Wonderfully written Stone, and I couldn’t wait to read your analysis! It didn’t disappoint!

A friend of mine posted on Facebook how most of the illegal immigrants are entering the United States for farm work, and they are vitally needed for our economy. Well, I told him I live in the richest farm area in America and none of the recent illegal aliens have migrated here. They would be in strict competition with local farm workers, and we have enough already. I live on thousands of acres of oranges, and it’s only a month or two out of the year a large amount of farmworkers are needed to pick the fruit. The rest of the year is managed by a handful of people and machines. Anyway, I asked him where he got his references and he said Chat GPT

🤪 🤣🤣🤣

Hispanic farmworkers in my area do not want them here.

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"Hispanic farmworkers in my area do not want them here." That is such an important point, Charlotte, one that that gets ignored by our propaganda media. And they wonder why so many American Latinos leaned Trump's way in 2024.

The conversation you had with your friend is also quite telling, for it proves how effective the narrative still plays with certain segments of the our population. They have been told something so many times they believe it as absolute, even though the situation has evolved over the past decade or so. Sad that it still works, but some people find irrational comfort in the intellectually familiar, even if it is a falsehood.

Thank you so much, for the gracious comment and insightful observations- I really appreciate them, AND you <3

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Herr Stone

Stated succinctly

Epstein list a must

Shine light on the elites who were “customers “ of Epstein

Tusen Takk


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Most kind of you, Jon - thank you so much *salute

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I say The Donald is a "new" sheriff. The break he was forced to take -- I believe at God's hand -- taught him some valuable lessons and allowed him time to understand the full scope of our enemies and what "hit the ground running" really means.

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I could not agree more, Angela :-)

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A wonderful clear-cut analysis, but then I had expected no less of you, Stone.

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Thanks, Joyce - very happy you think so :-)

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Completely agree with your take Stone. Trump’s “shock and awe” overnight dramatically changed the dynamic of the last four, no 16 years, putting the deep state on notice, causing MSM to scurry like cockroaches, freaking out the DC swamp, to name a few. Watching Trump make the LA Mayor squirm and fake smile to the citizens she has failed miserably, in a live presser, is a foreshadowing of things to come. Even Regan didn’t have this effect or impact. It’s like a tidal wave of positive energy is sweeping the land, and Trump is riding along. The permission to drop the fear of social justice cancellation for speaking out, is palpable.

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Well stated! I’m fully on board with you over the AI mRNA BS!! What a total nightmare ditto for Ellison and TikTok. While I don’t partake of TikTok, Ellison shouldn’t hold the reins to anything…can’t really do anything about Oracle but he is a horrible human.

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Thank God for people like you who will hold our new President's feet to the fire and call out the misteps and lead the push back to the mistakes or failures to stay on track with the freedom and justice path. I pray to God Trump realizes that we will not tolerate his support for criminals like Ellison, Thiel and others who want to surveil and control a free people. I know technology itself is not good or evil and the purpose for which they are used is important and the restrictions on how they can be misused. I suspect Trump has ways of using those who know the ends and outs of the system and have been misusing it to reverse course and cooperate in using it for good. May it be so. I think he is lulling some of these people into a false sense of security, and saving the worst ones for last, like the criminals who rule the so called nation state of "Israel."

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"Thank God for people like you who will hold our new President's feet to the fire and call out the missteps and lead the push back to the mistakes or failures to stay on track with the freedom and justice path."

That may be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me, Hat - thank you! :-)

The rest of your comment is very astute as well, and - like you - I am hopeful Trump is just playing the long game with the most nefarious of these Globalist tyrants, to bring truth to light. Only time will tell, of course, but 'hope springs eternal' as the old saw goes... ;-)

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Thank you Stone. Some of the things I read are so imbalanced and only see and point out the negatives (often terribly exaggerated especially by the media and brainwashed collectivists) and some only want to see the positive and justify the negatives. You are one of those who while alert to the positive do not give a pass to things that do not pass the smell test. Personally I see a lot of very positive things that cannot be ignored. In fact I've learned that what we give attention and importance to in our lives increases so every single thing that is positive must receive gratitude and recognition. Yet awareness is important. We have so often been deceived into supporting negative things because they have been dressed up in lying positive dress, these must not be allowed to pass without resistance and correction. I have not missed the fact that as President Trump's support has strengthened he has become more bold and open about expressing what the more aware of us have known for a long time. He seems able to learn from his experiences and correct course. I have seen growth in his performance and as a person. He is paying attention and responding to the people he serves so influencers like you play an important role in MAGA as it should be.

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I was glad to see Elon express skepticism over Trump’s grandiose plan to align with the transhumanists. Hopefully he listens to the adults in the room

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Its definitely been a busy first few days and overall I'm pleased, maybe even a sigh of relief. The techies being kicked in to the spotlight may prove to be strategic. Only time will tell. TT stays, goes, or something else really doesn't worry me much however I'm glad to have gotten to know so many with it.

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Not sure I like our rich techies a whole lot better than theirs, but perhaps Trump is keeping potential enemies close. He knows how to fire people. Whatever happened to Rammy whatshisname?

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Well stated write, thank you, Stone.

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Spectacular! I’m so happy to catch up with your work today with this post!

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Ellison is investing with the other 2. Not the govt. same for the Saudi’s

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How can he give you the Epstein list when he is on it? It is all smoke & mirrors, how can you not see that? Trump is just one of the many actors on the world stage, a pawn of the world order that has been running this shitshow we call reality for ages.

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