound?:)

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For my money I'm sticking with them coming from 'the Bard,' at least until (and IF) more evidence surfaces ;-) Great quote, BTW - thank you!

And the pronunciation it is the long 'i' - as in, 'pie' ;-)

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Jun 10Liked by Stone Bryson

Absolutely spot on. Your *P is exactly that: yours, to believe and practice as each sees fit. Well done, sir

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Thanks so much, brother - always appreciate your gracious words.

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Pi says it all. But seriously, I read this then waited to comment because I wanted to go back and read it a second time. This is incredibly important and meaningful because many recognize this but having a loss for words, or a solution, many, including myself, ramble off interchangeably using all of the words you mentioned for not knowing which will fit which context best. We live in a world where everyone is so sensitive and offended that using words that ultimately mean the same thing (or can be interpreted subjectively for each person beneath the canopy of said word, especially with regard to The All) can spark dissonance if it's not the one "they" like best. I like the word Providence. I've only heard it used a few times over the years. I appreciate the insight and am enjoying the ride until your book is ready for purchase! Blessed Be! :)

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Very much appreciate these words, Angela, not only for the support but also for hitting on a encouraging point. One of my goals with these 'Pages' is to write something which is multi-layered, so that people can return to it and possibly see different perspectives or new ways of applying what is written; hence the 'terse, baroque writing style.' The fact you mentioned you wanted to go back to reread? Encouraging, indeed :-)

So... thank you!

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Love, love, love!! ❤️

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Thanks, thanks, thanks! ;-) Seriously though, I very much appreciate ya <3

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And when you get there you realize that every experience was needed to get you there, and you stop wondering why it took so long!!!!

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I’m a slow learner, an even slower unlearner. There is resonance here. Thanks.

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I’ve been living with faith in the power of the P most acutely this week. Thank you brother for the timely Pages entry. 🙏

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So happy it resonated. I honestly have been holding off on posting it for weeks now, never felt like the right moment; tonight, something inside told me it was time 🤷🏻

Thank you, my friend... 🫡

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And that is how it works 🙏

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For all of us, the disclaimer!

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Jun 9Liked by Stone Bryson

Excellent choice!

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Thanks, brother. 🫡 Great to see you, BTW...

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