TDT: 'Mystery' Cancer-Spikes Observed In Young Adults
Also: Family farms facing hard times, long-COVID not actually all that 'long,' plus much more!
While I understand that correlation does not imply causation, and fully accept that coincidences are possible? I also do not trust coincidences… and this coincidence is very untrustworthy.
Welcome to this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet [TDT], a weekly news-digest where I seek out the headlines others may not be covering (or not covering well), and - with healthy doses of passion, common sense, and brevity - discuss them with raw, unfiltered commentary. Oh, and I also have some fun, too!
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Three-Dot Tablet | V. 02.11 | March 17, 2024
Prime Cut…
Global cancer phenomenon: It's not just America
Daily Mail [UK]
They are baffled - simply baffled…
Doctors across the world are sounding the alarm over a surging epidemic of young people being diagnosed with cancers more commonly associated with the elderly. Between 1990 and 2019, cases of cancer in young people across the globe have increased by 79 percent and deaths have risen 28 percent.
The first inclination when seeing a story like this is, “COVID!” and not without justification. This bioweapon ‘virus,’ and its corresponding bioweapons ‘vaccines’ are usually the first stop for me as well, as there has been much about them hidden from us… hidden, by the very scientists charged with protecting us.
However, the virus/vaccine model does not play out here. As noted, these spikes occurred between 1990 and 2019, before either of the above were officially set loose on an unsuspecting public. Therefore, while they certainly could be exacerbating the problem since, they are not a potential factor with this concern.
That does not let ‘scientists’ off the hook, however.
Which brings us to the ‘why,’ in relation to the rise in cancer cases. The go-to explanations have once again been rolled out - rampant obesity and high-fat diets, vice-related causes like alcohol and tobacco - but researchers are starting to doubt these are affecting the current spikes. Include the fact that they seem to be occurring more dramatically in ‘developed’ countries like the US, UK, Japan, and Australia, and the waters get even murkier.
Well, murkier for them. There is an obvious answer - obvious to me, anyhow - but one which they will never entertain. They cannot entertain it, because if said-answer were true? It would call into question their very credibility, along with much of what they have been touting for decades.
Here is an uncomfortable fact: When the spikes in cancers amongst younger adults first started - the early 1990s - something else curiously started to ‘spike’ as well? Care to take a guess?
If you answered, “The proliferation of genetically-modified organisms - also known by the initialism GMOs - in our food production?” You guessed correctly.
Is that a coincidence? After all, much of the ‘scientific community’ says the two are unrelated. While I understand that correlation does not imply causation, and fully accept that coincidences are possible? I also do not trust coincidences… and this coincidence is very untrustworthy.
In that vein, there have been scientists who have challenged the official narrative for years, and been willing to face professional criticism to present an alternative possibility… one they believe is absolute: GMOs actually are a causation in the rise of cancers, as well as other deadly maladies.
Of course, ‘mainstream’ researchers have long ridiculed any connection between GMOs and cancer, claiming that anyone who suggests otherwise is practicing crank-science. The scientists making these assertions, however, are cut from the same cloth as those who swear by the goodness of pharmaceutical life - including vaccines and boosters for everyone - so my question is simple: Can we really trust the mainstream scientists professing a love for GMOs?
I know I cannot; not now, and not ever again. Fortunately, we have a solution. It is not an easy solution, due to the hurdles set up by corporate food processors, but one I firmly believe is worth exploring: Eat natural, and stop eating GMO-based foods.
In spite of the aforementioned hurdles it can be done, and (because I am all about solutions) here is an excellent guide, on how exactly to get started…
I have created a new tab, making it easier to peruse all the ‘Pages’ I have posted thus far!
Your Voice
I am finally bringing back the weekly poll, because I have had more than a few asking about where it went. The focus of this week’s question is fairly obvious…
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Headline bullets from the week that was
Over 140,000 Farms Lost in 5 Years
American Farm Bureau
The deliberate destruction of the American family farmer continues…
Between 2017 and 2022, the number of farms in the U.S. declined by 141,733 or 7%, according to USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture., released on Feb. 13. Acres operated by farm operations during the same timeframe declined by 20.1 million (2.2%), a loss equivalent to an area about the size of Maine.
Why do I say ‘deliberate?’ Because of those failures, less than 2% of the affected acreage belonged to farm operations that were classified under a non-family corporate farm structure. That means over 98% of the drop hit family farmers.
