Never forget that your government could turn on your community, too. We are all at risk of becoming victims of these twisted people who were just following orders. 🌺Yvonne

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Could not agree more - wish others would see it as well.

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"Your"? It hasn't been ours for a long time.

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History is written by the ‘victors’, the winners 🙈

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Every single time. 😐

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Indeed ☹️

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And we're winning, slowly but surely...🌺Yvonne

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The lies of history are always written by those who commit the most atrocities to become the winners.

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Held accountable? Janet Reno was *promoted* for Waco, right?

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Well, not exactly 'promoted' in a literal sense - she was already in the highest position she could attain - but she was certainly celebrated and venerated.

For signing off on using that gas she should have faced war-crimes charges... but that's just me.

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Thank you Stone. I'll dig deeper 🙏🙏🙏

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Absolutely, always happy to give people new rabbit-holes to explore 😁

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Stone, seems like we grew up around the same time, I find this piece to be very interesting read. Thank you.

I want to say so much more, as I belonged to a cult like Koresh’s, when I was a kid. It was the most horrific experience I have ever been through and still haunts me until this day. My uncle and some of my family were involved. Story for another time. It stirs me up.

Koresh was not a Charismatic Pentecostal, he was a 7th day Adventist. Both are extremes at both ends of the spectrum of Christianity.

7th day Adventists are, “the end of the world is here”, always. Charismatic Pentecostals are not gun toting, end of days, crazy! Seriously, being in both, Christianity sects are very confusing.

Do I believe in what Koresh was doing? No. I am a full blown born again Christian. Like Islam or politics, we have crazy leftists as well.🤣🤣

I can’t fully support a person who is a pedophile. Or an abuser of children. He was strict and he supported “young marriage”, like Joe Biden and Jill…👍🏼

But his teachings, like that of Jesus, was harsh. And yes, the Son of God, was harsh.

If you were God in the flesh, and spoke about habitual sin, and kept seeing it, wouldn’t you be harsh too? I would and I am. But I sin also, so my mouth is shut. He was trying to get his own deep understanding out to fellow Christians and such.

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Sex with minors (meaning 16 year olds) was the *allegation* they used to get probable cause for a warrant after all their other pretexts had been turned down even by the justice system itself. This was a totalitarian action to brutally mark the boundaries of allowable dissent. The sex charges were bullshit like all the other charges. I am sure the cult was not everyone's cup of tea but that does not justify federal mass murder.

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Why was the ATF given a warrant to investigate alleged child abuse in the first place? They aren’t the Bureau of Child Abuse, Alcohol, Tax and Firearms.

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They had NO business doing that... AT ALL. They claimed their targets were those oh-so-skeery guns, but they promoted the child-protection angle as an excuse.

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Still part of the wretched government

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Oh, don’t get me wrong, I strongly agree. I am doing operation garden plot. It’s the dod’s way of starting civil unrest. This and ruby ridge, and so many others had no justice. But being in a cult as I said, 1) hard to leave 2) they were molesting minors and the head pastor thought he was God. It gets crazy, but as said, I will be doing a piece on this, as well.

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Thank you so much for sharing what you have gone through, and your thoughts here; I appreciate them.

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With one of the goals to rescue the kids, you kill them instead? I feel a mixture of heartache, sick, and disgusted.

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It stretches the bounds of credulity, doesn't it? I couldn't agree more with your comment. 🫡

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Maybe they thought they were snuffing out the potential Messiah? We believe the government protects us, but instead if you are out of step with their belief system you will be kicked out, even if that means murdering dozens of innocent victims.

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That is a distinct possibility as well, Charlotte! Who knows with certainty what their real motivations are for taking ANY of the obviously-criminal actions they take? If I can get people thinking about it, however... my work here is done ;-)

As always, thank you! :-)

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You can only guess and speculate their motives. One thing for certain criminals try to hide their motives and their silence is REVEALING!

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Well done again, sir.

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Appreciate the encouragement and support, brother, as always.

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I tend to be loath to build my ideas on what most/many would call “conspiracy theory.” But, you make some excellent conclusions.

I know the FBI likely didn’t mean to set the fire; but they did because their bosses were fools to have tried knock down a wooden building while pouring incendiary tear gas throughout that building where the lighting was made by kerosene.

But, that hardly means there was nothing to Koresh’s ideas about Revelations, although I’m in agreement with some 4th century and earlier church fathers that christianity would have done better having never allowed Revelation to have been canonized.

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I always try to pepper the conclusions which come from my crazier 'conspiracy side' with rational justifications - it's a thing of mine LOL

As for Revelations? Even ol' Martin Luther had questions about it; he advocated for removing it, Jude, and (I think) one other book from the New Testament; other opinions obviously prevailed.

Of course, that book is not 'necessary' for bestowing prophecy - if Providence wants to grant someone a 'revelation,' It could do so using a Farmer's Almanac - it's kind of a perk of being an all-powerful force, You can use whatever you wish ;-)

Great comment, Radha! Thanks so much!

