As before, for me your TDT is THE place to go to for a recap of what really matters in terms of news without the addition of ‘juicy’ details or - heaven forbid - TS BS.

Thanks as always for brevity and matter of fact.

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So very gracious of you, Joyce - thank you so much for your continued support!

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Your TDT always gives me the recap of news I should be aware of. As a European I do want to know what’s happening elsewhere, but without the addition of ‘juicy’ details. And you provide exactly that interlaced with a dose of (sometimes dark) humour. Excellent reading. Thank you Stone.

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I was watching CBS News the other night—it’s a rarity for me to watch any news—and I saw them casually slip in the new Wuhan Guidelines right before commercial break in a 10-second read. What an absolute joke. But we’re “extremists” and “science deniers.”

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That sounds about right. Anything which is major news AND rattles the narrative, they slip it in as an afterthought, minimizing its truth while still being able to make the journalistic claim, "Hey, we DID cover that!" Manipulation at its most based.

Thanks for the great comment, Phillip; fire one up for me tomorrow!

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If you haven’t seen it, another story slipped into the news at the same time is death from alcoholism and alcohol in general went up by 30% during lockdowns. CDC now admits it. Check it out.

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Um... yeah, I actually featured that story in THIS edition of the TDT - just scroll up a little bit LOL

Unless you are referring to a different story, of course... ;-)

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*case. damn

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This is a classic guess of “let me pause to comment,” then you forget your place in the article.

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Well, at least we are on the same 'proverbial' page... even when we are not technically on the same 'literal' page LMAO

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Absolutely. I saw the story when I was doing a deep dive for my upcoming News Massacre.

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😂😂😂 Whew, I’m suffering from early onset Biden Brain.

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Remember when the CDC said in 2021 that the PCR tests were being terminated because they couldn’t tell the difference between convid and the flu? Yeah that didn’t make CNN either.

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I actually DO remember that, Freeq. Somehow, it escaped - and CONTINUES to escape - the attention of the MSM. Cannot imagine how THAT happens... ;-) LOL

Great observation - thanks so much!

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Mar 3Liked by Stone Bryson

Another good read Stone! Happy Birthday. I'll be logging another trip around the sun as well in a couple weeks.

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Thank you kindly, brother, for the birthday wishes AND for your continued support. And in case I forget... happy pre-birthday! :-)

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Mar 3Liked by Stone Bryson

Happy birthday 🎉🎁🎈🎂🎊. Another great piece. Couple of observations: NY mayor Adams is an ass. I will never call you Mildred or slap your backside. Wasn’t there a recent shakeup at Newsweek? (May explain that article). And a drink recipe: “The Covid”-3 glasses…1 bourbon, 1 scotch, 1 ice…all three glasses must remain 6ft apart and must be consumed through a mask. Enjoy your birthday week, sir!!

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I'm not gonna lie, brother, that "I will never..." sentence had me seriously belly laughing :-D

There was indeed, a shake up in Newsweek's management a few months ago, and they are at minimum making an effort to drop unbiased news; whether they get away with it long-term is up in the air, but for now at least? They are slowly building trust.

Thanks for the B-Day wishes, my friend, and for the continued support. Oh, and BTW - I DO plan to bring back the polls soon ;-)

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happy birthday Stone! And thank for the usual lineup of "same shit--different day"

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Thanks so much, Dee, for the B-Day wishes and support.

And yep - SSDD... that should become a permanent initialism we use LOL

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Everything is optics with Democrats. They are fakes. They use their media partners and operate on the subliminal level: “below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.” You know, like a frame of buttered popcorn in a film at the movie theater?

People don’t think, they react. It will be their downfall when truth prevails. Full blown psychotic breaks. Pavlov’s dogs. 🛎️

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I don't disagree, but I would amend it to say, 'Globalists' instead of 'Democrats.' There are plenty of Neo-Con Republicans for whom the media runs cover, and they are all - R or D - 'Globalists' and EXTREME Leftists, no matter their party affiliation.

Meanwhile, I have noticed that many Democrats - more than the media would have us believe - are more 'traditional liberals' than 'Globalists.' I may not always - or even moderately - agree with trad-libs, but I don't think they possess a fundamental hatred of America. We both want what is best for our Republic, we just have different ideas on how to get there; the 'Globalists' do not share that vision.

Anyhow, that is a minor amending of what you said; I agree with the rest, and love the 'popcorn frame' example. Thanks for the great comment!

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BTW Happy Birthday Stone!

💫 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈🎊💝

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The first thing I did when CV hit with mandatory masks and lockdowns was to go out and buy a bottle of wine 🍷 I needed it! 😵‍💫

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I completely understand. While I am not a drinker myself, I may - MAY - have enjoyed some calming, smoke-induced inhalation plants.

MAY have... ;-)

Thanks so very much, Charlotte, for the birthday wishes, the continued support, and for joining me on this journey. Appreciate you muchly <3

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Well I have that mostly 😶‍🌫️ Grow it wink 😉 That alone is a good reason to live in California. 😃😍

Good to hear you are enjoying your birthday month 🥳💝🎉🎈🎊🎂

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Mar 5Liked by Stone Bryson


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Thanks, Tim - Appreciate it!

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he is a fraud. There is a video of him from 2020 talking about how with mrna they will be able to turn a person into a butterfly. Well if that is true, why don't they show us with a lab rat? It is completely crazy that people take these people seriously, just because they are rich!

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If you're referring to Elon (there a few frauds in this drop, after all LOL), I agree 100%. I had never heard the butterfly story, but knowing what I know about him? I believe it... ;-) I also agree with you thoughts of the rich; our obsession with wealth - and the wealthy - is insane.

Thanks, Renee - appreciate the sharp comment!

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Eric Adams trying to walk back sanctuary city policies really invokes a sense of schadenfreude.

While I don’t wish ill on the people of NYC, they sure got what they voted for!

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Yeah, I think if anything exemplifies Natural Law in action... it's NYC. At some point, one must look in the mirror and ask themselves, "Am I doing this to myself?" :-)

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Yet somehow people still blame someone else for their problems. Typical hoomans.

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Happy birthday! I hope it was wonderful, Stone. Thanks for this news roundup, informative and entertaining as usual. Keep the great stuff coming!

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So very much appreciate the encouragement AND the birthday wishes - thanks, Kristen!

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Mar 4Liked by Stone Bryson

Hey Stone, 80 degrees down to 20 last week. You must be somewhere around Springfield MO

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Close, relatively speaking; just south of the KC Metro area✌🏻

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Congrats on completion of another trip around the sun. My current annual trip concludes this Saturday 3/9, and it's a big round number which I will not divulge 😉😂 HABBY BIRFDAY FREN!

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Big number, eh? You mean, like 30? Dude, that's fantastic! ;-) I turned 57 today, but I do not feel a day over 70... LOL

In case I forget, fren, happy pre-birthday for Saturday! Hope the day is an awesome one for you!

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Happy birthday Stone! 57 is young as hell dawg.

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Thanks, brother - appreciate that, no matter how creaky the joints get LOL

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Happy Birthday Stone! 🔥🎂

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Thank you so much, Cynthia - and thank you for BEING here! :-)

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It’s my pleasure! 😌

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