The convoy will be rolling right through our town on its way from Austin to Eagle Pass. Hold on tight everyone. Abbott has citizens to protect. Biden has everything to lose by fighting Texas. What could go wrong?

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So cool, the convoy rolling through your town. And yes, things are getting crazy 😳

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Japan's probably laughing about it more than anyone, if I know my Japanese buddies as well as I think I do, they'll be laughing it up louder than any American.... just before they set to work to ensure this never happens again.

Japan's an awesome country, love those people and really enjoyed this article. Hope Texas holds strong, I've come across two Texans in the past 24 hours advocating for submission, that it is impossible to turn the situation around and that it is best to surrender to the Biden admin even if you disagree with the policies especially if you disagree.

Honestly, I can respect leftists more for holding strong to their beliefs, than those who advocate submission and meekness before their rivals and enemies.

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I was hoping I conveyed a light-heartedness with the JAXA story, glad that came through.

And - as far as I am concerned - 'submission' is cowardice, at this point. Not one more inch should be given.

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Agreed on the submission part, I've just come across two Texnas in as many days who strangely advocated for submission, and claimed the fight is already over for France, Texas and other such places. When I said non, that France for example cannot give up, as her choice and her people's choices are; death or victory, I was ridiculed and mocked. In my view submission as you said is cowardice.

Most Texans thankfully are braver than that, brave enough to realise begging will avail nothing and that at this point, the people of the world have to stand up else we'll all lose our nations, natural born rights, religions, children and so on.

But anyways, yeah the JAXA story was nice and lighthearted j'ai bien aimer cela, I like that and I think I'll try calling up my best friend about it (he's a proud Japanese guy) I think it'll give him a good laugh.

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Yeah, I think that odious man child Jack Smith was a lawyer at the International Criminal Court.

Go Texas. I really really hope this is the beginning of the end of the deep managerial state that is like an abusive occupier in DC.

BTW, in case you haven't heard, and everybody should, FDA/HHS has quietly removed informed consent, so they can experiment on us without telling us. If you are damaged this research does not exist.


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I so very much hope this is the beginning as well; been a long time coming, IMO

That noted, the 'informed consent' news is disconcerting 😐

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Great reporting Stone. And yes, thanks for the Russia bans gay emoji’s laughter. We have to be compassionate though. The fact that the Nazis could have taken over is still with them.😀

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Thanks so much, Chris, appreciate that. And we definitely have to be aware of that ever-threatening, insidious 'Nazi' takeover 😁

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Yes, especially from behind. Eyes in the back of the head.😂

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Stone, as always you’ve been able to filter out the unnecessary, unwanted rubbish and state the clean facts. Always a pleasure reading your TDT articles. 💙🙏💫

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Appreciate the gracious words and support, Joyce - thank you ☺️

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How long is this razor wire fence that they’re fighting over? I just saw an article that showed it as being only a couple miles long. Kinda stupid to fight over a 2-mile fence whilst leaving another 1500-ish miles open.

Is this just another distraction? A molehill being made into a mountain by the media?

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Edited cuz I just saw another article.

30 miles of fence for a 2000+ mile border.

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Insane, isn't it? All about Fed control, they're always looking to pick a fight 🙄

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Dude, I love everything about the way this is all presented. All the way down to the Kansas at the end. Great stuff.

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Thanks so much, Kristen! Happy you enjoyed it! ☺️

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Another well written piece, sir. I especially liked your take on the veterans request. Absolutely agree 💯.

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Thank you kindly, brother - always appreciate ya 🤜🏻🤛🏻

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I remember seeing a recommendation letter for Amy Coney Barrett written by Joe Biden praising her for her abilities and referring to her as “common people” 😏

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I’m prepared to be disappointed. Abbott has been a RINO until now. Worst case scenario we backed Biden in a corner and he’s got all shitty choices now. Unless of course this is how they get Michelle Obama in.

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I hear ya, but I am choosing to be hopeful this time around; maybe we'll get lucky 😉

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Is this true!? Armored vehicles headed to Texas to clear out national guard?


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While heavy equipment being shipped to Texas would not surprise me, "The People's Voice" is highly suspicious, regularly producing either manipulated or manufactured 'news,' so I generally do not trust them. This story appears to be one of their many bogus ones 😐

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Ok thanks for your take. Not so familiar with the site so thought I'd ask someone.

All their articles do have a vibe of fear-porn click-bait, now that I go back and look at more than this one article.

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My thoughts on Texas: I’m so grateful that we have individual sovereign states and that the Constitution was written the way that it was. I’m proud of Texas for having the guts to do what they’re doing. While I don’t want to see any states secede, I also don’t want every state to fall under a dictatorship. I think any states that try to break away will still be targeted by globalists from the inside out. We’re stronger united than we are separated.

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One could argue that, if states did the right thing, then federal intervention would almost never be needed. I think of desegregation in Little Rock AK when Eisenhower had to send in federal troops so little kidergarteners could go to school. If they had just had a compassionate heart and let the kids in, wouldn’t have happened.

Of course, states in 1860 could have also done the just thing and ended slavery. Again, where would the feds have had cause to step in?

Or George Washington putting down Shay’s Rebellion?

Nullification was nullified in 1832. ijs

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If there isn't some kind of move toward secession by 2034 I'll eat my fucking hat.

You can even boil it for me, Stone.

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After reading Matts's take on the up coming election and seeing how that they are truly “War Gaming” this may be the fuse they are looking for to explode this election into a full-blown war against half the country who do not share their tyrannical view of Trump being their worse nightmare… Well, they may well think it so but they only jailed a few hundred during their so-called Insurrection. Wait until they have to jail 75million… That's sure to put a cramp in somebody’s lifestyle 🥸

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Jan 28, 2024
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I so hear you here! In my proverbial neck of the woods we're supposed to be in the 40°s and 50°s this week, and it's going to feel like a spring heat-wave! 😁

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