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Thank you, Stone

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I think it was the Book of James that Luther wanted to through out because of its teaching that faith without works is dead. Luther seemed to lean more to the by grace alone are you saved. But I really don’t think that Sola anything is a great idea. We know that the Holy Trinity- Father, Son and HolySpirit are one in essence and undivided but at the same time separate and distinct having different actions and energies. The Apostles and the followers of Christ were together worshipping and living and writing many many many letters and books for years before the Bible was actually put together. The Sacraments, rituals and the Traditions of the Church, the body of Christ, were practiced faithfully from the time of Pentecost til 1054 when the schism occurred that is a lot of years friends. Councils were held 7 Ecumenical councils all to address heresies and to clearly defend doctrine. So honestly I think that it all needs to be done in harmony and synchrony the way the Holy Trinity works. We live in the church, the Body of Christ, we stay in the Spirit and we commit our lives and actions to God. Even revelations have to be interpreted and viewed with the lens of the Church. We see how thinking Scripture can be privately interpreted has led to a bazillion religions yes? But we want Truth

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Not really, as said throughout the whole Bible, all will be revealed. God doesn’t hide His truth or realities. It’s man who is saying it should be hidden. Shame on you, people.

Let me just say one thing, it’s horrific to k ow a person would agree with priests that are no longer alive. Shouldn’t have canonized Revelations? Really? The Bible never had to be canonized. That’s why we have Revelations. There are other books that are not in the Bible that have more weight than gold. We forget the book of Enoch, only the Ethiopian Bible has that, why? It’s like the government, let’s hide the truth. Do you see how far that got us?

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Democide is always justifiable by the Demons (curious how similar those two words are). Standing up against it is treason.

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Very curious, indeed. Good catch on that... 🫡

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Swept under the rug of selective history

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Par for the course, eh? It's becoming almost blasé, the frequency with which they do this 🤦🏻

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I thought we were supposed to learn from history? Not so much I guess. Let’s just conveniently erase it to fit a narrative. 🤬

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Hey, the ruby ridge link isn't working for me (I'll use search to find it, but wanted to let you know).

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Thanks, just updated it :-)

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Interesting and disturbing.. The media never depicted the story in this way, of course.

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Thank you! A lot of time and research went into this article. I appreciate you! And I think you are right about the written word having a power even years later. And honestly like you said waiting eight days or killing 28 children?

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Sorry it took so long for me to respond to this, Holly. Yep, it DID take a wee bit of work, but it was worth it after seeing comments like this. So... thank you ☺️

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There are tidal waves of totalitarian themes.. unsettling sub themes... and demonic undertone messages in the Waco..ATF ..koresh .scenario....the future of...freedom..dissent..Christianity....was..is..that christianity..true or supposedly ..cultist,?...perfect or not.**...incinerating mossad idf style.. little churches...little compounds...**.like what the same antiChristian autocratic controligarch Jews want to do to the Amish in 2024... the truth about .the 2A...the judeao bolshevist big pig big brother isrealified occult governance..Waco is in our nightmares ..ruby ridge..the bombing of Serbia...Gaza..the gay Jewish disco meat grinder Ukraine...or.."jewkraine" the escape rat tunnel for homicidal isreali s seeking alternatives to war crimes trials..but..the American Kristallnacht commences....don't forget the Jews created and supported Jim Jones ..jonrstown..covid..too...*"*..Americans don't want young peoples skulls cracked for saying stop the genocides...* Waco..ruby ridge.....the later blessed lavoy finnecum too...See also.* Mass Graves in Khan Younis*

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Dude, we are on so many same pages! Wow.

I feel same as you regarding the psyops and motivations of govt in both Waco and RRidge

Many ppl put Waco and Ruby Ridge on their “cult shite” list, dismiss it. They totally miss the point of egregious multiple govt actions. Some 2ndA ppl get it. They are both on my list of “WTF R U FKG ASSHATS Doing NOW???

Notes from my tinfoil hat files:

As I understand The Seals, it is knowledge from earlier wisdom, as is much in the bibble.

from The Mystery of the Apocalypse - Secret Teachings by Manly P. Hall

“ In the allegory of the four horsemen--according to the mysteries of philosophy--is set forth the condition of man during the stages of his existence. In his first and spiritual state he is crowed. As he descend into the realm of experience he carries the sword. Reaching physical expression--which is his least spiritual state--he carries the scales, and by the "philosophic death" is released again into the highest spheres. In the ancient Roman games the chariot of the sun was drawn by four horses of different colors and the horsemen of the Apocalypse may be interpreted to represent the solar energy riding upon the four elements which serve as media for its expression.”

From Solis' Biblische Figuren.

7 seals cd correspond to chakras, spheres/planets, Pleiades (an account of seven angels who pour their vials upon the earth), Seven Wonders of the ancient world

“To the neophyte, Armageddon represents the last struggle between the flesh and the spirit when, finally overcoming the world, the illumined soul rises to union with its spiritual Self. The judgment signifies the weighing of the soul and was borrowed from the Mysteries of Osiris.” From Solis' Biblische Figuren.

“ it is possible that the Book of Revelation was written to reconcile the seeming discrepancies between the early Christian and pagan religious philosophies. ….

the initiated pagan hierophants transferred their base of operations to the new vehicle of primitive Christianity, adopting the symbols of the new cult to conceal those eternal verities which are ever the priceless possession of the wise. The Apocalypse shows clearly the resultant fusion of pagan and Christian symbolism and thus bears irrefutable evidence of the activities of these initiated minds operating through early Christianity.”

BIAS: Long time pagan here.

Re Alexandria: I always contend that church got alot of the sacred wisdom texts out before the fire. Check the bowels of the locked segments of Vatican catacombs.

“although the zealous converts of the apostles pretended to burn all their books on 'curious arts, τα περιεργα, enough of these remained for them to study when their first zeal had cooled off." (See Isis Unveiled.)

Extrem tin foil hat CT: Was Koresh body recovered or was he able to escape via tunnel? Did they capture him becuz of what he knew abt The Seals?

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