Jan 25Liked by Stone Bryson

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift, but you have not forgotten the gift.

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"Indeed, a mind exercised grows strong and healthy, while an idle mind will atrophy into uselessness."

Apt description of the US public education K-12 curriculum. :-(

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Jan 26Liked by Stone Bryson


I love the term 'active-minded', which I will now aim to sprinkle into every conversation I have.

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I am looking forward to reading your book after stumbling upon this passage and your substack. An active path as the middle path, motion as the pillar.

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Jan 26Liked by Stone Bryson

Active minded is a perfect description to explore new and challenging topics and situations. Well done!

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Jan 25Liked by Stone Bryson


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In each paragraph I find an eloquent and concise means of stating many principles for learning. Principles I try to share with my graduate students.

But alas, two challenges are in front of us. First, thinking and teaching of thinking (while espoused as a core value) are without a doubt frowned upon in the academy. Finding ways to get there has become more and more challenging (I’m up to the challenge!!).

Second, many students are not scholars. They don’t just blindly trust the “experts”, they believe they themselves are the experts. They’ve not come back to school to grow in wisdom and knowledge or even to EARN a degree or credentials. Instead, they seem to have returned to be GIVEN credentials commensurate with their self-proclaimed expertise.

Thank you for the words. I’ll be saving this one and sharing your work when and where I can!

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"the meaning of ‘evolution’ was… well, it evolved"

I appreciate a lot the esoteric connotation of "was" in the sentence above.

I grasped an interesting intention to render the reader out-of-time. Like you said, the text is meant to be interpreted in many ways, depending on the active evolutionary path of the reader. Your intention to help us notice that the path is an active one is a noble one. I personally thank you for it. It strengthens the will to take the reins of thought and brings us to the center of the evolutionary action. Here and now.

I salute you, soul sailor. Fair thoughts and following dreams.

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In spite of, or because of, reading your pages as they come, I look forward to the book. Thank you

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Thank you, Freeq. I appreciate that... 🫡

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I'm glad I came across your Substack - kindred souls on the journey of discovery it seems. My Holy Grail is Word Brevity, and I appreciate your exhibit above. Well said.


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Active minded is the learning phase in an AI algorithm. The test patterns must be reevaluated for the correlations discovered as even if coincidental these may result in good test results. Good test results do not define good “science.”

Convictions held must be tested, as an article timed with the feast of St. Paul’s conversion it may be well for us to ponder what is needed for false convictions to be recognized. Process philosophy is almost always found to a pragmatic state declaring the end justifies the means. What is active thinking must be itself evaluated as the baby is often thrown out with the bath water. Don’t throw out the baby, especially if like Herod, you fear the consequences of the Incarnation being Who He is.

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