There is nothing as protected by law in the United States than the Church. The IRS can't even audit a Church without the consent of the Church.

I remember, very early in the Pandemic when Governors across the US ordered Churches to stop meeting. I told my wife, and I certainly expected, Churches everywhere to use polite pastor speak to tell said Governors to fuck off.

Certainly there is no legal authority anywhere within this country for any governmental official to direct a Church regarding its meetings in any way.

But, instead of telling Governors to fuck off, Churches meekly closed their doors by the thousands. Without so much as a whimper.

That's when I knew without any doubt that the spirit to defend liberty was well and truly dead in this country.

As individuals, we still might defend our freedoms, and thanks to an armed populace, we have the means to do so if it is necessary, but collectively we have given up.

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Sobering truth, Cameron - I too, was stunned that so many of them weakly capitulated. That was the LAST thing I expected 😐

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Yep. It honestly shocked me when they bowed to Caesar.

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And i do have a problem with that.

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Does anyone know what happened to the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court case? Everyone had such high hopes for a win. Excellent article Stone. The USA, and the British must owe China a lot of money to begin incorporating their draconian laws against free speech. AND they've been allowed to purchase much of California’s productive farmland. Was there an exchange made?

The USA has been on the verge of bankruptcy for years. Whose to save her? She keeps kicking the can down the road, avoiding the fall of bankruptcy, but just like all bankruptcies, eventually, she will seemingly crumble in a day.

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Those are some excellent questions about Chinese influence, Charlotte, definitely worthy of additional research. I would in no way be surprised if we discovered a connection, especially with how much US real estate the CCP owns. Sickening 😕

I'd forgotten all about the Brunson Case until you brought it up here; after research, it turns out it was actually not taken by SCOTUS - a few unethical grifters online peddled it for clicks and attention. I'd like to throttle those who engage in such behaviors 😠

And you're 100% correct, that bankruptcy is coming; once it happens, people will start asking exactly WHO holds our debt... then I have a feeling things will get very ugly for those who do.

Great comment as always - thank you! ☺️

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@Stone Bryson goes to figure the Brunson brothers case was nothing but a big grift. Hope in a bottle for those believing the Supreme Court are Supreme protectors. I remember at the end of Clinton’s second term, and before 911 the United States economy was in pretty good shape. Once those towers fell down it’s been nothing but a big recession ever since. And pay for those damn word they had to heavily borrow from China. How did we get to this point? Without the help of both party leaders?

Thank you so much for taking the time to research the Brunson brothers. I was wondering about them the other day and your article prompted me to ask about them.

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A very astute comment, Charlotte, as always. I had not really considered the continuity of the recession going from 9/11 to the 2008 housing collapse - and subsequent "bailouts" - to the Obama malaise to the Biden nightmare... but yeah, I think you are on to something here 🤔

Thanks! ☺️

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911 of course was a huge event in everyone’s life and profoundly changed the direction of most individuals projectory. For me at the time, it never seem to really recover. The big real estate and financial crash in 2008 only accentuated my own situation. All I have ever seen since 911 is a recession. A little little recovery here and there to make it feel like things are getting better and then poof!, and it all that magically disappears. L

The way I see it is 911 was either a declaration of war, or it was a celebration of a defeat. Somebody won, or is winning. For Bible followers, it says the Beat will come out ahead of Babylon.🥇 Isn’t it amazing how when the US military invaded Iraq the first thing they raided was the national museum? Housing many Babylonian relics. That all seem to be a lot more important than catching Sodom Hussein.

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Every president since Regan has tried to crumble our Democracy a little at a time. The Bush’s were traitors. It broke my heart when I learned that. They knew about 9/11. The Cabal has been in charge a long time. We just did not know it until they , the evils, created Jan.6. I cry to think about this Evil upon our nation. So many are hypnotized by evil. Satan is doing his work. Pray to Almighty God every day🙏

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Start to resist or cease to exist.

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I like that! 🫡

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It was always believed that «they can't imprison everyone». January 6 was an eye-opener that the capacity of American repressive system is way higher than thought – more than a thousand were charged, and hundreds are still in jail.

But perhaps Brits haven't reached that level yet.

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'Yet' indeed - if they have not... they will soon ;-) Thanks, Rat!

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They have. Tyranny

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The Judicial System is part of the government. Don't look for justice there.

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Find UK memes, create them, steal them...and POST the heck out of them!

