Around 3 decades ago, a man named Bill Benson went around to each state that passed that 17th Amendment looking for the Original Documents. He found that the 17th Amendment was NOT actually ratified, as different states passed different wordings. Unfortunately for him, he also discovered that the 16th Amendment for Income Tax was not actually ratified either. It took the government a while but they managed to convict him and send him to jail for endangering the government or something like that.

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It's a good plan, but I don't think it will work. The government was designed for a bunch of, primarily British background protestants rooted in British common law. I don't think the current electorate could handle the shift, much to our own dismay. We'd be better if we could

Personally, I think the Empire of the U.S.S.A. is simply too large for it to successfully govern any more, even within the continental U.S. there's no agreement upon a common good, what it is to be human, and what the Good Life consists of. How can those with such drastic disagreements come together under one government that continues to insist on a very unified Federal policy? And has an extremely unified media presence that dictates culture.

So, I see regional break ups. War is coming. We'll see what form it takes. It makes me sad.

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Also, the New Deal SCOTUS litigation led to a de facto fourth branch of government known as Federal Agencies. This was how the Executive branch usurped Congress’s (ie our) right to legislate. SCOTUS initially and rightfully rejected this violation of separation of powers but FDR infamously threatened to pack the court with lefties and the rest, as they say, is history.

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It is time to reread Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift for a thorough take on the vanity, treachery, corruption, cruelty, and self-blindness of the political system

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Also correct the mistake the original constitution made and mention the possibility of succession. I'm believe it's covered under the 10th amendment but we still got people saying it's illegal

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Stone Bryson: we need to get this back by the sword, just as we did the first time.

It's useless to dream of passing laws when the ones we have are ignored.

We need the Sword chosen leader to restore the Republic, or even just see these mad weirdos off.

I disagree with nothing except this idea we pass laws or repeal this or that to get from here to anywhere but more here...

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Great read man. I think one of the keys for initiating change is the necessity of sovereignty as citizens. We’ve lost that by relying on the government for things outside their purview, making us wholly dependent.

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and a return to common law and an exit from maritime law that has been imposed through the UCC. tricky gameboard they got us on!!

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I prefer the actual stone age before the metal! I think all the systems we have seen since are grand manipulations. I'm pretty convinced we're a GMO crop for some other species who act as our "gods" with a little g. they're impostors, all mind and no heart, they're jealous of us cuz we like to party and get it on, we can love and are generous and foolish but tough. Put us in the wilds a while and we get gnarly. I'm actually of Danish lineage mixed with other things including blood from north america. i think our history has been vastly manipulated as well, so many greco roman buildings all over the earth, they can't make most of them now. interesting topics. our country was a masonic creation, there's statue of george washington in DC, his bust is human, the rest of him is goat. go figure. seems demons run the place now! cheers. great page....

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At one time I supported the convention of states project, with the intent of a reclamation of some of our founding ideals. I thought if we couple that with getting rid of the unconstitutional federal reserve, and we may have a chance.

I do not really believe that anymore, not that I don't want to. I question the ability for people to organize without getting infiltrated, subverted or merely recuperated. It will take time, perhaps multiple generations of people building alternative Infrastructure and building mental defenses against psychological warfare ( which means no public school). I think the strategy must be that of the long game, because outside of something cataclysmic (are my fingers crossed or not?) I do not think it is possible to outmatmanuver a technocratic system by playing within its rules.

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This is great, thank you. I’m so happy to read someone emphasizing these key points. I’ve been challenged by the indoctrinated on my various comments regarding the dangers of democracy and why the founders deliberately chose NOT to establish one. It seems not enough people are decrying the 17th amendment and what it did to alter our form of government. (I agree, also, that the 16th must be repealed.) Members of the House are elected by the people to represent our interests, senators are appointed by their respective states to represent the interests of the States. This is key to federalism. Electing members of both chambers by popular vote has helped create this perverse democracy, weakening the States and shifting unconstitutional power to a tyrannical federal government. Repealing these amendments is essential to getting this nation back on track.

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Most likely, at the time of the founding, the system was hopelessly corrupt. That actually most likely has decreased over time. This incessant fiddling with historical documents isn’t really that interesting. Going forwards is the only way forward.

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What we need is simple. Consequence, for one’s actions, both good and bad. If the law can’t provide those, the people should. Trannies committing mass shooting because they’re all emboldened to act out and everyone is coerced to accepting them even when we know they’re bat shit crazy.

If you’re a guy, and dress up like a girl, you should be ridiculed until you either kill yourself, get treatment or just wise up and stop acting like and idiot. Just one random example of consequence. Bullies would be another. Absolutely essential for boys to figure their shit out. But of course it’s no good for the government if a bunch of boys learn to stand up for themselves and be men is it? This shit is so simple and ridiculous that it’s mind numbing how they get so many clowns to join in with their nonsense. Not the heavily skewed amount of white, educated women belonging to the clown show.

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Feb 13, 2024
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I've heard, from Catherine Austin Fitts, that the cryptoverse was created to have people buy nothing while those that created the crypto, the NSA et al, bought up all the real assets... who knows. if they pull the electricity all the crypto is dead. anyway... cheers.

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Feb 15, 2024
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good breakdown. who knows where everything is going. at this point it all seems pretty mad... plus the whole bull market has been guided by the same string pullers as the fed et al. it's all crazy... cheers man.

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