There’s a new sheriff in town, folks… well, a new previous sheriff, anyhow.
As of this writing it has been nearly a week since the 45th/47th president has been sworn into office, and it has arguably been the most substantial first six days of any presidency in American history. The volume of substantive changes which have been facilitated is nothing short of monumental, and historians (if those who are writing the history are not of the ‘Propagandist’ class) will be celebrating and debating these few days for decades.
And we had the chance to experience it first hand. We have lived - we are living - history.
Rather than sleep-walk you through the specifics as so many others are doing, I have decided instead to give you my overall impressions of what has occurred - and what I think is to come…
-- WATCHING THE NEWS conference during President Trump’s first night back in office was a face-full of ‘Wait - what?’ Here was the president of (theoretically) the most power country on Earth, signing nation-changing executive orders… whilst casually bantering back and forth with the media.
And this was not a room filled with pro-Trump sycophants, either - this group, who treated the previous occupant like fragile glass, genuinely despises the new guy. Yet, there he was - being challenged and challenging back, bold and unafraid. It was unlike anything I have seen before; 47 is not only different than 46… he is different from 45 as well.
This is a new energy, a different vibe. Trump learned from the mistakes he made the first time around, and he is not repeating them. I honestly think we really will have to view his two terms as two very different men having served, because 2017 Trump is very different from 2025 Trump…
-- I CAN ALMOST guarantee that (if they were honest) on some level ‘journalists’ are happy for Trump’s return. They may hate his politics and even him personally, but having a functional, accessible, fully-interactive president in the Oval Office makes doing their jobs a heck-of-lot easier. And more fun to do, too!
After all, they have not had this kind of one-on-one for years, so they must be as giddy as school-children on recess right now - at least professionally speaking…

-- AS TO THOSE Executive Orders, and the overall changes he is making? I am on board with most of them... most of them. The firm alterations in ‘immigration’ enforcement (and the overall fight against child trafficking) were vitally necessary, and his proclamations on a variety of social issues have been micro-breaths of fresh-air, even if largely symbolic.
The drive toward full-disclosure on many MANY topics is most welcome as well, and his executive orders freeing the J6 and pro-life political prisoners were acts which put the lawfare-state on notice. In addition, his speech to the Davos Cabal, along with getting us out of the World Health Organization and the Paris Climate Accords? These were also positive steps, especially for us local-focused citizens.
Now, many of these orders will be challenged in court, and let it be so; indeed, let them reveal themselves. Let them proclaim that they support murderous, child-raping illegals staying in our lands. Let them openly defend human-trafficking and allowing men to invade women’s most private of spaces.
Let them shout these and more from the roof-tops, because the culture is shifting right in front of them and they are too arrogant (and too blinded by their twisted and profane ideologies) to see it. Let them do it, and let us be glad when they do, that the truth shall be exposed.
Let us let that truth be free - that it shall make us free…
-- I MUST ADMIT that, when first announced, I had a few doubts about Sen. J.D. Vance as Trump's Vice-Presidential pick. While the narrative of his early days is inspiring, his political inexperience - and his ties to Silicon Valley Oligarchs and a few other Globalist entities - caused me concern.
After seeing clips of him intellectually eviscerating the CBS Propaganda-Agent Margaret Brennan over the weekend, however? All immediate doubts have been washed away. Sure, we must remain vigilant (as is the case with ANY politician, Trump included) - but at least I know now this guy has the brains and the spine to lead the nation, when his time comes.
And yes, like it or not? His time WILL come, one way or the other…
-- SPEAKING OF vigilance, I am not AT ALL pleased with Trump cozying up to Oracle master Larry Ellison, much less him giving a half-a-billion dollars to the authoritarian billionaire (along with equally-repugnant Sam Altman) to develop what is essentially an AI-based police state. Nope, I am not pleased about this, not one bit.
Oh, do you think I am exaggerating? Here is an Ellison quote, from September of last year…
"Citizens will be on their best behavior because we are constantly recording and reporting everything that's going on… (w)e're going to have supervision."
And in the same press-conference where he announced the ‘investment,’ the President suggested that Ellison could be a viable choice to take the reigns of TikTok.
