I'm in the camp that says this was pure election fraud. No way to prove it but the people were overwhelming sick of the current direction. And I'm of the opinion that this is what we should prepare for once again in the US. Those saying, "Let's make it so the vote is so overwhelming for Trump that there can be no cheating," are delusional. Do they think the DNC cares what it looks like then the media won't report it? There were hundreds and hundreds of counties that had over 100% voter participation in 2020, all for the DNC. To be over 100%, it is fraud. Yet the media will not report on it, even when the same ballots were used in different groups by different machines (here in Fulton county Georgia). The judicial system will brush it away because no one has standing in a court to show evidence to voter fraud. So none of the evidence has ever allowed to be shown in a courtroom. The entire process is corrupt.

On the, "What can we do side?" Learning ham radio isn't a bad idea. This might be a topic that some of us should get together and create one large article that every person contributing to it, publishes on their own Substack so it has a larger reach. I would happily offer privacy ideas for technology. I'm sure we'd have someone that would have a high view rundown of survival ideas, political strategy at the local level, off grid ideas, Etc... Because... no one is going to "save us" when it is the government vs the people.

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Excellent observations, Bone - thanks so much! And I find the idea of possibly getting together with like-minded people for a 'Group' post on the various subjects... most intriguing. Something to consider, indeed.

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I am available for educating about the solutions.

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Maybe a post about how to use ham radio could be helpful?

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Stone, life is about energy!

And therefore, I consider your distribution of your energy in this piece wrong.

Yes, the EUSSR, euphemistically called European Union, is far worse than the original USSR and Stalin was a dream compared to Ursula von der Leyen - he was less corrupt and less murderous.

Yes, EVERY election is a hoax and I can write books about corruption in Europe, especially Germany, the most corrupt country in the world. Yes, it tops the US!

And finally, yes, your analysis of France is not too bad.

But all this happened not accidentally.

This is the plan.

And therefore, this could be summed up in one paragraph.

The solutions is the area where our energies must go!

And there is only one solution which can help — total refusal — also on the local level.

The swamp on the local level is often deeper than the swamp on the federal level.

Most county commissioners are corrupt.

Most school board members are corrupt.

Many judges are corrupt.

And many sheriffs are puppets of this system.

The government is rotten from top to bottom — near to 100%.

So we must elaborate on our measures to fight the government on ALL levels.

Draining the swamp is draining the money.

I am always wondering why 95% of the people accept their property tax bills without appealing them. There is the point where we must educate. Nowhere else on the county level is the fraud bigger than on the property tax level. Buddies of the congressmen receive ridiculous low tax bills, mostly developers and investors. We, the people, must fight this system. It is not hard and costs everybody NOTHING. You can do it yourself or use, for instance, https://www.ownwell.com.

And that is only one example.

Peaceful TOTAL REFUSAL is the best way to fight this rotten system.

If 20% start doing this, the system implodes within a few months. (Pareto principle)

We, the people, are much stronger than we believe. We only need to stand up and say:


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Appreciate the thoughts, Klaus - much to ponder here. Thanks so much for sharing them.

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Jul 10Liked by Stone Bryson

The EU is the pit of Hades.

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I can find no lie in this assessment...

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Excellent read to start the day. Agree that the county sheriff is the most important elected official. Will he or won’t he support federal incursions into his county a question everyone should ask.

Id add that being debt free which includes a mortgage is essential for one to be truly free to say no to tyrannical governments and employers.

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Thanks, William - and I could not agree more about 'debt.' I'm actually thinking about pulling together an article on what steps I am taking to insulate myself from the coming storm - that would definitely be included!

Appreciate the comment, good sir! *salute

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Good sir, the mortgage is the most enslaving of all personal debt as no one wants to loose their home. Thus it is very unlikely that the population can ever come together in a peaceful mass non compliance event to tyrannical mandates of all sorts.

They simply can’t afford to say no thus they go along to get along. (Covid mandates from employers. Take jab or get canned.)

