Substack provocateur Coleman recently asked a very interesting question in the Notes feature, one regarding how we choose our modern-day leaders.
Taken in proper context, he was not wrong…
Is our system for choosing a leader really superior to this?
Our current system? No, it is NOT superior to the ‘old’ ways. With that said, there is one thing we should consider: Our current system is not our founding system.
As many of you already know, our government structure was originally built as a Constitutional Republic. In that, the Natural Rights of the individual were protected from sinister agendas, laws were more important than majorities, and the States themselves had their own voices in D.C.
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Furthermore, the primary job of the ‘leader’ was to enforce the laws created by Congress, and to act as our Commander-In-Chief should a foreign power threaten us. They were to have international strength, yes, but were never intended to be our domestic ‘leader’; indeed, their ‘power’ was severely limited by our Constitution.
We, the People - through the House of Representatives - were our own leaders; we held the ‘power.’
That was then.
Unfortunately, our adversaries within have done a fairly thorough job of converting what we had, into what they desire; a perverted ‘democracy,’ one of the most vile systems of government ever created. I have already explored why in a previous Substack, thus I shall not repeat myself here.
So yes, Coleman is right - if the choice is between a warrior strongman and a political conman (or ‘con-woman’ - no need to be sexist), one whom ‘the system’ purchases then installs through manipulation and fear? I would choose the former every time.
At least the strongman actually earns his position through honorable combat, and even beyond that? History has proven it is much easier to discard a corrupted ‘strongman’ than it is to overthrow a corrupt ‘system.’
Before we resort to the warrior-king paradigm, however… all hope is not lost for reviving the aforementioned original concepts; honestly, the process for reclaiming our Republic is not really all that complex. It is challenging, yes - even daunting - but not complicated, at least not from my perspective.
My admittedly simplistic plan, in the broadest of strokes…
1) Repeal the 17th Amendment (learn more about why HERE).
2) Repeal the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act, thus ending the current soul-crushing, usury-based currency racket.
3) Strengthen the War Powers clause, that we end the ceaseless foreign conflicts.
4) Pass a Constitutional Amendment to make it illegal for federal office-holders to maintain dual citizenships; if you are going to serve America at the highest levels, then serve it - and only it.
5) Educate our fellow Americans on the critical importance of local concerns, and encourage them to get involved to the degree they are able.
6) Educate people, here and abroad, of what America really was… and what it can be.
As I said, daunting… but not impossible; we only have to act, with vigilance and resolve, having faith that all will unfold as it should.
If we pursue these goals, while continuing to defend the remaining vestiges of the original Republic (the 1st, 2nd, and 10th Amendments, along with the Electoral College), we will never have any need for that proverbial ‘strongman.’
We can return our Republic to actually being a ‘republic’ once again… and reclaim something for which our children and grandchildren will be forever grateful:
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BTW: If you are not following or subscribed to Coleman… you are missing out. He has a powerful story to tell, and his laser-sharp wit - and refreshing candor - are both engaging and thought-provoking.
Around 3 decades ago, a man named Bill Benson went around to each state that passed that 17th Amendment looking for the Original Documents. He found that the 17th Amendment was NOT actually ratified, as different states passed different wordings. Unfortunately for him, he also discovered that the 16th Amendment for Income Tax was not actually ratified either. It took the government a while but they managed to convict him and send him to jail for endangering the government or something like that.
It's a good plan, but I don't think it will work. The government was designed for a bunch of, primarily British background protestants rooted in British common law. I don't think the current electorate could handle the shift, much to our own dismay. We'd be better if we could
Personally, I think the Empire of the U.S.S.A. is simply too large for it to successfully govern any more, even within the continental U.S. there's no agreement upon a common good, what it is to be human, and what the Good Life consists of. How can those with such drastic disagreements come together under one government that continues to insist on a very unified Federal policy? And has an extremely unified media presence that dictates culture.
So, I see regional break ups. War is coming. We'll see what form it takes. It makes me sad.