Curious Case of the Georgia Guidestones
The continuing mystery behind a globalist monument's destruction
Originally posted in September of last year (when I had FAR fewer subscribers) as a two-part article, I have decided to combine them into one piece and repost it here.
Ironically, I did not have to make any updates to the original discussion, as the situation is exactly the same as it was a year ago; the Davos Cabal has allowed (directed?) this story to go silent, and there has STILL been no follow-up investigations.
Perhaps - just perhaps - we should be asking about that; this drop does just that…
On July 6, 2022, an American monument was destroyed.
Well, that is not entirely accurate; it was actually a Globalist monument… it just happened to sit on American soil.

Controversial even before it was finished, the Georgia Guidestones [GG] was a massive, granite structure. Completed in 1980, it was referred to by supporters as ‘the American Stonehenge,’ and by detractors as a blueprint for one-world government, with some even calling it ‘Satanic.’
Purportedly commissioned to provide a blueprint for humanity should a nuclear disaster befall us (an explanation few have ever believed), I must admit that - from a strictly aesthetic standpoint - it was an impressive monument.
Being created with a list of ten directives (carved in eight different languages), explanatory blurbs (one of which chiseled in four ancient tongues), plus astrological features charting the movements of sun and moon, it was designed to stand the test of time. It was the words written upon the GG, however - those ten directives - which guaranteed its doom.
Going from advocating mass depopulation to referring to humans as a ‘cancer’ to all of nature, those short, one-sentence ‘commandments’ are like a ‘New World Order’ fevered dream. If you are not familiar with them I have decided to include them below, briefly discussing each directive with my own observations...

1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
This, the first directive, was obviously the most controversial. With a human “infestation” (more on that below), of over 4.4 billion people when it was created… and over 8 billion now? In order for this to be fulfilled, literally BILLIONS of people would have to be eradicated. From this directive alone, a plethora of (justifiable) conspiracy theories were born.
2) Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Translation: 1) Destroy cultural and ethnic differences while practicing covert eugenics, and 2) Maintain the ‘right’ to abort children in the womb… or maybe a few days after exiting said-womb.
3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
Again, destroy cultural and ethnic differences.
4) Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Faith and tradition, eh? Seeing the pattern here?
5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
On the surface this appears to be rather innocuous… until you start asking who gets to define what is ‘fair,’ and what is ‘just.’ Then… this directive begins to look much more sinister.
6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
The first part of this actually isn’t all that bad; indeed, incessant warmongering is a bane to Liberty, and to our survival as a species. HOWEVER… “a world court?” Considering how The Hague has ruled since its inception, with its socialist philosophy and anti-gun-rights bent? You’ll have to forgive me if I bristle at the notion of such a body being granted broad global powers.
7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
”Petty” and “useless” = Those with which / with whom they disagree.
8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
Oh yippee, the ‘greater good’ argument. Communist Socialism… yay?
9) Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Seriously, what does this even MEAN? Way too many ways to interpret this (see the next directive), and very few of said-interpretations serve ‘individual Liberty’ (or genuine ‘truth’) well.
10) Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Cancer? This is what I meant in my breakdown of the first directive; rather than seeing us as a part - and a NATURAL extension - of Nature, they view humanity as an infestation which endangers Nature, and thus must be managed and/or destroyed. By them, of course.

Once the GG directives are examined with an active mind, it is understandable as to why ‘conspiracy theories’ raged around these monstrous expectations. It is quite possibly the most anti-Natural collection of ‘laws’ created since ancient times… and just because the monument is gone does not mean these directives are forgotten.
Indeed, adherence to them did not disappear with the stones on which they were carved. They are very much alive within those who would believe in such vile principles - and they are still very much a threat.
There were other curiosities as well; one example is the choices of languages they used. They claimed that those chosen were intended to cover tongues that were spoken by the majority of people, but for some odd reason Hebrew was included; even stranger was the fact that Japanese was NOT one of the eight selected.
An estimated 125 million people consider Japanese their primary language, while barely a fraction of that even speak Hebrew at all. So why did they make these choices?
If I were to don my stylish-yet-functional tin-foil-hat, I would say it was because they were slow-programming the Japanese people for elimination even in the 1970s; if you look at the recent population statistics, that indoctrination is working out quite well for them.
As to why Hebrew was chosen? They claimed it was because of its connection to Judaism and Christianity, even though neither of those faiths hold any sway over these people. As such, I will let you come to your own conclusions about the veracity of that assertion.
So you would think that the Globalists in power, invested fully in these ideals, would have gone after those who bombed the GG, and done so with a vengeance. They have proven they are VERY capable of finding those whom they perceive as enemies, after all (even innocent ones), and finding them with rapidity. As such, you undoubtedly believe they have already bagged and tagged the culprits.
Yeah… no.
In fact, not only have they not prosecuted the perpetrators, not only have they not made any arrests, not only have they not even identified a single suspect… it appears as though they are not even trying.
The story disappeared from the news-cycle almost immediately after it was reported, and not a single shred of follow-up - much less actual evidence - has been produced in an effort to catch the alleged ‘bad’ guys.
It’s almost as if they didn’t care who did it… as if they do not WANT to find them.
Is that not a wee-bit curious?
There are any number of potential explanations as to what their reasoning might be for burying this event, but speculation suggests the most obvious answer was that they blew it up themselves. They wanted the reminders of their intentions - the very public focal point for rallying discontent - eliminated, so that it may be easier to manipulate us commoners into what they have planned for us.
Which, in many ways, is more sinister than the slabs themselves.
But what the hell do I know - I’m sure that’s just ‘crazy’ conspiracy talk. I mean, gosh, there is just no way these kind and gentle and altruistic souls would ever behave in such a manner. Right?
Right. And if you believe that…

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-- Aside from minor edits (for the sake of contextual flow, necessary when combining two articles into one), no text was altered; I also added and updated images.
-- Special thanks to Raesa, whose proofing skills on the original articles were very much appreciated.
-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were generated by the author, using Grok 2 (on X) or Substack’s AI Image Tool.
After the bombing, the remaining three stones were hurriedly removed «for safety reasons» later on THE SAME DAY. This alone is highly suspicious.
How is it possible that Polaris never moves when the earth is spinning and traveling around the sun at 66,000 mph?
Also part of the Georgia Guidestones was a little hole focused on the star Polaris, Which when viewed could be seen 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, because Polaris is connected to earth by a seemingly invisible string to the magnetic North Pole, hence the name Pole Star or simply the North Star. Of course you can’t see it in the daytime, except if there was a total eclipse of the sun. All this proving to me there’s something very wrong with the Jesuit adopted narrative about the workings of the universe.