Again… nope.
This is an obvious and grave threat to Liberty, to living Natural and living local… perhaps the gravest we have ever faced. So no, this is not at all acceptable (and it sure-to-blazes is NOT what 77 million of us voted for), and it must be challenged vociferously.
And - here’s a secret - President Trump will listen to us. We are the keepers of his legacy, after all (he cannot count on the establishment historians to do it for him), and his legacy is very important to him. As such, he needs us, so if we just get loud enough? He will listen.
And of all the issues with which one should be raising their voice? This may well be the most important, whether one is a Trump-supporter or no…
-- THE SITUATION WHICH unfolded with TikTok the weekend before Trump’s inauguration was high-drama, Internet-style. Whether it was choreographed by the Trump team with the company’s CEO Shou Zi Chew for maximum effect, or merely a randomized happenstance, TikTok’s resurrection 14 hours after being taken offline in the US seemed to get the results they wanted.
I’m just not sure exactly what they wanted… or what the real endgame is.
Here is what I do know: TikTok is dead. Oh, I know what I predicted - and I was proven right. But I also know that parent-company ByteDance will be forced to sell TikTok in one capacity or another, and that any sale will not include TikTok’s golden algorithm; they have made that clear.
And since TikTok without its algorithm is no longer TikTok? The platform will plant half its user-base in the first week post-sale, and there will be no going back from there. No matter what theatrics played out over the last week, and no matter what deal the President makes to keep TikTok active? Those fact are absolute.
TikTok. Is. Dead.
And to be even more blunt? A sale to the aforementioned Larry Ellison is virtually guaranteed to kill the platform, even if for some reason the algorithm was in the mix. We know exactly what Ellison wants, and why he wants it, and a majority of TikTok users are much more comfortable with China having their data than him, or really any American tech/government entity.
The unexpected rise of RedBook proved that in spades; President Trump and his team would be wise to learn that lesson…
That covers the broad strokes of what went down over the last week. There is only one more point I would like to make… if you do not mind.
-- AS I HAVE said since well before the election, I have never once seen Trump as a ‘savior’ figure, nor was I expecting him to rescue our nation. He is human, and a flawed one (as we all are), so I knew he would take actions I would be against, and that I would speak out when that occurred (as is the case with the vile, AI-based initiative he just funded).
I voted for Trump for one primary reason: To pause the relentless march toward Globalist tyranny; as the actions mentioned above suggest, that has already begun to take root. Now that we have said-pause, we are granted at least four years to get ‘local’ - to get right with ourselves, with our communities, and to prepare for the return of the WEF-Elitists and their attacks on us commoners.
And they will return, and they will be feeling vengeful; make no mistake about it.
I have to say, however, that the start of President Trump’s second term exceeded my wildest expectations. I am very happy for how it has started, and am generally hopeful for what is to come… Ellison notwithstanding…
OH, AND ALSO? We are still waiting for the release of the Epstein List. Yes, we do understand it is still early, and we know there could be legal issues to iron out; as such, we will be patient. But do not delay too long, because we are adamant - even uncompromising - about its release.
We. Want. Those. Names. And our patience does have limits.
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-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were generated by the author, using NightCafe, Grok, or Substack’s AI Image Tool, with digital alterations when desired or needed.
Wonderfully written Stone, and I couldn’t wait to read your analysis! It didn’t disappoint!
A friend of mine posted on Facebook how most of the illegal immigrants are entering the United States for farm work, and they are vitally needed for our economy. Well, I told him I live in the richest farm area in America and none of the recent illegal aliens have migrated here. They would be in strict competition with local farm workers, and we have enough already. I live on thousands of acres of oranges, and it’s only a month or two out of the year a large amount of farmworkers are needed to pick the fruit. The rest of the year is managed by a handful of people and machines. Anyway, I asked him where he got his references and he said Chat GPT
🤪 🤣🤣🤣
Hispanic farmworkers in my area do not want them here.
Herr Stone
Stated succinctly
Epstein list a must
Shine light on the elites who were “customers “ of Epstein
Tusen Takk