Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson

I left this comment on a Poetic Outlaws post about Alan Watts. I think it bears repeating here in support of your stance.

Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. Alan Watts

Imagine what the Universe is perceiving if we always look upon the ugliness in the world, what the Universe hears if all we listen to is discordant strife, what the Universe becomes conscious of if all we bear witness to is the darkness.

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Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson

We have already won the war. Time to tidy up. xx

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Self-examination is a powerful exercise my friend. Good on ya! Carry on. I’ll read all of it regardless. 🙏💪🏻🫡

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Powerful... yet at times painful, eh? ;-)

Thanks, brother - happy you are here.

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I fully endorse every word in this essay including any typos or misstatements. I my own way, I am on the same path . Hope to find more and more like-minded people here and in IRL here. Thank you, Stone. Bravo.

It is heartening to know there is still plenty of room for us all to "sing the world into being."

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"It is heartening to know there is still plenty of room for us all to 'sing the world into being'." Love it.

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I love that too :-)

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That is my hope as well, man. And hope does spring eternal... yes? :-)

Very much appreciate this comment - thank you!

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Kudos for your self awareness and humility and heart - never unnoticed.

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Sep 16Liked by Stone Bryson

Shines as a light for anyone else who is doing the same. We all resonate and heal and grow together in this way.

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We really ARE all in this together, aren't we Ki? Very gracious comment, thanks so much.

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Very kind, E.T. - thank you... :-)

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Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson

Great stuff man, and that had to have been difficult. Here's my short list of ideas to write about, local sort of stuff. Feel free to grab any of these and do your own..

basic preparedness - more than just guns/ammo

basic home security, ie door jambs, cams, dog, reflections, plan, car keyfob, window locks, door stoppers, manually lock car, juicing, zapper/bear spray if legal

DR plan


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Thanks, brother, appreciate it. Although - to be honest - I am looking forward to you dropping some written gems again. I remember reading one of your off-Substack works when we first started following each other, and I also remember enjoying it.

So while I may touch on the topics you mentioned here, I am wagering you could do them more justice than I :-)

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Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson

Do you homeschool?

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Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson


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Thank you, Angela <3

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Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson

I love this and thank you! Solutions are what I want to read about, or personal stories that make my heart lurch.. things that remind me there are so many souls that know it can be better, and want to do just that!!

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Whoa, my first response to you was an editorial mess LOL Sorry about that, I cleaned it up because... well, I HAD to! *facepalm

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5 hrs agoLiked by Stone Bryson

Bahahaha, I read right through it because our phones can be assholes

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7 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

Thank YOU, JSR! Any time I see a rant, I think to myself "So what is your solution?" I figure if I am mentally asking it of others... I better continue asking it of myself :-)

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BRAVO! I stand up and applaud! 💪

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Much appreciation, Dave *salute

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I hear ya, Stone I don’t have the stomach for controversy. But sometimes it takes someone to shake things up. Sending you love! 🤗✨💖

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law” Jesus

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I am tired of the controversy and drama - we have serious work to do, and folks are squabbling over minutia. It's maddening to me - I want to focus on what's important, even if it means occasionally shaking things up a wee bit ;-)

Beautiful comment, Charlotte - thank you, as always...

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Absolutely @Stone Bryson and following that debate everyone is either focusing on pets and Obamala’s laugh. Sometimes we need a good wake up call. ⚡️

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Charlotte, you ain’t kidding on that !

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I strive to bring awareness to people to step away from the drama woe-is-me complaining. I want people to remember where their power lies and hopefully inspire people to take action on those things. And I hope to notice and call myself on it when I'm not as you did. Thanks!

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Love this so much <3

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Love the self reflection here Stone. I like to say stupid people don’t know they’re stupid, in a 6th Sense sort of way 😉

It’s so easy to get caught up in the social media drama of an election year. I don’t watch tv at all, that’s why you’re also now my weatherman too.

Two thumbs up for this post. 😊

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Thanks so much, Kristin. Appreciate your thoughts (you are so right about the 'drama'), and the kind words <3

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I’ve been asking myself this same question regarding my approach with music and in general, everything is so pressurized right now that the stakes are a lot higher. I like the “does this make things better? If not, then no” - words are magick and have consequences on the fabric of our reality (good/bad/neutral etc) so salute to you & much respect

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They truly are magic, sister - and I have started really paying attention to which words I use. As you astutely noted, the stakes are far too high right now to allow myself to to be careless.

Thanks for a fantastic comment!

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What a beautiful post!

Just words, no AI.

Thank you.

I can sign every paragraph.

"At no time previous have our adversaries been this close to achieving their sinister goals"


We are better.

We are the future.

We are the light.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Stone Bryson

Your piece reminds me of a time in my writing life where I had the same dilemma.

I used to blog every day just because I felt I had to. Unfortunately, I didn't always have time to do it well so I wrote a lot of stuff that was simply content. While it still didn't lose me any sleep, it didn't always advance the conversation as I saw it. So I downshifted and tried to focus more on solutions than horseraces.

We all have Substacks for a purpose. Some use it as a financial vehicle, others as a diary of sorts, and still others to advance a particular point of view. (The lucky person can do all three, and more.) Compared to most I subscribe to, yours takes me off the beaten path and that's what I like about it.

So have a goal: write what allows you to sleep soundly at night.

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Sep 15Liked by Stone Bryson

Yes! I applaud your retrospection and decision! Looking forward to your upcoming posts! I am a big believer in seeing the light or silver lining in even bad situations. The darkness is always looking for an edge, a crack, a smidge of despair to come in and setup shop. I also believe that you must keep hope alive at all costs because as Jesus said “in this world you will have trouble but take heart, I have overcome this world (John 16:33 NIV) and as Paul indicated in Ephesians 6:12-13 TPT, “Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this you must wear all the armor God provides so you are protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious! Amen!

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