I sense a good read is upon us mister.

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If I do my job right... 😁

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"A time when we could voluntarily gather with our kindred, be they of spirit or blood or common cause, for fellowship, accomplishment, and survival." The global gathering of same is an optimistic outcome of the internet. I'm thrilled to be part of the emerging community. Long live us!

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“Emerging community…” Oh, I like that!

Thanks so much, Helen, for the comment AND the restack! <3

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Needed this. Thank you.

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Thank YOU, Rachel; I'm glad it helped ☺️

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You get to the point quickly and say a lot with a little. It’s a well crafted form.

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Very gracious of you to say ☺️

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To release desire, but live with passion,

To bid faith adieu, yet doubt not,

To discover quietude without seeking,

To dwell in serenity, illumined by flame,

And in that shimmering stillness,

Find Love made manifest.


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Beautiful... <3

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Beautifully and aptly said. The Temperance card of the major arcana in tarot is Sagittarius energy, and you just gave me more insight into the cosmic energies at play this season in your exploration of what it truly means.

Thank you for this heartfelt offering and inspiration 🙏🏾💫

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Oh wow, that's fascinating! ☺️ Happy you enjoyed the piece, and that it gave a little jolt of inspiration 🥰

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Thanks. I like this page!

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