While you are doing that, also be paying close attention, because it's coming here.

Note who it is actually on the front lines...compromised 'Law Enforcement', wielding their lawfare cudgel. Judges and DA's. All the alphabet agencies.

We're literally paying these people for our downfall.

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Mouthful or truth, brother! *salute. Agreed across the board...

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When the UK said they were going to extradite, first, I just laughed because well, familiar with international law.

Yes, I also knew this is an Siri pre-warning: the US, Canada, UK, Australia, the five eyes – – they all have cooperation agreement among their agencies to spy on each other’s countries because it’s illegal to spy on your own citizens.

So probably what’s going to happen is they’re going to create loopholes, or just ignore the law completely, to allow each other’s respective countries to extradite and punish citizens that cannot be punished in their own country.

Life Tip: Brazil has no extradition. They do not extradite. Maybe we should all just go there and start cranking out the memes

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They won't go full-bore after the first ammendment, until they get rid of the second ammendment.

Trying to arrest people for non-crimes won't go over so well, as long as citizens are armed.

That's why leftists always come for the guns first.

The idea is to make citizens, who want to defend themselves, criminals.

At that point, the "representative government" will have rendered itself illegitimate. At that point the citizens become subjects, and are no longer represented, they are ruled.

That's where we're headed if things don't change drastically.

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Didn’t hear about this until reading your post. Scary shit man. Good work getting a logical argument to the batshit craziness out. Just gotta hope we’ll prevail.

I’ve read V for Vendetta, havent seen the movie. Book was great. I’ve read the authoritarian gov in the movie used a virus to get more control…sounds a bit familiar.

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Thanks, John, appreciate the gracious words. Many people take this stuff way too lightly, IMO, and if we do not confront it we could end up in a very bad place.

And as for V? If you've read the graphical novel you'll be disappointed with the film. It IS a good movie, no doubt, but you have to overlook the obvious Globalist propaganda for the underlining inspiration.

Put another way? I'll let Alan Moore give you his thoughts...

"[The movie] has been turned into a Bush-era parable by people too timid to set a political satire in their own country. ... It's a thwarted and frustrated and largely impotent American liberal fantasy of someone with American liberal values standing up against a state run by neoconservatives – which is not what the comic V for Vendetta was about. It was about fascism, it was about anarchy, it was about England"

So, while an entertaining - and even inspirational, with creative interpretation - movie, it is NOT the book :-)

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Well put by both you and Alan Moore!

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You are not far off. The "Five Eyes" international spy organization is able to compromise every liberty you think you have.

Love your work, Stone.

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Thanks Dave, I appreciate that!

And Five Eyes? You're right, people genuinely have no clue how much information they both have AND share!

Well played! 🫡

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Up here in what used to be the true north strong and free 🇨🇦 the days of posting opinions online are nearly over. Jordan Peterson has been legally sentenced to attend reeducation camp for posting his opinions online and police have shown up at the doors of everyday citizens who posted their opinions online. If Bill C63 passes, and I feel fairly confident that it will, any online activities deemed....🤔....harmful will land you in jail. Social engineering is far more powerful than we think.

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As I have said before, I feel for you all up there - the Trudeau dictatorship has been relentless in its authoritarian measures. I tell ya, Penny, I cannot help but think it will worm its way in down here as well... :-\

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I totally agree with you, Stone. I used to think that the law and at the very least, the Bill of Rights, would protect me. When you get to the level of corruption where we find ourselves today…all bets are off!

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The only rights we have are those we are physically able to enforce.

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Does anyone else see a pattern here! It’s reverse psychology in the most heartless possible way.

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The Supreme Court will, in fact, hold up the constitutional rights of people (shocking as that may seem at times) but the process is savagely long and drawn out. And you are correct: the extraditions, trials and imprisonment would have already taken place before that case makes it to their eyes. Well done, as usual, sir!

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I do know how to get out of handcuffs 😎

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LOL A talent for which we should ALL strive ;-)

And I know how to stay out of them... at least 'in theory,' anyhow :-)

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No worries British law is Null and void in America

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....theoretically at least.

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I used to have a UK passport. I am sure I exist on some database over there even if it’s buried deep. So I am thinking of being conscientious and just

proactively turning myself over. I’ll even travel on my own dime from California.

I just wanna do the right thing. Let them judge me and if it’s meant to be I’ll come home. Or I’ll serve out time. I hear there’s room now on Belmarsh.

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