On Sunday France completed its snap parliamentary elections, which were called by President Emmanuel Macron a little over a month ago. The polling data and general mood leading up to the final round of voting suggested the ‘far right’ (Marine le Pen’s ‘National Rally’ [RN] party and its allies) was heading toward a massive victory, with the possibility of winning an outright majority being on the table.
That… is not the way it worked out…
The Results
French people reject the far right - again
BBC World
And the conclusions being drawn by our oh-so-trustworthy global media? Yeah…
The French have said it again: they do not want the far right in power. They gave them a big win in the European elections; they gave them a big win in the first round of this parliamentary election. But when it came to a vote that really counted, just as in the presidentials, they drew back from the brink.
Indeed, it was instead the far-left party, the ‘New Popular Front,’ who came out victorious, which nobody was expecting *cough* While RN came in third, they still garnered 143 out of the 577-seat body, a sizable gain over their previous numbers.
But far below expectations - those tricky, tricky ‘expectations.’ So what went wrong… and what can we learn from it.
First of all, you have to understand the manipulations involved with how the global mainstream media [MSM] portrays the ‘far-right,’ in France and elsewhere. In narrative after narrative, they relentlessly report that every candidate who speaks proudly of their home nation, or questions the flood of foreign influences, or suggests that maybe Agenda 2030 is a bad idea… they are at best a horrible-rotten-no-good person, and at worst?
A literal Nazi. Because of course.
That’s not to say there are not shady [though hardly, ‘Nazi’] characters in the RN; there certainly are, as is the case with any national political party.
For example, there are members of the far-left who - at least philosophically - hump the memory of Stalin like dogs in heat. Yet, for some reason, the same media which carelessly drops the ‘Hitler’ accusation remains oddly silent about those who revere that mass-murdering dictator.
Gee… I wonder why.
The Manipulations
There will be those, even within my subscriber base, who might be tempted to celebrate this outcome in France. While I understand that desire (especially if you believe ‘your side’ won), the fact is the only ones who achieved success in this case are the Globalists themselves. The commoners of France - just like my fellow commoners here in the states - are merely sacrificial pawns, to be played then discarded.
To accentuate that point, I would be saying the exact same thing if this scenario would have played out in reverse, with the ‘right’ attaining victory; this is not about ideology, but patterns. And on the surface it is looking like the patterns of this election are very suspicious.
Indeed, the effort that was put into thwarting the will of the people appears to be as multi-faceted as ever. For example, consider this…
[RNs] Jordan Bardella complained that his party had been foiled by unnatural "alliances of dishonour", forged by a "single party" made up of the Macron camp and the left. He wasn't wrong… [m]ore than 200 candidates who saw themselves as part of a "republican front", pulled out of the second round so that a better-placed rival could stop RN winning.
They were not interested in an election based on principles or ideas - their only goal was the overcome RN, by whatever means necessary. Add to that the prolific anti-RN propaganda, and this action helped cap off the ‘stunning defeat.’
More on that in a moment.
Some might suggest this was an anti-democratic scheme, but this is exactly how democracy is designed to work; it’s the greatest tool ever created for manipulating ‘the people’ whilst convincing them they are ‘voting’ for their own best interests. And people wonder why I have the views I do on ‘democracy.’
Then there are the polls leading up to Sunday, and the whole ‘stunning defeat’ canard. The general consensus amongst everyone involved - politicians, pundits and the MSM - was that RN was going to win a major victory, perhaps even claiming a majority of the parliament.
Then… this happened? Come on.
In truth, I think it is logical to assume that either the pre-election polling data was corrupted (deliberately or otherwise), or the election itself was corrupt. Either way… corruption.
And - for my money - I firmly believe they knew exactly what was coming; nobody in-the-know was legitimately ‘stunned’ by this.
Finally, there is the turnout. A whopping 67% of the voter-rolls cast ballots, the biggest second-round percentage since 1997. In that election 27 years ago, the first opinion polls asserted that the ‘right’ (apparently, it was not ‘far’ yet) was doing well, expected to maintain its right-wing majority. Care to guess who ended up winning? Yep, it was the “Plural Left’ of Socialists, Communists, and radical Leftist groups.
Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but I have gotten to a point where if I hear the words “high turnout,” my WTF meter goes crazy. After all, every time it is mentioned… Liberty loses.
Very curious, no?
The Realities
Oh, and in case you still believe everything was really really on the level? This occurred after the election…
French investigators open inquiry into finances of 2022 Le Pen campaign
Guardian UK
Well now, the timing of this is not at ALL suspect - perfectly normal, am I right? Of course, no actual proof of wrong-doing will be found, just accusations and innuendos… but it will be enough to drag her and RN through the mud, assuring they are never able to solidify power in France.
Democracy, yay!
So what does this mean for the rest of the Western world? The political operators with strong globalist ties (which here in America includes large swaths of both parties) always win these ‘elections’… because ‘democracy’ serves their interests and desires. The results of the recent EU elections blindsided them for a minute, but they quickly learned from their mistakes; they will never again underestimate the desire of the people to be ‘free.’
