After the bombing, the remaining three stones were hurriedly removed «for safety reasons» later on THE SAME DAY. This alone is highly suspicious.

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Very VERY suspicious, Rat - the whole situation, and how it was handled, stank of shadiness.

Yet, for some reason, it all just disappeared from the media... which is, by itself, also suspicious.

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Once they're gone. The media only had to cover them -- one more time.

And, as usual, the will just say, "They were mysterious, and installed in the 1980s..."

But they'll not mention all the creepy-ass directives on them. They'll never be mentioned again in the MSM.

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How is it possible that Polaris never moves when the earth is spinning and traveling around the sun at 66,000 mph?

Also part of the Georgia Guidestones was a little hole focused on the star Polaris, Which when viewed could be seen 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, because Polaris is connected to earth by a seemingly invisible string to the magnetic North Pole, hence the name Pole Star or simply the North Star. Of course you can’t see it in the daytime, except if there was a total eclipse of the sun. All this proving to me there’s something very wrong with the Jesuit adopted narrative about the workings of the universe.

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I could NOT agree more, Charlotte - wonderful comment as always!

While there are certainly holes in the prime alternative theory (some of the roads my flat-earth friends traverse make me go "Wait - WHAT???'), the standardized view makes as little sense in many ways.

Perhaps this really IS nothing more than an EXTREMELY elaborate computer program, a SIMS-like game being played by sentient life-forms living on Aldebaran, and the inconsistencies are deliberately programmed into the game to make us seek additional knowledge.

If that's true? We're still ALIVE, even if in a game, so we may as well give them a good show ;-)

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Exactly, and a great point. Impossible with a rotating, spherical earth orbiting the sun. Another point is that the heliocentric model we were taught in school has never been proven, it's only a theory. But the majority of us still believe this is a fact. Another point is the Bible uses words to describe the earth, such as 'fixed' and 'motionless' and 'immovable', does that sound like a spinning, orbiting earth to any of y'all? Also, there were words for 'sphere' in both Hebrew and Greek back then, yet the Bible uses the word 'circle'. And likens earth to a 'wax seal'. Shall I go on? Because I can.

Earth isn't flat either, there's similar issues with that, that cannot be explained.

So, it's neither flat or a spinning ball.

Personally, I'm leaning towards an electrical field as a construct, and everything's electrically charged, which is actually another theory that's been proposed. Study Tesla and what he says around energy. It makes a whole lot of sense too. Especially with our recent knowledge around quantum physics, where atoms can literally be affected by simply being observed.

Bottom line is this: we've been lied to for centuries, about everything. We need to be very critical of everything that has been pushed as facts, unlearn and relearn.

Interesting subject matter for those with eyes to see, and an open mind.

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Thank you, I’m happy to see you questioning everything you’ve been taught. Trust your own observations. Look up to the sky and what do you see? They know their narrative is being destroyed, and I am sure they are coming up with a new one. That’s where aliens fit in in my opinion.

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Thank you stone! You always offer fodder for a very interesting conversations.I have no idea if earth is flat or round. What I do know is they are lying about everything. If it worked like the Vatican astronauts (in my research I found most astrophysicist are Jesuits. Most of the telescopes in the world including the largest ones are run by Jesuits.) suddenly after millenniums of learning the earth is flat, it where the Jesuit priest who adopted Copernicus idea the earth might be round. For political reasons as you can imagine. These Astro influencers have a close working relationship with NASA. So I question everything they have to tell us —especially after that astroNOTS to the moon story. 👩‍🚀 🌝 Remember Nixon calling up the moon? 😀☎️

By the way thinking about very interesting information I don’t know if you have heard the story of the secretive Masons acting as sheriffs and trying to take over sheriff departments around the United States? The whole thing is all connected to Kamala Harris. Here is the link from ago I follow on rumble named You Are Free TV. https://rumble.com/v5dtdkt-9524.html

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I love reading your comments! Spot on!

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I think that the destruction of the stones was a signal to all chaos agents that the war has begun against humanity.

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That's an interesting interpretation, Frances, and it tracks with everything we know about 'them.'

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Yep. My thoughts too Frances. It was their way of broadcasting to the boys that it was go-time.

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I think you're correct. The only reason to destroy the guide stones, is because people might "catch on." Something, or most of, what's written on those stones can be directly paired with the directives that are soon to come.

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“There were other curiosities as well; one example is the choices of languages they used. They claimed that those chosen were intended to cover tongues that were spoken by the majority of people, but for some odd reason Hebrew was included; even stranger was the fact that Japanese was NOT one of the eight selected.”

