It's funny, but when you rhyme you cut like a knife. I've been married 50 years and this is exactly what happens. I don't think we're meant to find salvation in another human. God set it up this way on purpose.
We are subjected from birth to the idea that a happy/successful life can only be built on the foundation of falling in love with one incredibly special person and then spending every minute of the rest of your lives together. And, of course, any deviation from this life plan is our fault for not being good enough.
The pain of the realization that you have come to inhabit two completely separate worlds while sharing the same space is an excruciating one to navigate, and so relatable. I love how the meter contrasts with the raw vulnerability of the overall piece. Beautifully done. 🔥
Wonderful! Normally I hate poetry but this one went down pretty smooth.
I wish my ex could have read this, our split might have been a lot easier. When faced with the kids leaving home and only the two of us left, there just wasn't enough "like" to make it through.
You feel so alone when you start to realise this is happening .. we’re so led to believe that everyone else around you in ‘marriage’ is happy ... a lot ( and I mean - a lot ! ) just aren’t and they stay together for a shopping list of reasons ...
Personally - I don’t think us ‘humans’ are supposed to be with just one person ‘forever’ .. you change, you grow, you learn and, well - its natural to want to discover new ‘things’ - the interests I had when I was 25 are completely different to the interests I have now ... and - thats just basic ‘things’ not including people and perhaps wanting to speak and exchange ideas with someone new .. Dare I say 😳 theres only so much of the same old, same old one can take ..
I very much liked the poem. I don’t know what constitutes structure in poetry. Can you (or the author) elaborate so I can learn? Thanks in advance if you get a chance.
Rhyme and meter are the primary ways to build structure. Most poetry before industrialization had structure, because that is the only efficient way to memorize poetry. Homer had to build his poems with structure so people could wander the land reciting the work. Without that no one would remember it.
Tears, sorrow, and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and where wisdom is there can be no bitterness.
My husband and I are exceptionally close. We met when we were teens. We broke up then met again 40 years later reconnecting with a deep spiritual bond. We are blessed, the challenges of marriages can be very tough and you have to work on your marriage as much as you work on yourself. Thank you for a beautiful profound poemStone! Love it!
Relationships are a lot like a jigsaw that you each have half of, which you then attempt to build together. But sometimes, no matter how hard you both try, there’s still a piece or two missing… 😎
It's funny, but when you rhyme you cut like a knife. I've been married 50 years and this is exactly what happens. I don't think we're meant to find salvation in another human. God set it up this way on purpose.
Expecting salvation is quite a burden to put on someone. Look what it did to Jesus, and by all accounts he was a pretty tolerant dude.
Exactly. Yet people trade in their spouse for a new one as though the answer is in a new person.
We are subjected from birth to the idea that a happy/successful life can only be built on the foundation of falling in love with one incredibly special person and then spending every minute of the rest of your lives together. And, of course, any deviation from this life plan is our fault for not being good enough.
In order for a marriage to last, BOTH parties have to want it and be willing to fight for it.
The pain of the realization that you have come to inhabit two completely separate worlds while sharing the same space is an excruciating one to navigate, and so relatable. I love how the meter contrasts with the raw vulnerability of the overall piece. Beautifully done. 🔥
Wonderful! Normally I hate poetry but this one went down pretty smooth.
I wish my ex could have read this, our split might have been a lot easier. When faced with the kids leaving home and only the two of us left, there just wasn't enough "like" to make it through.
Really loved reading this ..
Resonated .. 😊
You feel so alone when you start to realise this is happening .. we’re so led to believe that everyone else around you in ‘marriage’ is happy ... a lot ( and I mean - a lot ! ) just aren’t and they stay together for a shopping list of reasons ...
Personally - I don’t think us ‘humans’ are supposed to be with just one person ‘forever’ .. you change, you grow, you learn and, well - its natural to want to discover new ‘things’ - the interests I had when I was 25 are completely different to the interests I have now ... and - thats just basic ‘things’ not including people and perhaps wanting to speak and exchange ideas with someone new .. Dare I say 😳 theres only so much of the same old, same old one can take ..
That was a moving piece. I have grown tired of modern poetry, the vast majority of it unreadable for the lack of any structure.
I very much liked the poem. I don’t know what constitutes structure in poetry. Can you (or the author) elaborate so I can learn? Thanks in advance if you get a chance.
Rhyme and meter are the primary ways to build structure. Most poetry before industrialization had structure, because that is the only efficient way to memorize poetry. Homer had to build his poems with structure so people could wander the land reciting the work. Without that no one would remember it.
Thanks! Will have to lookup more about both. I kind of get rhyme but no nothing of meter. (I was taught decimal system 😂)
Tears, sorrow, and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and where wisdom is there can be no bitterness.
CW 20: Mysterium Coniunctionis, para 330, pg 246
Inspired this this morning:
Alone, I woke today,
Hoping you weren’t far away,
Next time, I hope you’ll stay.
My husband and I are exceptionally close. We met when we were teens. We broke up then met again 40 years later reconnecting with a deep spiritual bond. We are blessed, the challenges of marriages can be very tough and you have to work on your marriage as much as you work on yourself. Thank you for a beautiful profound poemStone! Love it!
Beautiful....and I so relate, Stone. Love isn't enough.
I'm so glad you shared this poem with us, my brother.
Beautifully true, beautifully sad.
I'm sorry you guys didn't work through it. 🙏
Beautifully heartfelt and succinct. Thank you for sharing this with the world 💙💫
Yep, been there before, both sides, too many, learn, love enough to know when to call it and return to Self ❤️
Relationships are a lot like a jigsaw that you each have half of, which you then attempt to build together. But sometimes, no matter how hard you both try, there’s still a piece or two missing… 😎
And I like your new avatar. I like to see whose talking.