Nov 22, 2023Liked by Stone Bryson

I will say Nikki has given a good look at at who she really is and its not someplace we want to be in my opinion.

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Jan 4Liked by Stone Bryson

Even as Trump's U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley was seemingly a defender of freedom. However, in the true Lights of Scrutiny that come with a presidential campaign she is definitely showing her true colors.

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100%, on both your observations!

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I have to say Thank U Stone, I got sick of social & mass media (right around 2020- go figure🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️) & at the risk of sounding ignorant (far from it, & being very empathetic just cant stomach the constant bs rhetoric amping up the elite v serfs agenda that so many are pacified into going along with, either via fear tactics or just simple dumbing down) I deleted social media from my life & Only catch glimpses of mass media if it happens to play somewhere in public that I also happen to be. With all of that said, I honestly had zero clue as to anything current on Haley.

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We in South Carolina KNOW who Nikki Haley REALLY is… Spineless, woke, opportunist, back stabbing, dog turd, are way too kind in describing this witch. Yea will reap what yea have sowed… She knows as well as God this is the gospel truth.

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“And, in that action, we learned that Haley was…”


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deletedNov 20, 2023Liked by Stone Bryson
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Peripherally familiar, but only so. Someone I should rabbit-hole? Holiday weekend coming up, so I may have time... 😁

As for Darling Nikki (obscure 80's reference LOL), I am confident she's a no-way for this election cycle, but '28? I like to get ahead of the curve, get seeds planted in people's heads in advance.

And you may well be spot-on about Trump's immediate future. But that is fodder for a much-longer conversation.

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Who can stop what's been happening in the financial world for decades? Didn't it start with Nixon and gone downhill for Americans since then? Who can stop the global currency issue? The bankers control the world.

I've been following Dr. Shiva for years, can watch him in small doses only because he's a pompous ass who is both a perpetual victim and a really bad self promoter. If he were to present his data without the additional unnecessary hateful rhetoric, he'd be more effective and easier to watch. His arrogance towards RFK Jr makes him look like a petulant little boy. Smart wealthy guy who pretends to be from the hood. He ain't from my hood of Immigrants.

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deletedNov 30, 2023Liked by Stone Bryson
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Oooooh... the email guy! Cannot believe I didn't catch that before! LOL

Yes, I am familiar with him He's... um, a 'character?' Yep, I think that's a good way to frame it...

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Agreed about the banking cabal. I've been following Corey's Diggs & Katherine Austin Fitts, for years they've been warning us about everything that's happening in today's financial markets. What a shitshow.

I can guarantee that Dr. Shiva is not from my hood of underserved Immigrants. The guy comes from privilege, I just wish he'd stop with the faux hood rat cadence when he speaks - he's not a hood rat!😂😂

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I agree with you both - the usury-based banking system must end. We need to get back to 'natural' means of exchange. How we do that is a mighty hill to climb, and the path is shaky, but I believe it can be done.

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