Even though I never get to these until Monday (because of my weekend schedule) I want you to know that I thoroughly enjoy them and look forward to them each week. You bring to my attention things I might not otherwise notice, and you do it with appropriate amounts of salt. Bravo!

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I so much appreciate this comment, came along right when I needed to hear it. Thank you!

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Most people don't know the Fed printed 10 trillion 2020-21, five of it just to float the big banks. That is what they printed over 4 years in the Great Recession. They could not have done that without covid, which was part of the psyop. The question is will they perpetrate another martial law like scenario to save the banks this time?

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Nothing would surprise me, good sir. These usury-grifters will do anything to protect their power base... and - as you know - said-banks ARE their base.

Great comment, man - thank you!

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Thank you. I would not be at all surprised, some martial law scenario right around Halloween, right before the election, quietly print 5tril.

That money inevitably buys up the wreckage of the economy pennies on the dollar.

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Absolutely 💯 and the biggest reason for the scamdemic and preplanned ridiculously superfluous “vaccine”which was never a damned vaccine and failed on EVERY LEVEL! The moment Billyboy Gates said that they were going to do a good job with vaccines at bringing the population DOWN by 10-15% at the now famous 2009 TED TALK “Innovating to ZERO”, I KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DO THIS AND NOBODY WAS GOING TO STOP THEM.

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I would like to drop billio in the Marianas Trench for a deposit on a better future. Tie him and fauche' face to face.

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American Banking jumped the shark in 2008. We realized (or should have) it was Monopoly Money all along.

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I got my lessons about fiat 'money' in the late-90s, but you are 100% correct - if '08 didn't teach folks? I don't know what can.

Maybe what is coming this year? LOL Not holding my breath on that one.

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I graduated law school in May 2008. I’d been going ay night while working full time during the day. Quit my job to study for the bar. Passed. Got work at a firm. Two months in, stock market blew up. My career never recovered. Been working as a glorified paralegal, compliance consultant, or salesman ever since.

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Wow, brother... that really SUCKS! 2008 was a catastrophe, and too many have forgotten (or, with our context-free media propaganda, never actually LEARNED) how hard it hit real people, in real life.

Sorry you've had to endure that...

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Regular people, as usual, got fucked. I actually worked in the financial industry after it and despite massive “stimulus” and later profits, they played the “we’re still hurting from ‘08” card when it came to employee compensation.

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So much here, but I’ll comment on this —

“ Bad real estate loans’ - when have I heard that before? 2008, perhaps?”

This is what I noticed they like to do: create a situation where home ownership is fast and easy. Once the value of homes increase, many homeowners use their newfound wealth as a personal ATM machine, drawing money to finance all kinds of things. When the crescendo crashes, the banks real in their fishing line hooked with foreclosing homes and with it all the equity. Smirk 😏

And banks aren’t supposed to be in the real estate business? That's what they tell you.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27Author

An excellent breakdown, Charlotte, and from what I know 100% accurate. Sickening, how they reel people (i.e. 'manipulate' them) into the 'easy money' con, only to take advantage of them later.

Thanks so much for the great comment!

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My pleasure, thank you for another exceptional newsletter!

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Hi Charlotte,

Property has always been the preferred collateral for lending proposes ..

that will probably never change..

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Yes, of course but I love how the banks tell you they are not in the real estate business. When I’m fact - They manipulate the real estate, using crooked business practices.

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Feb 25Liked by Stone Bryson

not a question of if but when!

the Federal Reserve flooded the world in 2008 via their Open window..

Bank of America had a small entity in China that received millions ..

it’s no longer owned by Bank of America but that entity is now one the largest banks in China ..

their name Chinese Construction Bank ..

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I doubt not your assertions here. I mean, really, at this point what does China NOT own? Our consumer markets, our farmlands, the majority of the politicians in DC... why not a major bank or two as well.


At any rate, thanks for the info, appreciate ya.

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Feb 25Liked by Stone Bryson

Those increased UFO sightings... those are simply aliens getting away while they still can.

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LOL I cannot say I blame them. If I had a spacecraft? Yeah...

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It will come as sure as the morning after will. And really, what’s the difference? Can we do anything to change that?

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Perhaps not, but we can prepare for it 🙂

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Oh, you probably didn’t read the answer I wrote in the vein of this subject…I’ll see if I can find it, it was just tonight but was in a comment thread on a post. About being in Chinada and unarmed with no rights and commies at the helm and all manner of other deleterious situations

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For those who have felt the heavy hand of the Feds overreach succession would be a most welcome sight. Should Texas decides to remove itself from this hamfisted Federal arrangement South Carolina rest assured, will be providing something more than moral support. When you have reports from major media outlets claiming our Constitutional rights are from the GOVERNMENT… The time has arrived to part ways.

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Doctor... we are in FULL agreement. Well stated!

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Feb 25Liked by Stone Bryson

Biden belongs in prison

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Feb 25Liked by Stone Bryson

Another great read, sir. Stay clear of the space junk and have yourself a wonderful week

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That space junk, though - as the old saw says, "What goes up... must come down." LOL So yeah, we may ALL be having to avoid it soon ;-)

Thanks so much, brother - you too!

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Feb 25Liked by Stone Bryson

nice share Stone Bryson

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Thanks again, man.

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Feb 26Liked by Stone Bryson

yes indeed Stone Bryson

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We're already in 08. Most people haven't figured it out but my industry has been hurting for awhile. While lots of work to do its zero to minimal roi at best not to mention cost when outsourced to work with no return really. Contingency only works when people are able to handle it or it sits and spins with layoffs and high stress. 23 was rough like 07. It's going to be interesting with commercial real estate as those owners who live off shore won't be able to be litigated like consumers. There are falling values yes and lots of the same things occurring in that realm like bad loans getting pushed through and last year I saw stuff where it's like how did you even get someone to lend this to you and stuff like that it's really going to be worse than 08 IMHO. Check out who Dr. Doom projections in 3/22. Amrita is whip smart too and knows I keep going on about the guy but he's always right. His stuff from last year came true. I'm telling you spring is around the corner but winter is coming.

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Jessica - I have little doubt that these assessments are accurate.

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