Texas on the Precipice [TDT: 02.04]
Also: Introduction (and return) of the Seven-Round Mag, plus moon shots, attacks on gardening, and more - all in this week's Three-Dot Tablet
Welcome to this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet [TDT], a weekly news-journal where I seek out the headlines others may not be covering (or not covering well). I take those items and - with healthy doses of passion, common sense, and brevity - offer them to you for consideration, with raw, unfiltered commentary.
Now… let’s talk about the news…

The Prime Item
Texas Governor “Prepared” for Border Showdown With Joe Biden
The Vigilant Fox
While I am constantly searching for new and different stories, and normally recoil from discussing topics similar to those I covered just weeks before? The standoff in Texas is NOT going away.
Instead, it is escalating…
Following the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision on Monday, authorizing U.S. Border agents to remove razor wire and barriers, Texas Governor Greg Abbott drafted a letter not just to the Biden administration but to the world. Part of it reads:
“Under President Biden’s lawless border policies, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border in just three years. That is more than the population of 33 different states in this country. This illegal refusal to protect the states has inflicted unprecedented harm on the people all across the United States.”
As such, the Texas governor invoked the state’s constitutional right to self-defense Wednesday in response to what he called an “invasion.”
The response to this has been nothing short of extraordinary. As of this writing, 25 governors have signed a letter support for Abbott, while at least 10 have already sent National Guard support to the border. Presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr have both voiced support for the governor, and citizen protests are being organized as well, including a trucker convoy scheduled to head to the border on February 3.
It’s almost as if a line is being drawn - and that line traverses the Rio Grande.
Let us be frank, folks - this is a crisis of ‘President’ Joe Biden’s own making. The border situation began to destabilize almost immediately upon his installation, and every action he has taken since has only exacerbated the problems. Human trafficking has skyrocketed to heretofore unseen levels, and nearly everyone has been affected - in one manner or another - by the proliferation of fentanyl in our communities.
So, in an act of desperation, Abbott had to act. Biden’s responses - whether rooted in deliberation or incompetence or the whims of his handlers - left the Governor no choice.
The legal standoff which is unfolding is also unprecedented. The Supreme Court - thanks to Amy Coney Barrett - has not yet proven itself a friend of Texas’ plight (nor, apparently, the Tenth Amendment), and there have been discussions that Biden should federalize the state’s National Guard, which would be - at best - a questionable interpretation of Title 10 status.
All of this has lead to renewed talk of secession, with one Texas Nationalist encouraging Abbott to bolster the Texas State Guard (a different arm of security, not subject to federalization) should Biden attempt to coopt its National Guard. State independence is being debated across various social media platforms, with people openly wondering if we are facing the prospect of an actual ‘civil war.’
This has been coming for many moons, folks; the divisions here, which have been simmering for years (even decades), are finally boiling over. The significance of what we are seeing unfold in the Lone Star State cannot be overstated, and - no matter the end results - it is clearly a moment of transformation for our Republic. This time, however, we are not merely historical researchers - we are living it.
And it is not over yet…
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Your Voice
As mentioned above, the power of this Texas story refuses to dissipate; as discussed two weeks ago in the TDT’s Prime Item, any state exercising its Tenth Amendment rights to this degree is monumental. Add to that the number of states officially (and materially) standing with the Lone Star State, and the aforementioned question arises: Are we looking at a potential outcome where a ‘secession’ occurs?
And this is not just a ‘red state’ option, either; when President Donald Trump was in office, there were ‘blue states’ threatening to leave as well. California actually had a full-blown movement behind the possibility, so we’re not talking about some Neo-Confederate, ‘The south will rise again,’ thing; this desire arises in millions of Americans, across geographic, political and cultural spectrums.
Hence, this week’s poll…
Make your voice be heard - vote today!
Meanwhile, in last week’s poll I asked the question, “Is America going too far with 'second amendment [2A]' protections? Only 3% said we need to work toward balancing ‘safety’ with ‘rights,’ while a whopping 97% voted, “Shall not be infringed;” not a single person chose the, ‘It needs to be repealed,’ option, even though I have non-American readers from all over the globe. Not one.
Sidebar? I love my subscribers.
Thanks so much to everyone who votes in these polls; your involvement is vital for driving this ship called the TDT.

Seven-Round Mag
Headline bullets from the week that was…
Carbon footprint of homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally
Telegraph (Via Yahoo! News)
So basically, it’s the, “If you live in an urban area and are growing your own food, you’re destroying the ‘environment,’”… argument. Of course, since they are pushing for everyone to live in cities (15 minute or otherwise), deploying the climate-scam to stop you from growing your own food guarantees you will eat only their unnatural ‘crops.’
