TDT: When 'Death' Becomes 'Healthcare'
Also: Counting on Sheriffs, remoting rural towns, plus more!
I have read of dictatorships where atrocities… were facilitated, although those regimes were oft more honest about their intentions: they identified who they wanted to eliminate, then… eliminated them. In a ‘democracy,’ however, you have to be much more deceitful - indeed, you must instead manipulate the ill… into ‘volunteering’ for it.
Welcome to this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet [TDT], the periodic news-digest of The Stone Age.
Here I seek out the headlines others may not be covering (or not covering well), and - with healthy doses of passion and brevity, common sense and occasional humor - discuss them with raw, unfiltered commentary.
Let's get to it…
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Three-Dot Tablet | V. 02.22 | August 4, 2024
Prime Cut
Canadian doctors accused of pushing medically assisted death on patients: ‘They make you feel less than human’
New York Post
Welcome to the state-run health-care system, folks…
Heather Hancock suffers from cerebral palsy, a condition that has afflicted her since birth. The 56-year-old Canadian contends with debilitating muscle spasms which go from her toes through her back and can cause temporary paralysis.
Nevertheless, Hancock still considers her life to be vital: she is a writer, and has even published a novel. However, certain ‘healthcare professionals’ in Canada have allegedly challenged her very right to exist, pushing the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program on her.
Perhaps you have heard of it - it’s the one which allows for doctor-assisted, ‘voluntary’ euthanasia?
When she pushed back, asserting that no one had the right to judge her worth, according to Hancock the nurse told her…
“Now you’re just being selfish.”
Chilling, isn’t it?
I remember when “Doctor Death” Jack Kevorkian first made news back in the 1990s as a proponent of doctor-assisted suicide. His controversial ideas stirred debate and discussion, and through those I came to a conclusion which recent events have firmly solidified: We cannot legalize euthanasia.
I did not come to this stance lightly; as a life-long pro-Liberty advocate (which eventually lead me to become a rigid pro-medical-freedom adherent - thanks, COVID!), there is a side of me which asserts that a person’s life is their own, to do with what they wish… even if that wish is to end it.
When you get doctors in the mix, however, you begin a slide into ‘devaluing life’ which would be very difficult to arrest. Throw in our ‘for profit’ death-cult health-care paradigm AND government involvement?
Yeah. Not good.
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Oddly enough, my focus during those early-Kevorkian days was not on the deadly influence being wielded by government henchmen or healthcare providers, but instead on greedy family members. My fears were that inheritance-seekers would prey on the pride of elderly parents and grandparents, coercing them to ‘choose’ death over a prolonged (oft-expensive) fight to live through a debilitating illness.
After all, the latter would ‘waste’ money, money which could be transferred to those covetous kin - hardly a ethical ‘choice.’ As such, I thought it better to protect the vulnerable from such monsters, by keeping it illegal.
But Canada has embraced it. And surprise, surprise - if you give government the legal means to ‘offer’ suicide to the suffering - in the name of ‘the greater good’ - they suddenly appear to become fully invested in its promotion… to kill off ‘undesirables.’
You know, like those with cerebral palsy.
I have read of dictatorships where atrocities (similar to what Canada is allegedly promoting) were facilitated, although those regimes were oft more honest about their intentions: they identified who they wanted to eliminate, then… eliminated them. In a ‘democracy,’ however, you have to be much more deceitful - indeed, you must instead manipulate those who are ill… into ‘volunteering’ for it.
Sarah Palin’s ‘death panels’ don’t seem all that crazy now, do they?…

Hunter Biden Gun Case Sentencing Will Be After Election Day
‘After election day.’ Because of course…
Hunter Biden is set to be sentenced for his gun crimes on Nov. 13 – one week after the 2024 presidential election. [He] was convicted of three felonies stemming from knowingly lying about buying a gun while using drugs in October 2018. The president claimed prior to Hunter's conviction that he would not pardon his son.
I am going to be completely candid here: I do not care one wit about Hunter Biden. Unlike his father, his actions have no bearing on my life one way or the other, so what he does - or does not do - affects me to the sum of zero.
Furthermore, as a second-amendment absolutist I think the laws used to prosecute him in this case are unconstitutional, and that we should get rid of them. However, if us commoners are going to be charged under these laws?
And it is in THIS where I start to pay attention to Hunter Biden.
Indeed, even though I think I have only mentioned him here or any where maybe three or four times (including one video-short during the ‘cocaine at the White House’ fiasco), every time I have it is due to the corrupted system of ‘justice’ that exists in the US.
