Israel. Palestine. Non-stop conflict.
Yesterday… it was 500 days. In that time we have had two changes of presidency (does anyone really believe former ‘President’ Joseph Biden was at the wheel for the duration of his time in office), a fundamental shift in perception, and yes… a lot of changes both good and bane have occurred.
But one thing, sadly, has remained the same; we are still meddling in affairs we should be leaving alone; to be brutally honest, at this point the whole thing is beyond exhausting. Yet here we go again… again.
Hm. I’ve been using that phrase a lot lately…
In that vein, let us discuss Israel Katz, the Defense Minister of Israel, who posted this banging little gem on X a few days ago; part of it included a rather curious directive…
Countries such as Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have falsely accused Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow Gazans to enter their territory.
Legally obligated? That’s… quite a bold assessment.
Pro-Israel X users were quick to defend Katz, claiming that he is just calling out the ‘hypocrisy’ of the nations mentioned, a quasi ‘put up or shut up’ challenge. In the meantime, Palestinian supporters pounced on the missive, calling it evidence that the Israeli government is engaged in ‘genocide.’ And a third log was thrown on the fire, as Populist-Nationalist elements in Europe and elsewhere pointed to this statement as further proof that there is a Globalist scheme to ‘replace’ native (i.e. ‘white’) Europeans.
There are others with far more experience (and, if I may humbly acknowledge, far more intelligence) who can hash out those whys and what-fors; I know what I think, but I would be bloviating with little purpose beyond that act of bloviation. I only offer this example to raise the larger point, as a simple American commoner doing my best to stand with my own.
One thing I can say with a degree of confidence, however: Katz would not have arrogantly proclaimed what he did if he did not have the full weight and support of the US ‘war machine’ behind him. And, as an American, that makes me sick to my stomach.
We should be better. In fact, for a large swath of our history… we were better.
It is NOT just the presidency, either, although new President Donald Trump has made his position very clear. A vast majority of congress, from both ‘sides’ of the aisle, appear to be much more invested in the various ‘causes’ on the international stage, including and especially anything related to Israel. They are so committed to saluting the flags in front of the UN, they have forgotten the Stars and Stripes.
Now, here’s the truly baffling part: Many of those who are supporting ‘this nation’ or ‘that nation’ embraced the ‘America First’ movement in the 2024 election cycle; there are even a considerable number of the American people in this camp as well. Do they not understand the meaning of the word, “first,” or… it is maybe possible those shifty politicians were just pandering for votes?
I’ll let you come to your own conclusions.
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So where does that leave us, the American commoners? Who should we support, and how can we ascertain ‘truth’ in such a mad world? After all, each ‘cause’ has its media propaganda arms to make their cases, many of which being the same news-orgs which we KNOW have been lying to and about us for decades. So why on earth would we think they will offer genuine information without a nefarious agenda influencing it?
There have been precedents set, after all; COVID-19, anyone?
Simply put, we have no way of knowing what is really going on anywhere in the world, or which news-org we can trust for information. With so much conflicting data, I have come to the point where - while we should never give up the search for truth - I doubt we will ever be confident when we have found it.
As such, I will stick with what I do know: There are still far too many Americans (hundreds of thousands) living on the streets in this Republic of ours, many of whom being veterans. We are still dealing with thousands of accidental fentanyl overdoses, with our young people oft being the victims. And eggs, gas, and rents are still too damned high.
We still have a serious prescription-drug epidemic, with millions of Americans still living paycheck-to-paycheck. There are still education and health (mental and otherwise) crises, and - oh yeah - still more illegal ‘immigrants’ than we can count, despite recent efforts to stem the flow.
And what… I’m supposed to push our still-corrupt (at least for now) government to offer financial / military support to this country or that, in situations unfolding all over the globe… situations about which we can glean little viable information?
Nope - pass me up with those demands.
Make no mistake, I AM hard-core ‘America First,’ which - as I have stated many times here on The Stone Age and elsewhere - means “Americans First.” That is, and has always been, my primary focus, and while I feel genuine empathy for our fellow commoners suffering in the Middle East and across the globe?
As long as the aforementioned ‘stills’ are still ‘still?’ I will remain firm in my belief that no more coin should be sent or spent anywhere else.
That means no more funding for Israel, Ukraine, Germany, the UN or EU - hell, if it were not for the brave Patriots whom I know that live there, I would say cut off the People’s Republic of California, too. I can support humanitarian aid for those with genuine needs (so being we are strictly - and transparently - controlling its distribution), but beyond that? Nothing more, for anything else.
No 15-minute ‘freedom cities’ in Gaza (which I suspect Trump will attempt to build if we take over the Strip - and tell me again how that is ‘America First?’), no more military aid, no more tax-dollars flowing into USAID and NGO’s, and no more immigration (legal or otherwise) until we solve the very real problems here at home.
To address these, we need to take a humble step back, concentrate on our own issues and our own people, and let the rest of the world sort out their own messes. And yes, it is past time for Israel to move out of Momma-America’s basement; it is nearly 77 years old, for goodness sake - time to cut the apron (and purse) strings, and let it stand or fall on its own.
(For the record, I think every nation should do the same; if each country put its own people first, and did the best it could to address its own issues? I believe we would have a friendly, prosperous, and harmonious planet, AND we would shatter into shards the Globalist dreams of Davos-based micro-tyrants.)
I do understand I have a few subscribers who are personally and intellectually invested in the conflicts in Gaza and elsewhere (a couple of whom are writers I enjoy reading), and that you hold equally-strong opinions about said-conflicts. I respect many of you for the work you are doing, and oft use your Substacks / Notes to stay abreast as best I can.
It is not that I do not care about what is happening, just that the US has been so invested in solving global issues for so many years? We have been neglecting our own. And to be even more blunt, the US has spent far too much energy minding the business of other nations, oft without all the facts; I hate to admit it, but DC breaks more things than it repairs.
Basically, we - the American people - are worn out by our own government, at least when it comes to global affairs. It is time for us to mind our own business for a change, and for us to demand our leaders do so as well. If we can achieve this, we may - MAY - regain the strength, compassion and respect that we personified so many years ago.
It is time for America - as a nation - to get healthy again, in mind and body and spirit, by stepping back, taking a breath, and working on our own issues. Then, once we solve those previously-discussed ‘stills?’
We will once again be seen as ‘strong’ - leading by example instead of force - and will be in a much better position to actually help others, when ‘help’ is genuinely needed…
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Herr Stone
We are in a paradigm shift moment
Take care of your own citizens first
Improve our own country
Stop the Globohomo nonsense
Tusen Takk
Just as in the speech delivered to passengers before an airline flight, we need to put on our own oxygen masks first before we try and help others. We need to be fit and healthy-physically, spiritually and economically-before we can “help” others. US citizens are being drowned in debt and suffocated in media lies, and buried alive under rampant inflation. Who’s gonna rescue the world when they wipe us out?