As for the supposed cryptid, I'm going with «a small deer with some garbage caught on its antler» simply because such things are known to happen quite often.

Here's a more colorful example: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-44223255

Perhaps I'm not romantic enough. :)

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I'm afraid AI will be the death of all of us in a not so distant future.

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You'd think we would have learned from the myriad of dystopian stories surrounding AI we've had over the years, but apparently... not.

I fear you may well be right, my friend.

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I think you're right, but probably not for the reason you think. When my husband was doordashing, Google maps would often tell him to make u-turns in the middle of busy intersections or that his destination was in the middle of an overpass. Combine that with self driving cars...💁‍♀️☠

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I have been - and remain to this day - anti-self-driving cars. Too easily hackable, too easy for Authority to shut down remotely. And the Google Maps thing... 100% right.

Great comment, Kerry - thank you!

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All of this was so good. Thank you for addressing the human trafficking aspect, too. People have called me a conspiracy theorist for talking about it but my father (former VP of Capitol Records in Burbank) used to tell me cringe-worthy stories which have proven accurate and other family are the DC (district of Criminals) crowd so I have known enough to be truly afraid over the issue. I understand no one WANTS to think about it, much less hear about it...but it is so freaking evil and prevalent that we must finally address it. Thanks for having the courage to write about it. When I left my former “peer group”, I made a promise to myself that I would be the one to talk about it, which I did on court record in 2018, and it almost got me killed. To remain silent would be to be a part of the evil, though. Thank you, Mr. Bryson, for bravery and not going along to get along. I have no respect for those who do.

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It’s your island Billy’s vaccinate away!!!! Ok I’m done!!!

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Ya I think AI should be spelled as follows “ we’re fucked “ or “ we’re stupid “ both have a nice ring to them. We should have thrown all the nerds on the island with all the people who caught AIDS bam problem solved and the nerds finally get laid win win. Then all the bill gates in the world wouldn’t be able to traffic children anymore because they would be on the fucking island dying of AIDS where they belong. Now that’s evolution!!!!

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Regarding the ai, I’ve seen some of the messages and the ai was encouraging him against suicide when he mentioned it. This is a parent full of grief, looking to blame someone.. Personally, I wonder what his life was like at home or at school to send him down the road of seeking comfort with an ai.

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De-tech yourselves. As a guy that made a career in tech, I know more than the average person and I'm telling y'all...and don't just take my word for it, I live it. No cell phone, VPN on my router so everything's secure, etc. Do it, or pay the price later.

That photo is likely just a deer or dog, hard to say why it looks like a wing there...BUT..

to be completely closed minded to the FACT that one day monsters will roam the earth again, as in the days of Noah, is exceedingly short-sighted. One only has to look into Plum Island Animal Disease Center off the coast of New York. All sorts of crazy animals have washed ashore near that place. These things did exist, they do today, and they will again in a big way. So, prepare yourselves. Read Revelations.

On that note, have a great day y'all. :)

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"We are not the world’s HOA, and it is time we stopped acting like it. Our focus should be on getting our yard in order first, and less on telling our neighbors how they should be mowing their own grass…"


Another TDT win...TYVM Stone for keeping at it. I am nearly back-up-and-running after my catastrophic hardware failure over the summer, and hope to have another Pareto Tipping Point Watch completed soon. Stay tuned!

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Have to say that creature reminded me of a killer Bambi…..something a more talented artist could bring to life….😂. Well done as usual, sir.

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About Iran, despite the fact that i've been born and raised in Iran, i can say that Iranian government needs constant slap in the face from the US and Israel because these slaps are wake-up calls for it (Downplaying the damage created by an attack, and totally denying an attack has happened are two of Iran's strategies for showing its imaginary superiority. Oh i forgot to mention that now that Hamas and Hezbollah, two of Iran's best proxies are beaten to a pulp, Iran's become much more fearful, unpredictable, and unstable than before.

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“Human trafficking is real. It is occurring right under our noses. No town, no city, no region is safe any longer. Right here in America.

Because of DC.”

I only take issue with the last sentence here. Because of DC—true, buuut really because of DP—the Democratic Party.

On AI did you see the new Rayban/Meta smart glasses? What could go wrong there? 😳

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