In truth, Hunter is no more than a man-child of privilege (actual ‘privilege’), one who is consistently enabled by wretched family members. Like all of those in the realms of influence - on BOTH sides - he has avoided accountability for a myriad of potentially-criminal actions over and over, and there is no reason to believe that this case will be any different… even though you or I would be facing a harsh punishment for the same ‘crime.’
No one is above the law? My ass.
So no, Biden-The-Son will not spend one day in jail, and yes, Biden-The-Father WILL pardon him… and absolutely, it is a travesty. And it will all conveniently take place after election day.
Because of course…
Off the Trey
Father slammed on ground by police during morning walk with son after refusing to provide an ID
Intellectual Dissatisfaction
Guy takes an early-morning walk with his kid, as they always do… two city cops roll up on them and demand to see his ID with no cause; one of those, with an alleged history of abusing his power… abuses his power.
Our fellow commoners in the area are irate about it, however, and action is being taken…
[This incident] is being investigated by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, following a complaint filed by [the alleged victim], to determine whether these actions were justified.
It is important to note that Oklahoma is not a “stop and identify” state; you only have to provide ID - or answer questions about your identity - to a law enforcement officer during a traffic stop. So what this cop did here was a vast overreach of his authority, and citizens are demanding action.
And guess who is stepping up to protect those citizens? Yep, the county sheriff…
The Blaine County sheriff [Travis Daugherty] said he has received hundreds of calls from concerned citizens after a Watonga police officer was shown on body camera video slamming a man to the ground.
Sheriff Daugherty has asked for the officers to be placed on leave, pending the state investigation; he is also providing information about previous complaints against the allegedly-abusive officer, while noting the issues both citizens AND fellow officers have had with him.
Keep in mind, these men are not under the Sheriff’s direct control; they are city police, and (while one of them had worked under Daugherty in the past) neither are part of his deputy roster. Yet when the citizens of Blaine County needed action, to whom did they turn? The sheriff.
And THIS is another example of my relentless drumbeat, which I shall bang out again here. Know your county sheriffs before election day, make sure the one you choose will stand up for citizens first, and then vote into office they who will.
Even if you care not about the National Political Circus, getting involved in those local elections - especially sheriff elections - can have a direct impact on you. And whether that impact is a positive or a negative?
That, at least in part, is up to you…
And Finally…
Small Towns Are Paying Remote Workers to Move In
The Daily Yonder
Well, this is an interesting tactic…
When Penelope Gomez arrived at her new home in Lincoln Center, Kansas, a crew of a dozen townspeople was there to meet her. “There were men and women and children all there to help me unload the moving truck,” Gomez recalls. “It was unbelievable!”… Around the country, people just like her are carving out new lives in one of 27 largely rural states and towns across the U.S. that offer incentives to relocate there.
And the main reason so many are now working remotely? The COVID lockdowns.
The reason is COVID.
Knowing that, wouldn’t it be a delicious irony if one of the psyops the Globalists deployed to drive us into their urban fantasy (and isolate us from each other), ends up being a catalyst for reviving small-town America and growing a sense of community again?
The beauty of it is too rich to ignore.
When you hear all the negative - and there is a LOT of ‘negative’ - do not despair, my friends. People are tired of the unnatural existence these adversaries of ours have been creating for literally millennia - folks are starting to wake up AND seek something more ‘real.’
So smile and have hope - change may be slow to happen, but it is happening…
And that is all for this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet. Enjoy the moment, and as always… stay frosty!
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-- Props to at ‘Intellectual Dissatisfaction’
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Glad you're sharing news on the county sheriff, even I was unaware of this until the covid scam. Unfortunately, after getting my sheriff on the phone, he informed me he would support the illegal, unconstitutional governors 'mandate'. He obviously doesn't know the constitution, and obviously didn't even look up the legal definition of 'mandate'. Unbelievable - or sadly, actually, believable.
I hope more people learn who their sheriff's are, and start replacing the rotten apples.
Thanks Stone!
As always - a great piece Stone! Here's the thing that is often missed when 'assisted suicide' is brought up. Just like all the things destroying our world now - the vax cult, the gender cult, the anti-Christian cult - all better known as the education system - you can add in the death cult. School is commie camp and honest to God, they are conditioning kids to buy into it. That's why it's pushed by every 'healthcare' worker. None of this - the jabs the gender surgeries etc. goes as far as it does without participation and when a person is sick - and I've been sick enough that I wanted to die - and they meet up with a smiling young nurse/psychotherapist/doctor who has 'your best interest at heart and offers you a way out - yeah people go for it. But I have to say that it's been going on in hospitals for decades. It just wasn't out in the open.
Thanks Stone!