So, unless you love your GMO Frankenfoods and characters like Bill Gates scooping up farms to eventually (and allegedly) shut them down so you will be forced into chowing down on cockroach sammiches and lab-grown chemical-creations which only vaguely resemble meat? A change needs to come.
The only way that can occur is at the local level. Find your way out of the cities. Shop local grocery stores and Farmer’s Markets. Get involved with county and city efforts to promote local businesses, food-based and otherwise. Demand protections for family farmers from your state representatives.
It has become painfully obvious to anyone paying attention that politicians on the federal level do not give a crap about us. As such, we got to bring it back home, where our political representatives are neighbors and therefore HAVE to face us.
But for them to actually face us? We have to show up to be seen…
Boeing 737 loses external panel mid-flight, lands safely in Oregon in latest plane incident
NY Post
They just don’t make ’em like they used to - you know, made to actually not fall apart at the seams while airborne…
A Boeing 737-800 lost an external panel mid-flight Friday — the latest issue involving one of the manufacturer’s planes that was only discovered when it landed at an Oregon airport, according to officials.
It would take an act of Providence to get me to voluntarily board one of today’s modern aircraft - and even if it was just sitting on the tarmac and not going anywhere? I still doubt I would trust being inside of it.
These incidences have had me thinking for a while now, about Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged. [Spoiler alert!] As part of the sprawling plot railroad accidents were on the rise, driven by poor construction and even poorer maintenance; these events were due to the protagonist, John Galt, systematically draining the world of competent men. [End of spoiler alert.]
This is real life, however, and there is no John Galt. Now, the incompetent have simply taken over, through a variety of Marxist programs instituted and promoted via mainstream media, cultural vehicles, and academic institutions.
So if you find yourself asking ‘why’ these things keep happening? Now you know…
Mysterious, Rapid Surge in Legionnaires' Disease Linked to Cleaner Air
Science Alert
Wait - did I read that right?
Why yes… yes, I did…
A mysterious and rapid rise in Legionnaires' disease, a severe bacterial lung infection, has been linked to cleaner air, in a US study of trends in sulfur dioxide pollution.
But I thought ‘cleaner air’ was of the good. I mean, we put - and are currently attempting to put - whole industries out of business, in the name of ‘cleaner air,’ and now… this?
And… what? They did not possess the wisdom - the foresight - to see this as a possible outcome of their efforts? They didn’t think ahead to the long-term ramifications, and make contingency plans for the potential negative impacts of their demands?
Of course not. They do what most modern scientists always do - they charge in without thought, awash in the delusional supremacy of their intellectual powers, and end up causing more harm than good.
And tell me again why we are supposed to trust them… with anything? Go ahead, I’ll wait…
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North Korea’s Kim orders troops to prepare for war as US, South Korea wrap up exercises
The Hill
At one point or another, this guy is going to finally snap…
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un ordered his troops to make preparations for war during an exercise with his troops this week, making the comments as the U.S. and South Korea are wrapping up large-scale military exercises.
We continue to engage in provocative military exercises, the sort of which would send us into a hyperbolic hissy-fit if they were held by nations we considered hostile. And that is exactly what said-exercises appear to be designed to do - provoke him, though into what I cannot rationally ascertain.
Yep, he’s gonna snap… and considering that fact he has an arsenal of nuclear weapons? Not exactly the kind of guy you would want to provoke into a breakdown, one would think.
Unless, of course, they are actively seeking a nuclear holocaust? Could that be what the curre--
Nah, that’s just crazy conspiracy talk. Forget I even mentioned that…
Health experts say 'long COVID' doesn't exist, term 'can cause unnecessary fear'
The Post Millennial
Oh, and speaking of ‘conspiracy’ talk? Chalk up another ‘W’ for the good guys…
Health experts recently claimed that there is no such thing as "long COVID" despite the term being used to classify alleged prolonged symptoms of people who had been diagnosed with coronavirus.
And before any COVID absolutists start yammering about pseudo-science and ‘debunked theories?’ The researchers making these assertions are part of the Australian government’s team… you know, the same nation which facilitated some of the most draconian COVID-19 measures on the entire planet?
So yeah, this is a huge win for those of us who have known all along, because when even they are admitting to truths such as these?
The tide, at least in one aspect, is still turning our way…
Map Shows States Where Pornhub Is Blocked
Adult entertainment website Pornhub blocked access to its content from Texas on Thursday in response to a new law requiring age verification to access pornographic material in the state.
Seriously, why the controversy? Before it became acceptable for mothers to take their grade-school-aged children to watch grown men shake their barely-concealed danglers while wearing make-up and mini-skirts, it was common practice to protect children from overtly sexual materials.