God divided the languages and cultures after Nimrod tried to build the first “Stargate”. Satan’s been trying to open up a portal ever since. Cern? 😏

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Loved the “stylish-yet functional tin foil hat” LOL. I wear one, too, having been raised in those “elite” circles of psychopaths. Given what we are seeing now, though, I think I will have a T-shirt printed up that reads “I told you so” with a tin foil hat on it.

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LOL Glad you like that, Elizabeth - it's ones of the phrases I use here from time to time, usually when I am about to go 'speculative' in my observations ;-) And at this point, those of us who have been ridiculed as 'conspiracy theorists' should be getting Nobel prizes for our diligence AND accuracy!

Though, I'd be happy with your tee-shirt idea :-D

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I interpret no 9 as national or global gov't having complete control and influence over the media, the arts, education, and culture at-large.

It's a shame that there are relatively so few people we can talk to this about because it's outside of their personal Overton window.

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I like your view of Directive Nine - yep, I think you nailed it.

And I agree on the lack of people awake, though I do think those personal windows are slowly opening more and more with each passing day. Folks are more willing to question outside their pre-established perceptions, and actually listen.

Still, far too few, yes - but it's something at least...

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“…it was actually a Globalist monument… it just happened to sit on American soil.” 🎯

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Thanks, Ahmed *salute

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Well, I'll be damned - I completely forgot 'salute' had an emoji-like shortcut text - thanks, again! o7

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So the monument was blown up, but was supposed to survive nuclear war?

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EXACTLY, Jeffrey! LOL I mean, could they BE any more ridiculous?

Probably one of the reasons why no one believed that particular 'explanation' :-)

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It's *very* interesting to compare your article to Vigilant Citizen's one. I hope you guys are in the same platoon.

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I don't know who 'Vigilant Citizen' is - got a link to the article?

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Interesting. I had never heard of it, but may have to check it out - seems to be in the same realm of ‘conspiracy’ as many others.

I was not familiar with the ‘numbers’ blocks, however - that’s new info, although nothing (to my knowledge) panned out with the 2014 suggestion.

Thanks for the link!

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I know nothing about this guy’s identity but he is committed to ferreting out all the odds and weirds; he might be overdoing it, but as far as his sinister sites series goes, it’s all very well documented.

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I will join you on your observation of it. When constructed, they thought the mere presence of them would spark a movement, however, some of us pesky folks just never seem to buy in. The removal of them puts it out of the light so they can continue in a more covert way.

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Excellent points, brother. And, if you think about it, they actually DID start a ‘movement’… a movement against them by us pesky folks 😁 So yeah, the more I have thought about it, the more convinced I am they blew them up themselves.

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Just because the news buried it doesn’t mean nothing happened. You don’t think they share ever do ya?


But I think it was a signal letting “them” know- whoever they are, that we’re not participating.

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Exactamundo! Super creepy!!

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Inorite? And I cannot let it go... :-)

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That’s weird. Never heard of them, the destruction of them, or the redundant and unnecessary messages on them. Thanks for the clue today.

Monument destruction will never be a category of crime that any modern law enforcement cares about. If it were there’d be far more Summer of Love freaks in jail than Jan 6 protestors.

Your analysis is spot on.

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Thank you most kindly, brother.

An excellent point, BTW. It's definitely a cluster-mess, no doubt, as are many 'law-enforcement' based quandaries these days...

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They’ve crossed my mind over the past few years…..they’ve certainly become one of this world’s many many unsolved mysteries. (I suppose they always were a mystery) Love that you shone a light on them again, Stone.

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Thanks, Jacqueline <3 To be honest, I doubt I'll ever stop wondering about what really happened. And you're right - the 'Stones started off as a mystery, continued as a mystery, then 'died' under mysterious circumstances. When one takes 'mysterious,' and combines it with 'diabolical?'

Yeah... I'll never stop wondering... LOL

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Please never stop, Stone! :)

It really is one of y/our best human qualities!!

I'll never stop wondering either- the only adjustment I've made is in the degree of peace I feel inside the 'not knowing'. I'm blissed out being alive here in this wacky place regardless of the multitude of mysteries....

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Well done. I remember the original story you had shared and have believed that there is more afoot than anyone really knows or willingly admits to. Let’s just watch for a little longer….

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I could not agree more, more is coming 🫡 Thanks, brother 🤜🏻🤛🏻

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Creepy gates of he'll announced at an interview global nuke war or new pandemic to kill humanity off w in 30 years..so yeah gotta take that monument down! Might remind us of da plan too much

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