There is someone on Bastyon I follow who posts a wealth of information about Bill Cooper.


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Jan 27Liked by Stone Bryson

Incredible stack. I hadn't thought of Cooper lately. Time to revisit.

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Sweet of you to remember Bill Cooper.

I am British so I never heard his broadcasts during his lifetime but I certainly got to know him over the following years, thanks to the jungle drums....

You may find this link particularly satisfying.


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I was a big fan of shortwave radio, back when they had programs worth listening to, and Cooper's was one of the best; utterly uncompromising, with a sharp intellect. His book - along with the events of Ruby Ridge - were my earliest red-pills.

And thanks for the link - looks like a treasure trove of MWC resources. Plan on exploring it soon.

Happy to have you here, BTW - your stuff is fantastic, looking forward to diving deeper.

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You are the only person I know of that knows of bibliotecapleyades! I love that site - for everything

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Stone Bryson

I knew not of this prophet even though I was living in the states at the time. You may consider this man worthwhile for an occasional read.


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Thanks for the recommendation - his stuff looks fascinating, I will certainly dig deeper.

And welcome to my little corner of Substack - great to have you here!

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Jan 27Liked by Stone Bryson

Excellent article

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What a beautifully written, thinking, and informative piece. It’s my introduction to Cooper. Thank you!

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Stone Bryson

Yes dude!! That's all I can say here. Rhodes scholar and groomed Clinton of course passed the baton to Jr on Cooper. Nobody can deny he was right. Science doesn't allow for coincidence so using that lens or lack thereof when analyzing the Cooper situation is to do so at your critical thinking skills own peril. It's as obvious as so many other things. Have you ever listened to his interview with Alex Jones from the early 90's?

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Stone Bryson

I may be incorrect here: but wasn’t Cooper associated with another radio host at the time? Limbaugh, perhaps? Or someone in limbaugh’s camp? I may be wrong….

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He was briefly associated with Art Bell, but they had a falling out. He was also NO fan of Alex Jones, considered him a sideshow grifter. Not sure about Rush, however, though it's certainly possible 🤔

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another great article...Bill Cooper and Behold a Pale Horse was one of the first things I came upon after beginning to see through things.

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I knew of Bill Cooper and Pale Horse but I haven ever heard news reporting of his death! Gee I wonder why that is? Thank-you so much for this! The title caught my eye (_5th of Nov...) and I'm familiar with Guy Fawkes Day...

Remember, I will, the 5th of November

Will keep it as my own.

Alex Jones must havebeen familiar with this and it helped him to predict 9-11, Osama and the planes going into the Trade Towers!..

Thanks! 👍☝️🗽

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