Herr Stone

We are in a paradigm shift moment

Take care of your own citizens first

Improve our own country

Stop the Globohomo nonsense

Tusen Takk


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Exactly right, Jon; I am looking forward to seeing what Canada does with the changes as well... since that paradigm shift include you all, too. In fact, one could argue that much of it STARTED with Canadians, when considering the now-famous Trucker's Convoy :-)

Keep on keeping on, brother... *salute

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Just as in the speech delivered to passengers before an airline flight, we need to put on our own oxygen masks first before we try and help others. We need to be fit and healthy-physically, spiritually and economically-before we can “help” others. US citizens are being drowned in debt and suffocated in media lies, and buried alive under rampant inflation. Who’s gonna rescue the world when they wipe us out?

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"Who’s gonna rescue the world when they wipe us out?"

That's a whole mouthful of truth, brother - excellent comment!

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I would add, that a major component of the problem is depicted in the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality of the past 20 plus years. When everyone s special, no one is. When every country needs "help", no one is helped.

Discernment, whose importance has been written and spoken about for thousands of years is becoming a lost virtue. I hope we can revive and refine the skill, soon.

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So very well put, John - and absolutely, 'discernment' is critical, something those spendy boys-and-girls in DC sorely lack. I share your hope that we can return to sensible governance, as the current AF movement gives a good shot at so doing.

Great comment, brother - thanks for sharing it! *salute

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I think America needs to leave Israel to its own. We have enough problems with our southern and northern borders. We have illegals from south america entering the country and killing citizens. Up north, we have chinese triads running Canada.

I think Israel can take care of itself.

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Exactly, Joseph - enough is enough. And the fact Israel knows this, and keep trying to guilt us into providing more and more freebies, is very telling as well.

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I'm in UK. I'm very shocked, actually shocked that this Israel spokesman thinks he can just 'invent' International Law off the top of his head like that. No one is Legally Obligated to take in Palestinians in order to empty the land for greedy resettlement. In the UK people in the 1960s on made huge efforts to welcome and integrate and embrace the people who came here from the Caribbean (who were there because 'we' put them there back in the 18th century,and people from India who came to work in factories in industries now defunct. We were the least racist country in Europe. It was the unlimited arrival of undifferentiated hordes of 'young Muslim men of,as many have noted, fighting age' that has destablilised everything. Why are they here? That's not me personally,that's a societal question. Those masses of unskilled jobs in numerous factories are not here anymore. There is a limit to how many fast food diners any town can support. People seemed to get their hair cut if get wanted before every shops rank had at least 4 Turkish Barbers. We see no plays or novels or heart rending Romeo + Juliet style romances about British girls entering into sweet and poignant love bonds with any of those black clad,going to college forever,Muslim lads. It's not a thing the way it was in the 1960s with Caribbean black lads or even Indian boys. Because there is a different feel. The new Muslim lads don't drink,go to clubs,etc (they probably do in reality) ostensibly the Gulf of culture is too wide. The Taxi Driver syndrome looms large. The 1960s incomers were from the old British empire and in comparison to the current lot actually did not seem so different. They wanted to work In a paid job in order to buy a suburban semi. That ideal does not seem to be in the now immigrants and wood be impossible anyway,it's out of reach of native Brits. When I hear a person of migrant origin on my radio say,"I came here two years ago with nothing and now I own two houses and I've got a husband and a baby and I've got all this because I'm very hardworking unlike you lazy Brits"....yes,I've heard this - I think hmm no,youve had some secret advantage,you've not been paying something or other,that's not right. When Brit people have to spend 40 years laboriously paying off a mortgage and all the bills ALWAYS just add up to what you've earned that month,like the system is fixed to keep you poor then for someone to claim they got here without the language and no money etc but in just two years are property owners and employers themselves of 'lazy brits' well they are not telling us something. Do HMRC need to investigate?

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I can only imagine what you all are having to endure in the UK; watching things unfold, from the other side of the pound, is - in many cases - simply incomprehensible.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and perspective here - it's greatly appreciated.

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First Things First - GOD & America - GOD Bless America, in GOD we Trust. Gratitude & blessings to you SB ...

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Thank you kindly, Susan - appreciate the gracious words.

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I am pretty certain I will never attend a church ever again, either, because I was asked to box up crappy food to send to Haiti when we have a TON of homeless, starving Americans in the military town I am in currently. I told the pastor that the request was frankly absurd.

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I hear you there! I once attended a church whose primary focuses were on plights overseas, and it would drive me bunkers. They would send bushels of coin to various nations, yet not do a single thing for those who needed help right here in our hometown. One of the many reasons I had to step-away, and will likely never return to another church.

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Somehow, that makes you more trustworthy in my opinion. Ironic, huh? I tend to head in the opposite direction of obvious virtue signalers now. To my knowledge, only one church in this area opened their doors overnight during frigid temperatures. I saw hundreds of humans packed in but not before multiple people literally froze to death in their parking lot. Un-freaking-believable. Even though I am in a military town, I made certain to wear my Make Love Not War shirt to deliver food and other stuff to the church. Take care, Mr. Bryson. Thanks for managing to put into coherent words what I am thinking.

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This is worthy of printing and placing a copy in my journal. I concur. My friend and I have spent the last month loading up her special needs daughter to bring food, blankets and other supplies to help take care of hundreds of homeless Americans during the brutally cold weather we’ve experienced in Colorado. I’ve seen things this year that are indelibly etched in my brain, including elderly Americans who are homeless. I am definitely not waiting for “government” to take care of the people, though. Americans first 100%. Thank you for a wonderful essay, Mr. Bryson.

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And thank you, Ms. Schneider - greatly appreciate this, and am always gratified when one of my works becomes 'journal' worthy :-)

And I agree - our homeless problem is completely inexcusable (even criminal), especially when we are sending and spending billions of dollars to and on places like Israel, Ukraine, and NATO nations in general. We not only need to bring our troops home, but also our cash. If we did so, we could solve a vast majority of our issues in less than a year, I would wager.

Thanks again, for a wonderful comment! <3

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Please focus on Merika first" and gtfo of my country and all others you are illegally occupying to rob us for your own gov'ts benefit to the detriment of ours. Take your terrorist proxies back to US with you when you leave.

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I agree, Carina - by demanding our out-of-control government in DC stop unwisely inserting itself - and 'we the people,' by association - into international concerns, a result of that would be us "Getting-TFO." Which is something we have needed to do for FAR too long.

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It is nothing to do with concerns. It is ensuring that the US flavor of fascism is spread to it’s vassal states to ensure US hegemony. You can take Meloni with you when you go as well. She can be Trump’s butt plug for all I care. The US should love our little mini Mussolini after all the original Mussolini was the star child of the US before we eliminated him.

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I don’t believe Biden was in charge for 500 days anymore than I believe Frankie Valli is singing his own songs these days. But at least Frankie is authentic because even though he is obviously lip-synching these days due to his age he at least is singing his own songs, and everyone loves him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMLujboi12A&pp=ygUeZnJhbmtpZSB2YWxsaSBsaXAgc3luY2luZyAyMDI0

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