And you don’t get much more ‘overt’ than Pornhub.
It may be hard for Generations Millennial and Z to imagine, but before the Internet if one wanted to get their porn fix? Unless they had satellite television, they had to go to an adult book/video store, and guess what they had to present before entering? Yep, a state-issued ID, for the purpose of age verification.
Slap all the ‘free speech’ lipstick you want on this pig, but in truth those behind it are nothing more - or less - than Weimar-inspired child-groomers, desperately attempting to maintain sexual access to your children.
That’s it. That is all…
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Memetic Vittles
Ripped from Intellectual Dissatisfaction…
Sunday WX…
We are looking at a tale of two nations today, thanks to a strong cold front dipping into the South from Canada.
Behind it we will have largely stable yet chilly-to-cold conditions, with temperatures below normal for much of the area; the good news is - as the week progresses - temps will return to near-normal for those affected, with today being the coldest ahead for the forecastable future.
In front of it, however, the atmosphere is quite active, with snows and mixed precipitation likely along the Great Lakes and the Northeast, and thunderstorms across the South from North Carolina into Texas; the latter could see severe weather in isolated areas, so if you are in the Lone Star State stay weather-aware. The Southern Rockies may also get some mixed precipitation, with locally-heavy snows possible.
But hey - at least the Pacific Northwest is looking relatively peaceful; that may be a first for these WX Sunday reports since I started them, so… well, that’s something.
At any rate, here are your forecast maps for today, the 17th of March…
[Maps Source: National Weather Service]
And Finally…
Montana Man Used Animal Tissue and Testicles to Breed ‘Giant’ Sheep for Sale to Hunting Preserves
Here’s one from the ‘Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,” oeuvre…
A Montana rancher illegally used tissue and testicles from wild sheep killed by hunters in central Asia and the U.S. to breed “giant” hybrids for sale to private hunting preserves in Texas, according to court documents and federal prosecutors.
At least he had big dreams.
The rancher in question has plead guilty to charges of wildlife trafficking and conspiracy to traffic wildlife, both felonies. He could spend a maximum of five years in federal prison, and be hit with fines up to $250,000.
While I understand the desire to make a little extra coin, and might even find the notion of hunting ‘giant sheep’ bucket-list worthy, we have no business - none - scientifically messing with what Providence has already provided and perfected.
Be they plants or animals, Nature gives and Nature takes, and we need to honor that. I mean, if I am not going to trust ‘scientists’ messing with Nature, I’m sure to blazes not going to support Bubba McSplicer and his crazy pursuits.
Oh, and speaking of the ‘scientists’ and the notion of ‘Nature takes’…
Woolly mammoth de-extinction inches closer after elephant stem cell breakthrough
Live Science
Why… why are we doing this? I mean, seriously…
Scientists have made a stem cell breakthrough in elephants, which could mean researchers are one step closer to bringing back long-extinct woolly mammoths, the de-extinction company Colossal Biosciences has announced.
And no - “Just because we can…” is still not a viable answer.
So why aren’t these people facing charges? Because they are not ‘trafficking’ their potential creations? As far as Authority was concerned, Bubba’s crime was not one against Nature, but against… bureaucratic regulations? That was his crime?
Yeah… we’re screwed.
Can someone please remind the ‘intellectuals’ that they seldom make wise choices, and that there are almost always unforeseen consequences in their attempts to play with creation. Or… send them a copy of the original Jurassic Park - book or movie will work fine.
And ship a copy to Bubba, too; reading material in prison is always a plus, and since it is a slippery slope from giant sheep to giant T-Rexes? It’ll help keep him straight as well…
And that is all for this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet. Have a great week ahead, and as always… stay frosty!
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Coda: Music To Inspire
Knights of Cydonia / Performed by ‘Muse’ [2006]
“You and I must fight for our rights”…
-- Unless otherwise credited, all images were created by the author, using Substack’s AI Image Generator.
Remember in 1976 or a little later when on 60 Minutes it was reported the Swine Flu VACCINE was taken off the market? Due to its toxicity to humans? Do they ever learn? And for everyone who forgot here is a reminder. (in the past I was easily able to find this and other videos on the same topic. But now I have to be savvy to assess them.)
The most interesting to me was the Australian scientists concluding there’s no such thing as long covid. (Even American doctors who are highly suspect of the top down narratives were bought into long covid)
Also, clean air causing higher rates of legionnaires… WILD!