Remember in 1976 or a little later when on 60 Minutes it was reported the Swine Flu VACCINE was taken off the market? Due to its toxicity to humans? Do they ever learn? And for everyone who forgot here is a reminder. (in the past I was easily able to find this and other videos on the same topic. But now I have to be savvy to assess them.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydx_ok6gyiY

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Do they ever learn? No, they - WE, as a species - do not. It is only through the individuals - brave, critically-minded people who are willing to question, willing to say 'No' - that we survive. If it had been up to 'the herd' we would have disappeared from this planet millennia ago.

And I DO remember that report - especially the Mary Tyler Moore part - but watching it in 2024 is truly depressing. Once-upon-a-time our mainstream news media had actual 'journalists' we could trust on SOME level to seek out the truth; sadly, those days are long behind us. No wonder they suppress these videos - they remind us, of how far they have fallen.

Thank you, Charlotte, for this vital comment.

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I had a traumatic experience in kindergarten receiving that vaccine which left scares on our arms. I can’t remember the name of it. Of Cours, back in the late 50s and 60s there were a few were vaccines. But because of the incident when I was a kindergartner I never willingly took another vaccine in my life until the mid eighties I was forced to take the yellow fever and color a vaccination to work in India and Africa. So I did, and let me tell you I thought I was going to die. And I still had to work performing shows in Las Vegas. I have never been so sick in my life. It went on for two days. I swore to myself I would never take another vaccination. And my doctors adviced me against them in the future because of my adverse reaction. Until CV the medical community supported my choice not to take vaccines, but that ended with CV. You could no longer use the fact you had previous bad reactions to a vaccine as a waiver. The evil is astounding and reminds me of our conversation about Trump. I will never trust him until he denounces vaccines, but I have heard he has been bought out by the Roth Childs because he owes them a lot of money receiving him from a few bankruptcies. But I don’t know…. 🤷‍♀️

Have a great day Stone! Thank you again! 💫💕💫

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The most interesting to me was the Australian scientists concluding there’s no such thing as long covid. (Even American doctors who are highly suspect of the top down narratives were bought into long covid)

Also, clean air causing higher rates of legionnaires… WILD!

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I found BOTH of those fascinating as well, especially the Australian conclusion. I wonder how many more proverbial 'truth bombs' related to COVID are going to drop over the next few years. I got a feeling it's going to get ugly...

Thanks, brother - great comment!

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GMO adoption also increased Glyphosate use by about 1000%. Residuals are found in most bread and breakfast cereals. 1990-2019 also saw a global explosion in plastics use. Also, a radical increase in chemicals generally. Oh, and also an explosion in childhood vaccine mandates.

But I'm just a builder/remodeler with a hate-speech filled substack account, not an exxxpert, so....

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We. ARE 'the experts' now, brother... ;-)

Excellent points, across the board - thanks so much for sharing them!

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Thanks. Though, I wouldn't want to interfere too much with the experts making a pejorative of themselves.... :)

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LOL True enough ;-)

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Stone! This was a most fascinating and riveting read. You included such a brain feeding buffet of news — cleverly worded and narrated in a way only YOU can do, of course — that I read the entire thing just now and we haven’t even left for church yet!

And thank you so very much for linking to my latest piece on avoiding GMO foods. You’re on my A list! 😘

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Wow - what a sweet and gracious comment, Samantha... thank you! <3

And I was happy to link - your article on the subject was top-shelf, so I was honored to include it :-)

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You’re welcome, darling, and I truly meant every word!

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I recommend Jeffrey Smith's two books on the dangers of genetic engineering. Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette.


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Thanks for the recommendations, Gwyneth - will check them out!

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Genetic Roulette is particularly vital.

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Interesting! I know you weren’t talking to me, but I’m going to check these out.

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That is the benefit of comments. They talk to everyone who is listeing.

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I am sceptical GMOs are causing cancers, since we have other obvious explanations like everyone becoming fat and depressed.

That said, I see no reason to have GMO at all. The most famous example is "golden rice", rice enhanced to produce vitamin A. But 50% the RDA (enough to prevent deficiency symptoms) of vitamin A may be had from 50g of carrots or 100g of leafy vegetables. You can grow this amount of carrots and leafy greens on around one square metre, though you will have to toss some food scraps in the soil to keep it going, and take some time each day to attend to it.

I do not see the need to have a high-tech solution to a low-tech problem. It's like driving your car to the house next door.

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That's fair - since the TDT oft travels into speculative territory, a degree of skepticism is not only warranted... it is to be expected. I never claim to have all - or even ANY - of the answers, but I do like to get people thinking outside the box :-)

As to the rest? Valid points across the board, and as an analog-minded individual I really like the 'high-tech solution to low-tech problem' line.

Great comment, thanks for chiming in!

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Hmmm. Bad food. 99% of females using cancer causing steroid drugs to prevent pregnancy. What could go wrong?

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Long Covid is just early mRNA. Time to die.

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Though I have not yet decided how much of what you say I agree with, I am so glad to hear someone else calling out the mainstream "explanation"

Global cancer rates amongst the young are rapidly increasing - I ask why this might be, and the only answer I get is "yeah, its smoking, boozing and people being too fat"

But younger generations drink much less alcohol than their parents did (and often, still do), they smoke a hell of a lot less, and they exercise considerably more? So what is it?! I've had one close friend die of cancer at 38, and another aged 39 has got it really, REALLY bad.

Cancer rates are increasing among the young *but not among the old* .... but surely, older people are eating GM stuff too?!

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Must have ran into something sharp.

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Yes, I have felt that way, about being prepared in advance for something. Perhaps some of us had to be toughened-up so that the rest could survive by our wills. And I, too, see 'justice' as a fallacy; I have even been smithing a Substack on the subject, which I hope to post soon.

Appreciate your thoughts - thank you for commenting!

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