In fact, there are dozens of platforms out there. I for one am tempted by the Taiwanese platform called Plurk, because «plurk-plurk-plurk» seems to be an accurate phonetical representation of what humans are doing on the interwebs.
I'm just 'plurking' along the Internets... I kind of like that LOL
I had not even considered a non-American app until RedBook, to be honest. Still not sure if I will keep it, but it is serving a purpose for the time being :-) Meanwhile, now I am curious about 'Plurk.'
Indeed, brother. Those whom refuse to learn from the past are doomed to never learn from anything at all... or something like that ;-)
Good analogy, by the way, regarding prohibition; government will never understand that the 'control' they wield over their citizens is illusionary at best, and at worst the tool which facilitates their own demise.
Time will tell and I believe TT will stay. Seems to me the app has become a almost untamed monster over the past 5-6 years that they thought they had control over. The constant banning or throttling they used trying to control us has become a inconvenience to us but failed to control us. Too many people and too much info for them to sensor it all is in my opinion the reason they are trying to do away with it. We'll see what happens.
Yeah, you and I have seen some things over there, more banned accounts of friends and creators than we could ever count LOL I like the 'untamed monster' analogy, BTW - I think you are right in that regard.
As you say, only time will tell - and I have a feeling we will not have to wait long to witness its fate :-)
As a social media eschewer 😂 I’ve never been interested in TikTok nor in the spyware contained therein. It’s just odd to me that anyone would knowingly use a CCP app. Yet, I am all in on the freedom to use whatever platform you see fit as long as you aren’t physically harming others in the process. Free speech and control of one’s freedom has always been paramount in my life. Thankfully, freedom loving is not dead in the masses as I have long suspected. I await the outcome of this important development!
I went into the Reddit for this app and the list of things that will get you banned is wild. They're not tolerating anything of western ideology or culture, including Winnie the Pooh lol
Oh, it's a terribly censored, no doubt LOL But since it is not masquerading as an American, 'free speech' app, but is instead a China-based app which actually IS owned by the PRC? I understood that was what I was going to get when I started with it, thus I behave accordingly.
That whole, "When in Rome, act as Romans," thing ;-)
Begs the question why can't we form our own media empire to counter act the misinformation our Rulers sell. And while we are at it form a World Wide Political Party and take control of Local right through to Federal Governments and World Governments. Inform the People then Unite them.
As an Sk.D, I question why Americans / Westerners are corralled into a choice between 2 CCP-controlled platforms. I smell a Hegelian-Prussian shenaniganza.
I don't think they are being 'corralled' per se - the move to RedBook appears to be an organic thing, and I say that because no one within the Elitists is at-all happy about its rise LOL I think they were genuinely trying to steer the American masses toward IG, but it did not take because Americans are ornery as hell and.... well, as I mentioned, IG sucks :-D
Wow, I’ve never heard of RedNote until now? All this mother-may-I stuff by our overreaching government. I noticed that yesterday, the first video to pop up in my feed on TikTok was a happy Trump celebrating, and doing his Trump dance! 🕺💖
What a beautiful day yesterday was? we got our president back, and we got our TikTok back.
“But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you.” –Matthew 20:25-26
The people going to red book are addicts. Totes addicted to it and CCP programming or the commies are telling on themselves. Let them. Why would you give your mind or data to the CCP?
The power of the people is why government tries to cancel it out.
100% correct!
In fact, there are dozens of platforms out there. I for one am tempted by the Taiwanese platform called Plurk, because «plurk-plurk-plurk» seems to be an accurate phonetical representation of what humans are doing on the interwebs.
I'm just 'plurking' along the Internets... I kind of like that LOL
I had not even considered a non-American app until RedBook, to be honest. Still not sure if I will keep it, but it is serving a purpose for the time being :-) Meanwhile, now I am curious about 'Plurk.'
We learned in the 30s that prohibition doesn’t work. Yet we continue to try it in different ways. People gonna do what they do and get what they need.
Indeed, brother. Those whom refuse to learn from the past are doomed to never learn from anything at all... or something like that ;-)
Good analogy, by the way, regarding prohibition; government will never understand that the 'control' they wield over their citizens is illusionary at best, and at worst the tool which facilitates their own demise.
Time will tell and I believe TT will stay. Seems to me the app has become a almost untamed monster over the past 5-6 years that they thought they had control over. The constant banning or throttling they used trying to control us has become a inconvenience to us but failed to control us. Too many people and too much info for them to sensor it all is in my opinion the reason they are trying to do away with it. We'll see what happens.
Yeah, you and I have seen some things over there, more banned accounts of friends and creators than we could ever count LOL I like the 'untamed monster' analogy, BTW - I think you are right in that regard.
As you say, only time will tell - and I have a feeling we will not have to wait long to witness its fate :-)
As a social media eschewer 😂 I’ve never been interested in TikTok nor in the spyware contained therein. It’s just odd to me that anyone would knowingly use a CCP app. Yet, I am all in on the freedom to use whatever platform you see fit as long as you aren’t physically harming others in the process. Free speech and control of one’s freedom has always been paramount in my life. Thankfully, freedom loving is not dead in the masses as I have long suspected. I await the outcome of this important development!
I went into the Reddit for this app and the list of things that will get you banned is wild. They're not tolerating anything of western ideology or culture, including Winnie the Pooh lol
Oh, it's a terribly censored, no doubt LOL But since it is not masquerading as an American, 'free speech' app, but is instead a China-based app which actually IS owned by the PRC? I understood that was what I was going to get when I started with it, thus I behave accordingly.
That whole, "When in Rome, act as Romans," thing ;-)
Begs the question why can't we form our own media empire to counter act the misinformation our Rulers sell. And while we are at it form a World Wide Political Party and take control of Local right through to Federal Governments and World Governments. Inform the People then Unite them.
As an Sk.D, I question why Americans / Westerners are corralled into a choice between 2 CCP-controlled platforms. I smell a Hegelian-Prussian shenaniganza.
I don't think they are being 'corralled' per se - the move to RedBook appears to be an organic thing, and I say that because no one within the Elitists is at-all happy about its rise LOL I think they were genuinely trying to steer the American masses toward IG, but it did not take because Americans are ornery as hell and.... well, as I mentioned, IG sucks :-D
... an ungodly amount of ( their own subjects .. lol ) people just chose China over the US/ West .. the message should be clear.
Creating a monster then losing control over the monster. Seems the theme throughout human history...
Thanks Stone!
Wow, I’ve never heard of RedNote until now? All this mother-may-I stuff by our overreaching government. I noticed that yesterday, the first video to pop up in my feed on TikTok was a happy Trump celebrating, and doing his Trump dance! 🕺💖
What a beautiful day yesterday was? we got our president back, and we got our TikTok back.
“But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you.” –Matthew 20:25-26
The people going to red book are addicts. Totes addicted to it and CCP programming or the commies are telling on themselves. Let them. Why would you give your mind or data to the CCP?
Really enjoyed this one Stone....
Most interesting ! People want choices….let the games begin!