If you take a closer look at this ‘XiVla’ bromance and the pictures, I can help feeling that Xi is the top guy here. Look at body posture and that hug (brr). This never bodes well. But as with all empires in the past, once they became over-powerful the rot set in and while decline was slow, it was inevitable.

You couldn’t be more right about global banking. Nothing, absolutely nothing is meant to make things better for us. ‘Lulled into a false sense of security’ is more like it. Orwell appears to have been like Jules Verne, both describing what was impossible in their time, but now only too real. Unfortunately, Europe, loyal to WEF, seems to be on ther verge of introducing this.

‘Warp speed travel’ another sci-fi invention coming true? Loads of money spent on this development while too many are living in poverty. Just thinking of homeless veterans for example.

As always, your clear view of news is my go-to since I know you do not mix fact with fable as MSM does. It’s good to have a reliable news recap.

Thanks, Stone!

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As always, your comment is spot on, Joyce!

- An astute observation on the Xi / Putin dynamic - he definitely appears to be the 'alpha' in that bromance. Then again, Putin IS former KGB, so perhaps his demeanor is actually a psyop he's playing with Xi. One never knows when a snake is going to strike, after all ;-)

- I still have difficulty figuring out who was the greater 'prophet' - Orwell or Huxley LOL They both certainly captured their future - our present - with clarity, no doubt.

- I agree 100% that we should be addressing the needs of people on our own planet before venturing off to find others; I'm not sure from where the funding came for this one I'll have to verify that.

I so much appreciate you sharing your thoughts here, and your continued support - thank you!

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May 20Liked by Stone Bryson

If we weren’t throwing so much money away on bureaucracy that exists only to perpetuate itself, “social” programs, unnecessary conflicts and wars, and GOF research, we would have more than enough prosperity to both treat veterans like they were promised to be treated and turn our ambitions more towards space exploration. I think both are noble use of funds.

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Oh my goodness - this comment pushes all the RIGHT buttons for me this morning! Thank you, Certiorai - I could not agree more!

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

Re: warp drives, no. Again, no. Read the fine print: this theoretical model only works for subluminal speeds (read: slower than the speed of light) and requires an "intensely powerful gravity field," which without "exotic" (read: nonexistent) matter can only be made with lots and lots of mass packed into a very small space: in other words a black hole.

Black hole drives are not a new concept and they wouldn't let us exceed light speed. Just lets us get closer to it than the best plausible option right now, matter-antimatter annihilation, which has a theoretical limit of around 10-30% light speed depending on assumptions about advances in material science.

Unless a complete crack-up of known physics happens, we will not be exceeding or even approaching the speed limit.

The good news is we don't have to. Hopping from star to star on generational cruises is not a big deal if you have lots of time and patience. We can and will get there if we manage to not kill ourselves off with retarded pseudo-vaccines or some other The Science(tm) lunacy first.

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I appreciate the thorough breakdown, Fukitol (love that screen-name LOL) - I figured there was probably fine print I was missing. And you're 100% correct - the odds of us surviving our own scientists are not all that great ;-)

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! *salute

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

According to Terrance Howard you are ALL

Wrong. Watch the Joe Rohan episode from yesterday.. it was fascinating & I could only follow parts of it.

No such thing as gravity or straight lines … our whole system is WRONG

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

It is possible that we're all wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. But I await experimental confirmation of alternative models. I'll check out the episode though, always fun to hear new ideas.

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

Not just ideas .. he has a whole bunch of patents & inventions proving his theories

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I think of this century's high stock prices as just another example of price inflation. More dollars/yen/Euro chasing the same goods/stocks, etc. ==> prices rise. To get ten (depreciating) "dollars" in y2K, you needed perhaps $200 worth of stocks. Today, those same stocks average maybe $300, and you still get the same ten dollars dividend, which buys $10 worth of goods in 2024 dollars now.

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See, this is why I love Substack - there are people on here smarter than I on certain subjects, and are willing to share their knowledge with a common-sense approach. Thanks so much for this breakdown, Esther - appreciate ya!

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" That we may one day genuinely be able to travel the stars?" Not without a vaccine passport you won't!

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LOL I find no fault in your assessment ;-)

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May 20Liked by Stone Bryson

We are absolutely headed for a market correction that will eclipse every bust since the Great Depression. This, I am fairly certain, is by design so that it will force numerous, large bank failures which will drive the acceleration of CBDC. I also see a money grab by the government or another entity so that many will be destitute - the FDIC cannot bail out a massive failure and here again, by design.

Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase will however come out on the top of the heap. If you have money in either of these I strongly suggest pulling out and finding a totally independent, local bank without affiliation to any, currently, large bank. Mason jars buried in your backyard may be a good alternative too.

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Excellent observations, Earlene - and I am all for using Mason Jars for a variety of 'prepping' tasks ;-) Thanks!

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

Thanks for the news and sharing your take on it. None of it super surprising really tho. Those who turn away from God stare into the abyss and their deeds and actions will lead to destruction and death but the hope we have is that Truth and Life have already conquered and are already here and now eternal. So while we do what we can on this earth in Love for all, needless speculation can sometimes be detrimental to where our focus should be - on Christ. Just my thoughts. Thank you friend Peace

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

Watch the Joe Rogan episode that just launched with the actor Terrance Howard. It was mind blowing .. but I think our Govt already figured it all out .. it’s the driver behind all the new digital security & AI medicine

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Thanks JP, appreciate the recommendation!

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May 19Liked by Stone Bryson

Dow-to-gold ratio is about 60% down from its historical highs of 1999. Just saying.


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Huh... intriguing 🤔 I also saw reports suggesting gold could cap $2500 a ounce next week. Very intriguing, indeed.

BTW, thanks for the restack! 🫡

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Faster than light travel using gravity to "warp" space-time!?

I'm thinking "Event Horizon." Only they called it a "Gravity Drive" in the movie, not a "Constant Velocity Warp Drive."


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America has nothing worth saving. We are a source of inestimable evil in the world. The best thing America could do for humanity would be a mass suicide to take all of our foul worthless evil citizens with us.

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Stop. 🛑.. so not true .. man has always had evil … work on your own heart ❤️.. go watch Terrance Howard .

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It’s too late. We’re all just waiting around for the guillotine to drop. Whatever species comes next will at least have an easy job of not being as depraved and soulless as we were.

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