One can tolerate loosing the luxury items such as cars, trucks, RV’s, boats, second homes but not their primary place of residence.

In my opinion paying off or down their mortgage is the top priority in eliminating or reducing personal debt which sits at around 19 trillion.

Easier said then done…

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100%, Klaus!

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See them—see ourselves. Not too long now.

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100% brother - and they are on an open 'schedule,' so we know the 'when.' 'Tis generous of them to provide that, eh? LOL

Thanks, as always - appreciate ya...

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As long as the playbook keeps working we should be afraid—and prepared.

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Running toward communism before communism. Left. Right. Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Everyone to the guillotine!

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Step by step, Ahmed...

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i was implying that les français have been heading down the same path in the same direction since 1789.

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Jul 10Liked by Stone Bryson

Keeping the «right» out cost them quite some fragmentation, and it's going to be hard to form a stable government, because the «left» is a cesspit of barely compatible groups. They aren't really getting Stalin, rather they're getting the messy infighting after his death.

So the takeaway from this sad story is: they'll rather burn the house down than let non-globalists be in charge.

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Thanks, Rat, and very true across the board - going to be interesting to watch them attempt to unravel this. They will, of course, but as usual it'll be messy and unstable.

And honestly, the only reason I dragged Uncle Joe into this was because he was a direct adversary to their favorite dictator to recklessly throw around - I figured if they gamble with one Hitler, one Stalin is a fair trade LOL

Also, he makes for a striking AI image... ;-)

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Well said as always.

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Thank you kindly, George - always appreciate the gracious words!

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Jul 10Liked by Stone Bryson

What a great article, especially the recommendation to focus on local government.

As for ham radio, go for it! I became a ham 18 months ago in order to help in emergencies. Join a local club. You’ll meet some excellent people.

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You're a HAM, too - that's awesome! It's something I have been wanting to do for years - decades, even - but life keeps getting in the way. Time to button-down and get it done, I reckon ;-)

Appreciate the kind words also, thank you!

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The recent French elections kind of reminded me of the 2020 election here…

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Very, VERY astute, Collette - I was thinking much along those lines as well *salute

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Yes, the media loves to label everything non-socialist as "far-right". So don't believe everything the mass media says. The "victory" of the French left was the result of Macron's election chicanery, merely reorganizing the leftists parties. Here is an excerpt from my Substack to be published tomorrow:

"On Monday, July 8, the reports of the French national election came in. The leftists got 49% of the vote, barely edging out the right, who got 46%. (“Other” got 5%.) How did the mass media report that outcome?

“French Far Right Receives a Resounding 'Non Merci'” Bloomberg

“Far Right’s Rise Suffers Unexpected Blow as Left Surges”, Washington Post

“Leftist Surge Foils Far Right” CNN

"Eking out a 49% to 46% leftist win in the most leftist nation in Western Europe is a “resounding no-thank-you” rejection of the “far-right”? And cause for great celebration on the far-left? That’s what the leftist media says.

"The French right-wing National Rally and its allies were projected to win between 138 and 145 in the National Assembly, way up from 87 in the last election. But the big increase in seats for the right was not the story the media chose to tell. When the left wins more representation in the government, as it did in Britain, that is the “true” story. But when the right wins more representation, as it did in France, the media reports a victory for the left."

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This is just a precursor to the dog and pony show that will be our national elections. After Joe’s poor showing in his “big boy” conference it’s only a matter of time before all of the cards for this November will be laid on the table. Well done, sir.

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Great post! It's not "black pilling" either -- it's being realistic.

I'm in total agreement with you.

Instead of HAM radios, I just have older GMRS radios. I would like to get a few HAM radios, but I like the idea of being able to throw (4) AAA batteries in, and having the radios work without a charger, if need be. I can just rechargeable AAA batteries too.

I used the GMRS radios at work instead of the expensive UHF ratios the customer had. The UHF radios wouldn't work everywhere in the building, but my little $20 radio set from BestBuy worked everywhere! 😂🤣

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Getting debt free was the first step.

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Could not agree more!

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