When The Badge Matters
The critical need for County Sheriffs, and why 'voting' is still necessary
In a recent interview with Joe Rogan, X owner and contrarian provocateur Elon Musk was discussing arch Globalist and anti-Naturalist, George Soros. Along with referring to him as ‘senile’ and opining that he ‘fundamentally hates humanity,’ Musk also highlighted a very dark aspect of Soros’ agenda.
“One of the things (Soros) noticed was that… the value for money in local races is much higher than it is in national races. The lowest value for money is a presidential race, then next lowest value is a senate race, then… but once you get to cities and states, district attorneys, the value for money is extremely good.
Soros realized you don’t actually need to change the laws, you just need change how they are enforced.”
- Elon Musk
While I understand that this is one politically-driven billionaire talking smack about another, and that it is almost impossible to read Musk’s true motives or agenda, what he is saying here is factually true. Furthermore, even though we may not be able to ascertain from where Elon is coming, we do know the ‘Soros plan’…
… and it is anti-Liberty, anti-Republic, and anti-everything-we-hold-dear.
This is why it is vital for us to pay very close attention to our local elections. “Follow the money,” as the old saw goes, and you can bet that if Soros is dropping coin on something you better be paying attention to it as well.
But ‘Voting’ Is Pointless?
Before we go further, let me acknowledge an elephant in the room: I know there are many of you who say that ‘voting’ is now futile, and I can understand that assessment. The last decade or two has provided a sobering realization for many, regarding how easy it is to manipulate election results along with manipulating the public into believing said-results.
“All politics is local.”
- Attributed to former House Speaker Tip O’Neill; original source unknown
Keep in mind, however, that - even if every Soros-Clone on the planet was attempting to peddle their influence - there is not enough money in existence to influence or control every local election. Michael Bloomberg has learned that the hard way, with his failed anti-second-amendment efforts.
As such, the true battlefields are at the state, county, and city levels, and if an involved and aware citizenry focuses on those? We can overcome these foreign peddlers… and their propaganda.
This is where we must hold the line, in my opinion… where we can win.
So stop fretting over national elections, for those have become folly; you can vote for the ‘major’ offices while you are in the proverbial booth, sure, but put no faith in any results. What should be getting you to the polls, however, is not who becomes president, but who ends up being elected to your local offices.
And of those offices, none is more important than that of County Sheriff.

The People’s Badge
Of all the elected officials in America - perhaps even the world - the office of Country Sheriff is one of the most unique. In my research I have been unable to find any examples, in any other nation, where top law enforcement officials are elected rather than appointed; unless I am missing something, it is a uniquely American position.
Of all the states in the U.S., 48 of them have sheriffs; Alaska does not have counties, and Connecticut destroyed the office for more centrally-controlled state and judicial marshals. Of those 48 only two [Leftist conclaves Hawaii and Rhode Island] 'appoint’ their sheriffs; the rest are elected into office by the people.
That means that the elected Sheriff does not theoretically take orders from any of the normal branches of ‘power;’ constitutionally (again, in theory), they do not answer to the office of President, nor the Justice Department, nor even the Governor of your state. They adhere to two entities: The Constitution of the United States, and the people who elected them.
In other words… us.
Challenging A Craven Paradigm
Once that basic truth is fully understood - and interpreted to its most logical conclusion - it changes the entire law-enforcement dynamic. This has spurred a considerable debate amongst Sheriff offices across the nation, which has been fascinating to watch unfold.
While some local branches consider their authority to be limited under the current dogmatic-yet-timid (dare I say ‘gutless?’) paradigm, others are beginning to view their positions in a very different light. One organization is stepping up to support those views and challenge said-paradigm, while reexamining the true authority of the Sheriff’s office.
Called the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), it is a group which works with law enforcement organizations to teach the value of honoring the U.S. Constitution, and the unique role officers (especially sheriffs and their deputies) play in that.
Here is a quote that I posted in a previous article, from the website linked above…
During the last few years, we have faced an onslaught of unconstitutional actions by Federal, State, and local governments. From lockdowns, to masking, to mandatory medical treatments, Sheriffs and police departments have had to decide whether to obey the constitution or the tyrannical dictates of politicians drunk on power.
With gun control, massive illegal immigration, pronoun enforcement and many other threats on the way, the CSPOA organization is needed now more than ever.
A law-enforcement organization which is placing the People, and their Natural rights - AND the Constitution - before power-hungry Globalists in D.C.? One that will refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws and mandates? That sounds like my kind of org.
And if you add to that the various attacks they have endured from mainstream media and legal ‘scholars,’ along with rabidly-leftist propaganda merchants? Yep, I would say they have my full, unapologetic support.

The Consequences of Choices
Long-time readers will not be surprised by these assessments on my part; I have been quite vocal about my support for sheriffs, and CSPOA only bolsters said-support. However, your sheriff will only be as good as your choices - your votes - thus it is critical to become both aware and involved.
There is no denying that there have been corrupt sheriffs throughout our history; my advocacy for the office is not filtered through rose-colored glasses, after all. This is why it is vital for your focus to remain on local concerns, that you know what your sheriff is doing, and that your attentions are not distracted by whatever circus the mainstream media is producing at the moment.
As I have written previously, the importance of voting for - and supporting - a County Sheriff with strong pro-Liberty stands (especially regarding the natural right to keep and bear arms) cannot be overstated. After all, these are the men and women who will - if you vote wisely - serve as our last-line of official defense against tyrannical assaults from the Federal level, should they ever occur.
They will become our advocates - perhaps the only legal advocates we will truly possess - if the worst comes to fruition, and we will need them. Again - and only - if you choose wisely.
So do not give up hope. Our constitution - and its Bill of Rights - still has teeth, worn down though they may be, and part of its bite is the decentralization of power which is written into it. Pay attention to what is happening in your county, and in the office of County Sheriff, for it may become our last hope for saving our Republic.
Indeed… for saving ourselves.
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Note: In several areas of this article I quasi-plagiarized… myself; I didn’t even know that was a thing, but apparently it is. As I have no concerns about me suing myself for using my own words without attribution, I am comfortable so doing. For the sake of disclosure, however, I thought I would share my ‘offense’ here.
BONUS TRACK: From ‘Notes’…
I believe you are correct in thinking the sheriff is possibly the most powerful elected official. If they so choose to use their power. Several sheriff's did come out openly stating they would not enforce the latest gun grab and would if need be deputize all citizens of their county to protect them. A wise man once said "worry about what you can control ". Local elections are something to worry about.
Found this from your link in “Living Local” (7/20/24). Thank you. What a great piece. I’ve served in multiple roles of local government (20+ years). In my experience Sheriffs are the most underrated public official of the system. Sadly there are far too many political hacks in their ranks, not the majority or even most, but enough that it’s a common perception. That underscores the importance of your point. If we have any shred of a chance left to avoid a national meltdown local governments will be the last bastion of defense. In my state (VA) their elected status makes them a constitutional (state) officer. As such they are empowered to act, as you say, against unconstitutional government edicts. Don’t wait for campaign season to contribute to qualified candidates. Every elected political official keeps a campaign organization alive throughout the term. Listen to their concerns (often outright warnings). Talk with (listen) deputies for the ground-level realities. Make yourself known in the downtime and you’ll be remembered when it counts. Couple that with community involvement and your sphere of influence expands exponentially.
Keep up the great work. You just got a new subscriber who will spread the word!