I have been having some thoughts, and while I normally cringe at the notion of getting too introspective with public posts, I just feel a strong need to get this out of my system. I apologize in advance, and once it is completed? I hope that you - and I - can make some sense of it.
Now, as the old saw goes? Damned the torpedoes, full speed ahead…
This last week I put in a lot of work into a fresh edition of the Three-Dot Tablet [TDT] to post this Sunday morning. As it has been three weeks since I dropped one, I wanted to serve up a great offering for you. Last night, as I was topping it off, it dawned on me that (aside from one, light-hearted segment) none of the stories - none of my commentary - served any purpose other than to rile up the reader.
While such vibes may be great for clicks and likes (proof of that is all over X and - sadly - starting to take root here on Substack), over the long haul it can eat at the soul of a person - AND an enterprise - like a malignant cancer. I want not that for myself, nor for The Stone Age.
And while it may have been written well… it was still bad. Seriously, not a single segment was based around ‘living local,’ nor were there any encouraging insights on how to better do so. The political story covered was Nationally-centered, the international discussion revolved around a global (instead of ‘Globalist’) threat, and one was a rehash of a story over which dozens of others had already ruminated.
Worst of all, I provided no solutions to what I discussed, which is something upon which I take pride. If I were to be entirely open, it was really nothing more than a dour, snarky, ranting bitchfest, which - again - is NOT what I want this space to become. Too many others are already doing that, and quite frankly doing it better than I ever could. So as I also strive to make this site something different?
I read what I had written… and I reread it… and again. I despised the words in front of me (my own words!), wailing in my eyes like a warning siren before an approaching storm strikes. Then, in an odd act of rebelling against - of all things - myself, I asked aloud a very simple question.
“What the hell am I doing here?”
That edition will never see the light of day; in fact, aside from the aforementioned ‘light-hearted’ segment… it has all been deleted.
I have not always been so mindful of my words (in truth, to my shame I have oft been quite careless with them), but I have been looking around at the world as-it-really-is, perhaps with clearer eyes than I have ever possessed, and have come to a few realizations.
Sure, I have known for decades there is a battle raging - against Liberty, against Natural living - on the Temporal Plain, but it has only been over the past few years where I began to really understand how fiercely it is being fought on the Ethereal Plain as well. Many refer to it as a ‘spiritual war,’ and while that means different things to different people, the general concept is the same.
As many of you already know, there is a dark, pro-Mammon / anti-Liberty energy at work, and - with its willing acolytes - it is attempting to destroy those of us who wish to live in tune with a more-Natural vibe. It controls news media and academia, how we judge our standards AND our value… our very culture. It utilizes vile propaganda to worm its way into our minds (to eradicate our sense of self) and our souls (to sever our connections to each other and with Providence).
It hates us.
But how exactly does one fight an ‘Ethereal War’ with an intractable adversary? That is the one thing which is seldom discussed, at least not without applying concepts from specific religions or philosophies. While I respect those ideas, and find much value in many of them… there must also be a more universal battle plan.
Because no matter where one is on the religious or philosophical spectrum? This is something that will eventually destroy ALL of us… even, ironically, those acolytes of the darkness.
We shall waste not a moment of worry over them and their fates - they have made their choices. Our choices, however, are still very much within our control.
Which brings me back to the question I asked myself: What am I doing?
A battle for the soul (proverbial and otherwise) must first be fought within. It means having absolute standards based on Natural Law, while still maintaining flexibility in how said-standards are applied. It means being in every moment, keeping our thoughts positive and ordered. It means being mindful of what we consume - with eyes, ears, and mouths - that we develop the heathiest minds, bodies, and souls possible.
It also means having Faith, that all will unfold as it should.
But this war must be waged without as well. That means projecting hope and goodness in act, thought, and word… it means passionately addressing wrongs which violate Natural Law when they arise… it means seeking and offering solutions while having the will and courage to implement them. These steps, in my very humble opinion, are amongst those we can take to overcome that which stands against us.
As such, I no longer want to waste words - waste energy - and that which does not (at least peripherally) address this battle; it is too important for me to ignore. I want what I create here to be uplifting where possible, fiery when needed, and (as I have already mentioned) solution-based.
This does NOT mean I will abandon discussing news items, only that the stories I do cover with be connected to the battle we have discussed here. It also does not mean I will abandon sharing light-hearted fare from myself and others (even - and especially - cutting-edge memes), because in the grimmest of moments? Touches of lightness can indeed be balm for the spirit.
As such, with each post I intend to ask myself, “Does this serve the greater battle?” Does it bring joy or relief (real joy, not that manufactured garbage being peddled at the moment), does it inform and enlighten, does it bolster one’s spirit while providing hope?
Does it make things better? If it does not, you will not see it.
I firmly believe we are at a crossroads, my friends, perhaps the most critical in human history. At no time previous have our adversaries been this close to achieving their sinister goals, but the biggest weapon they have against us - their propaganda - also contains their biggest weakness… along with the biggest lie they have attempted to embed in each of us.
Fear. They want us to fear them - to feel overwhelmed by their vast reach and influence… to be cowed by their ‘might.’ But we are not ‘defenseless’… we can fight, and prevail. Once we understand that the victory begins within, begins with undoing all the internal damage they have done inside of us, begins by reconnecting with Natural Law and with Nature itself?
We do these, and ‘fear’ is rendered impotent… and we become unconquerable.
These are my thoughts; this is what has been weighing on me. Thank you for reading, and for your support.
You, whether you know it or not, are valued beyond words. We may not oft communicate, but I do see you.
You matter.
-- If you are asking how this will effect my recent launch of Web-Only, weekend weather forecasts? I consider those part of the ‘light-hearted’ fare, in that they can serve to provide a brief respite from the ‘grim’… whilst also fostering a sense of shared experience.
-- Cover image was generated by the author, using Grok 2 (on X).
I left this comment on a Poetic Outlaws post about Alan Watts. I think it bears repeating here in support of your stance.
Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. Alan Watts
Imagine what the Universe is perceiving if we always look upon the ugliness in the world, what the Universe hears if all we listen to is discordant strife, what the Universe becomes conscious of if all we bear witness to is the darkness.
We have already won the war. Time to tidy up. xx