It was my intention to hold off posting a new ‘Page’ from my upcoming book for a week or so, but… well, yesterday I felt almost driven to do otherwise. Hence the following post.

This one, however, is different from the previous “Page of…” posts, in that this edition contains Pages… yes, plural. Indeed, there are two separate Pages in this entry, and the reason why is simple: No two Pages from the forthcoming book connect with each other to the same degree as these do.
Furthermore, they are probably the most direct, least-esoteric Pages I have written; while I have maintained the same writing style, they are both fairly straight-forward. As with previous Pages they contain principles by which I strive to live, and are thus part of my personal canon.
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In your associations - be they with individuals or collectives - there is but one absolute, steeped in Tri-Con and thus sacrosanct: “Every individual is granted with unalienable natural rights, being life, will, and liberty; preserve and defend, and unless in forfeit violate the rights of none.” Abide this, for it is the Prime Ethic.
Each individual has every right to exist as they are, within their own Identity and their own choices. So being one does not forfeit their rights by actions which would deny another their own, honor this in act and thought and word.
To fail in this is to violate Providence and Nature and Koa (soul)… thus adhere to it rigorously that you may - when your time comes - enter Memory free of silt or stain.
To maintain adherence to this Ethic throughout all associations it is wise to walk in these Manners: Bestow love on the adored and loyalty on the trusted, that those in your immediate sphere shall hold you as devoted; be respectful to those deserving and civil to those unfamiliar, that the masses shall view you as resolute; project irrelevance at the grievous and courage at the sinister, that they of virtue shall judge you as integrious; have warmth for the kind and compassion for the vulnerable, that the All shall embrace you as noble.
Living within this Ethic leads one to recognize that there will be they of poisonous energy. Any individual who - or any collective of individuals which - chooses to violate the innocence of a child, or coerce they of lesser physical strength, or prey upon any of vulnerable condition, is vile in the eyes of Providence. Until reform is absolute tolerate these miscreants not, treating them in a manner commensurate with their transgression.
As written by Providence and not an entity temporal, be ever vigilant with any which would deny, without morally sound due process, an individual these sacred rights. Such an entity is toxic, an obvious threat to Oneness, and must not long be humored or endured.
The Prime Ethic is absolute. Act in accordance, with love and wisdom and strength, passionately securing and maintaining it by whatever means are just and necessary.

Since the time the Mammon Doctrine first saturated and poisoned and darkened the beauty of natural existence there has always been Authority within the temporal realm, and (until our evolution returns us to a true state of Temperance) there always shall be. At this stage of our regression and redevelopment it is a necessary component for creating peace from chaos, thus Authority can be a positive force.
Authority comes in many forms, from righteous to debased. Be it a government system or organized collective, an elected council or charismatic orator, a corporate entity, religious assemblage, or currency concern… the potential sources are endless.
The manner through which Authority creates and sustains itself is paramount to its goodness. When it protects the rights of the individual, fosters the spirit of freewill, and cherishes the beauty of liberty it is right and proper; celebrate it, so being Tri-Con is first served.
When it becomes rotten, however (as each eventually does), it corrodes into the most vile force imaginable. To meet its tyrannical ends it will employ coercion and compulsion, conditioning and manipulation; those ends are always toxic to the pure Koa, and to Oneness.
Be cautious too of any who serve Authority, for they are oft covert adversaries. Only by thought and study and observation, with wise discernment and active mind and unwavering Faith, can you learn to sever the deceptive from the feasible. Boldly ask unspeakable questions, ever remembering that they who hold themselves above questioning are the ones controlling you… controlling those who control.
As such trust not any Authority - no matter its source or construct - which attempts to silence opinion, quell thought, elevate depravity, dictate personal choice, sabotage free association, separate you from Nature, restrict access to knowledge, dilute the integrity of its people, promote the sinister racket of usury, reapportion without consent that which has been earned, deprive the individual the means of equitable defense, or infringe upon the Prime Ethic in any manner.
In the face of such evil be of great courage. Remain alert and vigilant, for dark days will surely fall upon those whom inject the poison of apathy; let that never be you.
Does anything else really need to be added? I suggested in the introduction above that these two Pages pretty much speak for themselves, and I think that is accurate. As with all of these ‘Pages,’ the terse, baroque writing style is deliberate, intended to inspire thought and maybe add a little flavor to the reading experience.
Well, I suppose I could add one thing: I am aware that the concepts of ‘Memory’ and ‘Oneness’ as mentioned here do need additional fleshing out. In addition, ‘Identity’ already has an as-yet-unpublished Page dedicated to it, which became necessary since the meaning of that word has been perverted by… well, actual perverts. As such, additional explanations for these will be presented in future Pages, and probably sooner rather than later.
Oh, and one other point? ‘Integrious’ is NOT one of my ‘made-up’ words. It is obscure, yes - and I mean ridiculously obscure - but it IS theoretically a pre-existing word. Personally, I believe (with the utter lack of genuine integrity we see from so many these days) that its time has come, as a means for describing those who possess it. Therefore, the word should be considered for regular usage.
Okay, I have one final point, regarding the argument for using ‘unalienable’ versus “inalienable.’ While the later spelling has become more popular in modern times, the former is what was used in a specific historical document… perhaps the most important ever written. As the two versions of the word are interchangeable, I have chosen to go with the more historically-accurate spelling.
Huh. I guess there WAS more ‘to be added,’ after all.
As for future releases of ‘Pages’ from my book project? This will probably be the last one of 2023, though I intend to continue drops after the first of the year. I also still plan to release the entire collection in 2024… unless they all get posted here, which is looking more and more likely. I’ll keep you in the loop on those developments.
In the meantime, however? I am happy to return you to regularly-scheduled shenanigans.
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“ Each individual has every right to exist as they are, within their own Identity and their own choices. So being one does not forfeit their rights by actions which would deny another their own, honor this in act and thought and word.”
The most important gift God gave us is the freedom of choice. He did not make us into robots.
thank you stone! Great post!
Very well done. Thank you.