Truth, and discerning it seem quite key. I was contemplating the Sword of Truth. How it cuts through all that is not real.

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It is a huge pity that justice has become bastardized by those in power. I think real justice is still there, waiting for the right time to bring her sword of truth crashing down on the heads of these tyrants. Her scales transcend our human systems but they will be ready to weigh in and distribute true justice soon. A great piece of writing, Stone.

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As a libra to my core, I resonate with this so much. To use the system as a form of revenge, manipulation and negotation further taints its already nefarious antics. The black robed magicians cast spells on their maritime boat for those lost at sea. A judge, not holding honor in his own heart, nor living by truth, is not fit for the 'role' as center of the scales. I hope Bill Cooper is a haunting some of these fools.

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Jul 23Liked by Stone Bryson

Lady ‘Iustitia’ no longer represents ‘Ius’. It is like a Hollywood film set.. a deserted village with derelict houses behind a cardboard façade to give the impression it’s all fine.

You’re absolutely right, Stone

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Yes, Truth has my vote, Stone. Great post!

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Jul 23Liked by Stone Bryson

I concur with your views. Unless you can undo an event that leads you to pursue "justice", you usually get little or none. Maybe you get revenge, but that changes nothing. Maybe you get compensation, but seldom are the results that return things to the way there were before you sought justice.

Victim-hood? That is the false self seeking something that will satisfy its falseness. If you see the real you, or perhaps see your spiritual side, or the part of you that is truth, you need not be a victim. Life just is and to see oneself as being a victim is a horrible way to live.

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Jul 23Liked by Stone Bryson

Truth is however, a moving target

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Bravo!! Great post! It got me thinking about Ma'at, the ancient Egyptian goddess of truth, justice and harmony, and how man, in his arrogance, decided to assume her job. Thanks Stone!

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Once a critical mass of people know the little boy is crying wolf. There is no going back .

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Yes. Who’s truth is it?

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Jul 24Liked by Stone Bryson

Great article. US Justice system is as broken as any other government system.

P.S. New call-girl of Justice? Would.

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Yes! Great post, Stone. Thanks for writing.

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Jul 23Liked by Stone Bryson

Spot on!

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Jul 23Liked by Stone Bryson

You hit the 🎯. Excellent work!

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Justice dies, because we killed it within ourselves. Justice takes effort , practice. https://artemis6.substack.com/p/the-virtues-revisited

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Very well stated..truth ..thank you, Stone.

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