As I have discussed both here and on the Substack Notes feature, I am continuing with my plan to post ‘Pages” from my upcoming book (which I plan to release in 2024). This ‘Page’ is… well, it is different.

Since that is true? Instead of trying to flesh it out in advance, as I have done with other “Pages,’ I am just going to present it as is, and let you determine for yourself what it means to you. Being that it is a ‘Page’ from the upcoming book, for me it is personal canon.
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In an age long passed a doctrine arose - the Doctrine of Mammon - and with it came patterns of chaos and timidity, mistrust and dependence, covetousness and depravity. A doctrine drafted to separate us from (Providence) and each other, from nature and natural cycles, it targeted for destruction all which was good and decent within and without.
Before this oppressive doctrine there was a now-forgotten time, folded into antiquity, when we were truly Aware. A time when one was still One, within their own Koa (soul) and helming their own destiny, free to honor natural truths without stigma. A time of tranquility, before clocks and calendars and sums parted us from the organic rhythms of sun and moon and stars. A time of sagacity, when we understood that moderation equated to serenity. A time before toxic motives; a time of Temperance.
A time when we could voluntarily gather with our kindred, be they of spirit or blood or common cause, for fellowship, accomplishment, and survival. A time when we chose wisely those in our immediate spheres while genuinely valuing each, a time before judging selves and others by the greater number of people collected as living trophies. A time before false superiors or elite elect; a time of Temperance.
A time when the individual reigned over their efforts, be they productive or domestic, creative or spiritual. A time when said-efforts sought not hollow prestige or phantom profits or corrosive greed, but instead served the love of the effort, the satisfaction of excellence achieved, and the honorable receipt of value-for-value. A time before covert slave-masters and shifty usury-grifters; a time of Temperance.
A time when recreational indulgences were treated as sacred, with the wisdom that they were gifts granted by (Providence) to enhance Temporal life. A time when respites were seen as refreshing blessings instead of excuses for self-abuse, when Herb was reverently enjoyed without excess and Climax was rapturously realized without rutting as mindless animals. A time before frivolous amusement or feral lust; a time of Temperance.
Cast aside the Mammon Doctrine, the creed of destruction and waste. Avoid ersatz tenets and unearned guilt, and the heartaches of obsession and addiction, by ever connecting with Temperance. Embrace life fully, yes, but with the reverence for natural life those of ‘before’ possessed.
And now, my usual reminders: As I remain committed to brevity when writing about subjects grand to minute, this ‘Page’ is - with deliberation - written in a terse, baroque style. While obviously touched by varying degrees of metaphor, it still serves as a foundational reminder for me regarding what kind of life - what kind of society - I want for myself, and for those I love.
And that can only be achieved by first changing from within.
As for future releases of ‘Pages’ from my book project? I will continue to drop more of those over the next few weeks, and plan to release the entire collection in 2024. Or… at the rate I am going, I may just end up releasing the whole thing here on Substack; we will have to see how things go.
For now, however, we shall return to regularly-scheduled shenanigans.
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I sense a good read is upon us mister.
"A time when we could voluntarily gather with our kindred, be they of spirit or blood or common cause, for fellowship, accomplishment, and survival." The global gathering of same is an optimistic outcome of the internet. I'm thrilled to be part of the emerging community. Long live us!