FYI: The ‘carbon footprint’ they want to eradicate… is YOU…
Biden PAC spends $1 MILLION on social media influencers ahead of 2024 election
Post Millennial
And guess where they are spending it? Yep - TikTok, because if you want to influence ‘young people,’ they believe that is the place to be. Except I am noticing a shift on the platform; creators with literally millions of followers are oft having difficulty surpassing even the 10,000 views mark, unheard of even just a year ago.
A collapse of sorts may be occurring with many users of the platform - even within Gen Z - and it is a collapse that has been a long time coming…
Turkey ratifies Sweden's NATO bid; Hungary last obstacle to membership
And how did we ‘encourage’ Turkey to play ball with the expansion of the most unnecessary cartel in the world? Oh, just a little side hustle of dropping American F-16 jets into its lap, to the tune of $20+ billion.
We are living in the most corrupt of times…
Trans vets demand US pay for sex-changes: lawsuit
Post Millennial
That is all…
Top U.N. court won't dismiss Israel genocide case but stops short of ordering Gaza cease-fire
CBS News
In a decision which demonstrates just how useless a ‘World Court’ really is, they basically told Israel, “You go stand in the corner, young man, and think about what you have done!”
Look, no matter where you stand on the war itself? I think we can all agree on one thing: If a globalist body is going to claim judicial authority over the entire planet, it better have the juice to back it up one way or the other. Absolve, indict… or shut up and get the hell out of the way.
I vote for the latter…
Kenneth Eugene Smith: UN condemns Alabama nitrogen gas execution
We can discuss the cruelty in this man’s execution - and yes, it was unsettling. We can discuss the inhumane nature of execution as a whole, too. We can even talk about the degradation in how we execute (on Notes I read a convincing take on this issue, from the always-compelling Coleman).
I may even agree with many of these points, BUT - and this is important - let us also not forget that Smith used a ‘fireplace tool’ to brutally beat and stab an innocent woman to death. So while having these discussions, we should probably remember that, too…
Gay emojis must be banned – Russian MP
I don’t have any searing commentary on this. I just read the headline and burst into a fit of laughter, visualizing super-gay emojis rampaging across the Internets; the laughter was so ridiculous, I just had to share it with you.
You’re welcome.
Constantly on-the-go and don’t have time to read? You can now listen to every story I post here on The Stone Age - grab the Substack app, open an article, and press ‘play.’
Sunday WX
Here is the forecast outlook for today, the 28th. To see a temperature map like this, in the last weekend of January, with no blues or purples?
That’s pretty impressive…
[Source: National Weather Service]
And Finally…
Japan praises 'pinpoint' moon landing by its SLIM probe
So the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) did a thing, and it is feeling pretty good about itself right now…
Japan's moon lander achieved an unusually precise touchdown within 100 m (328 feet) of its target, the space agency said on Thursday, after the nation became the fifth to put a spacecraft on the moon with the weekend touchdown of its SLIM probe.
Okay, what they did was truly impressive; after all, NASA’s latest endeavors are failing in spectacular fashion, literally burning up in the atmosphere. What JAXA accomplished is something that has never been achieved before, and for a proud nation and people who are working tirelessly to remain vital in an increasingly-China-ruled region of the world, it is a strong statement. Kudos to them for pulling it off.
Just one slight problem; the damned thing landed on its nose…
A Moon vehicle developed by the Japanese space agency landed upside down on the lunar surface, new images have revealed.
Huh. Well, that seems… incorrect. A success, maybe… but a complete success?
So yes, Japan did a really cool scientific thing - and it has potential to greatly enhance future lunar endeavors - but let the history books remember (if only with good-natured amusement) that they achieved this feat upside-down…
And that is all for this edition of the Three-Dot Tablet. Have a great week ahead, and as always… stay frosty!
I have once again dropped the price of an annual subscription; it is now only $30 a year, 50% off the monthly! If you have the means, consider supporting my work with a paid membership, and if not grab a free subscription. Either way you choose, join me here!
Coda: Music To Inspire
Carry On My Wayward Son / Performed by ‘Kansas’ [1976]
Taking a trip back to prog-rock 70’s, with the classic Kansas tune. Charting in early 1977, its powerful lyrics are oft overlooked due to the inspired music.
The convoy will be rolling right through our town on its way from Austin to Eagle Pass. Hold on tight everyone. Abbott has citizens to protect. Biden has everything to lose by fighting Texas. What could go wrong?
Japan's probably laughing about it more than anyone, if I know my Japanese buddies as well as I think I do, they'll be laughing it up louder than any American.... just before they set to work to ensure this never happens again.
Japan's an awesome country, love those people and really enjoyed this article. Hope Texas holds strong, I've come across two Texans in the past 24 hours advocating for submission, that it is impossible to turn the situation around and that it is best to surrender to the Biden admin even if you disagree with the policies especially if you disagree.
Honestly, I can respect leftists more for holding strong to their beliefs, than those who advocate submission and meekness before their rivals and enemies.