The plan is called ‘Agenda 2030’ for a reason, after all; they are only six years away from attaining their dreams, and this time they are convinced nothing is going to stop them.
And let me be clear on one thing: I’m not even a big fan of RN, nor the Right in Europe as a whole; they are all anti-Liberty socialists in one capacity or another, only the focuses and degrees shift between them.
Italy's Giorgia Meloni, anyone?
So why bother writing this article? Because at least with Populist Right (much more accurate than ‘far’ right) victories in Europe, there would be opportunities to slow the creeping march to totalitarianism. It is not a solution, per se, but a pause in the momentum, that we can make OUR final preparations before the hammer fully drops here.
And it is coming.
So what is the biggest takeaway from the French election? No matter what country in which you reside, national elections are pointless, because they are going to do whatever they wish no matter who ‘wins;’ this is how the system is set up, and there is no way to get around it. Even if ‘your candidate’ is the winner, and said-candidate does everything right? We may get a brief respite (MAY!), but they are going to make sure that person’s term is - at best - ineffective.
You do not want to know what the ‘at worst,’ looks like.
The Solutions
The question then becomes, “What can we do?” Not to beat my very-familiar drum, but over the next few months we need to get local. Shift your energy and concerns away from that over which you have no control - making you feel helpless and powerless - and focus on your own backyard.
Check into your state, city, and county officials (seriously, Sheriffs are about to become more vital than ever to the approaching storm) and ballot-measures, and get to know your neighbors. Start looking into activities which involve community, and be willing to go ‘fringe’ with said-activities as well.
[Myself personally, I am finally investing time in learning HAM radio, because the people involved with that ‘hobby?’ They tend to be hyper-awake.]
And then when you enter the voting booths, pull the levers for those who serve your best interests at home. Sure, while you are there vote for whatever ‘national’ parasites you can stomach, but do so without any expectations. The key to surviving what is to come is by being invested in local issues, banding together to stand firm in the wake of what is on the horizon.
If we want to preserve the Natural Rights we possess, this is - in my estimation - the only realistic hope we have.
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I'm in the camp that says this was pure election fraud. No way to prove it but the people were overwhelming sick of the current direction. And I'm of the opinion that this is what we should prepare for once again in the US. Those saying, "Let's make it so the vote is so overwhelming for Trump that there can be no cheating," are delusional. Do they think the DNC cares what it looks like then the media won't report it? There were hundreds and hundreds of counties that had over 100% voter participation in 2020, all for the DNC. To be over 100%, it is fraud. Yet the media will not report on it, even when the same ballots were used in different groups by different machines (here in Fulton county Georgia). The judicial system will brush it away because no one has standing in a court to show evidence to voter fraud. So none of the evidence has ever allowed to be shown in a courtroom. The entire process is corrupt.
On the, "What can we do side?" Learning ham radio isn't a bad idea. This might be a topic that some of us should get together and create one large article that every person contributing to it, publishes on their own Substack so it has a larger reach. I would happily offer privacy ideas for technology. I'm sure we'd have someone that would have a high view rundown of survival ideas, political strategy at the local level, off grid ideas, Etc... Because... no one is going to "save us" when it is the government vs the people.
Stone, life is about energy!
And therefore, I consider your distribution of your energy in this piece wrong.
Yes, the EUSSR, euphemistically called European Union, is far worse than the original USSR and Stalin was a dream compared to Ursula von der Leyen - he was less corrupt and less murderous.
Yes, EVERY election is a hoax and I can write books about corruption in Europe, especially Germany, the most corrupt country in the world. Yes, it tops the US!
And finally, yes, your analysis of France is not too bad.
But all this happened not accidentally.
This is the plan.
And therefore, this could be summed up in one paragraph.
The solutions is the area where our energies must go!
And there is only one solution which can help — total refusal — also on the local level.
The swamp on the local level is often deeper than the swamp on the federal level.
Most county commissioners are corrupt.
Most school board members are corrupt.
Many judges are corrupt.
And many sheriffs are puppets of this system.
The government is rotten from top to bottom — near to 100%.
So we must elaborate on our measures to fight the government on ALL levels.
Draining the swamp is draining the money.
I am always wondering why 95% of the people accept their property tax bills without appealing them. There is the point where we must educate. Nowhere else on the county level is the fraud bigger than on the property tax level. Buddies of the congressmen receive ridiculous low tax bills, mostly developers and investors. We, the people, must fight this system. It is not hard and costs everybody NOTHING. You can do it yourself or use, for instance, https://www.ownwell.com.
And that is only one example.
Peaceful TOTAL REFUSAL is the best way to fight this rotten system.
If 20% start doing this, the system implodes within a few months. (Pareto principle)
We, the people, are much stronger than we believe. We only need to stand up and say: